"Count It Higher" songbook?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2002
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Hi, y'all!

I heard that the video "Count it Higher" came with a songbook.

Can those who know tell me about this? I'm specifically wondering if there were any images in it.



"Letter B, letter B, letter B, letter B..."

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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That's a big 10 for BlueAM! Ah ha, I love numerical puns!

Yep, the video Count It Higher: The Count Counts Sesame Street Music Videos did indeed come with a little booklet. See, this was part of a series of SS videos that were I believe 18 in total and all had their specific number on the outside lateral sides of the video box. The video boxes were in a range of colors: red, orange, maybe yellow, green, and blue; and the number on the little square box on the sides had the video's volume number in that same color. The front of the video cassette's case had an image for each, the one in question showed my namesake in front of what could be the music den and some gold records behind the mantle.
Additionally, each video in this series came with an activity booklet. Got six videos of the series myself: the one in question, Learning About Letters, Learning About Numbers, Sing!, Bedtime Songs & Stories, and The Alphabet Game.

The booklet for Count It higher did have blank uncolored images of stuff related to the songs featured on the video, can't recall what they were you know my blind batty eyes. There were also lyrics to all the songs featured on the video.
Hope this helps and have a good night.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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The Count said:
See, this was part of a series of SS videos that were I believe 18 in total and all had their specific number on the outside lateral sides of the video box.
This was part of a video series called "My Sesame Street Home Video", and there were actually 16 volumes, not 18.

the videos in this collection were: learning about letters, getting ready to read, learning about numbers, i'm glad i'm me, play-along games and songs, bedtime stories and songs, the alphabet game, sing-along, learning to add and subtratc, getting ready for school, big birds storytime, count it higher: great music videos from sesame street, the best of ernie and bert, big birds favorite party games, a new baby in my house, and the best of elmo.

I noticed that you refered to this as "count it higher; the count counts music videos", instead of "count it higher: great music videos from sesame street". I think I have read you mention that you were from a country outside of america. Was this video titled differently in other countries?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2002
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That's a big 10 for BlueAM! Ah ha, I love numerical puns!

Yep, the video Count It Higher: The Count Counts Sesame Street Music Videos did indeed come with a little booklet. See, this was part of a series of SS videos that were I believe 18 in total and all had their specific number on the outside lateral sides of the video box. The video boxes were in a range of colors: red, orange, maybe yellow, green, and blue; and the number on the little square box on the sides had the video's volume number in that same color. The front of the video cassette's case had an image for each, the one in question showed my namesake in front of what could be the music den and some gold records behind the mantle.
Additionally, each video in this series came with an activity booklet. Got six videos of the series myself: the one in question, Learning About Letters, Learning About Numbers, Sing! Bedtime Songs & Stories, and The Alphabet Game.

The booklet for Count It higher did have blank uncolored images of stuff related to the songs featured on the video, can't recall what they were you know my blind batty eyes. There were also lyrics to all the songs featured on the video.
Hope this helps and have a good night.
I would really love to see the images in that particular booklet, as you can no longer get these booklets, so how would you feel about scanning the images in and posting them if possible?

Thanks a heap!



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Jan 2, 2009
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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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Hmm, I thought it was a Song Lyrics poster. That is something that appeared on Sesame Street Songs Home Video.