"Toy Story 4" in early planning stages


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
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I hope since he used the word "think" that he is just guessing, and guessing wrong. I agree that the third once wrapped it up and a fourth one in no way is needed for the Toy Story franchise.


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May 2, 2008
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As much as I love Pixar, I have to say...



Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I doubt it.

They had so much trouble just trying to get number three in the works: first Disney greenlit it, then shelved it, then greenlit it again, then shelved it again, etc, etc, etc... not to mention, like everyone's been saying, number three was supposed to be the final chapter of the Toy Story saga, so a fourth one would pretty much serve no purpose. What could they do? Develop Bonnie and her toys' characters? That's just about all they could do.

Besides, Pixar is putting too much focus into sequels right now as it is: we just had Toy Story 3, now they're giving us Cars 2, and we have Monster's, Inc. 2 to look for... perhaps they're finally running out of ideas? I really don't know how they would do MI2, the first one was one of those movies that just didn't need a sequel (like Ice Age), all they could do with a sequel is perhaps Randall finds a way back into the monster world, and seek revenge on Mike and Sully.

I think what we need right now is perhaps another epic tale from Brad Bird, his Pixar creations have been really great, sort of like old Don Bluth movies: a bit edgier, a bit "mature", but still completely family-friendly with entertaining, yet heart-warming and inspirational stories.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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I really don't know how they would do MI2, the first one was one of those movies that just didn't need a sequel (like Ice Age), all they could do with a sequel is perhaps Randall finds a way back into the monster world, and seek revenge on Mike and Sully.
That sounds like a better idea than the actual plot to the sequel. Actually, 'sequel' is an unfair term, because it will be taking place before the first film began and will focus on Mike and Sully's relationship in college.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Ah, so it'll actually be a prequel then. But yeah, that sounds more appropriate for a fanfic or something, doesn't it?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I'm gonna say no too. I mean, a fourth one? What more could they do? I mean, I kinda liked the short before Cars 2, and hopefully the one before the Muppets will be a bit better. But 4? That's Shrek territory.

Still... I REALLY wish they would retcon Buzz Lightyear of Star Command characters. I find it stubborn they don't. I was half hoping to see at the very least a non-speaking cameo of Booster or something.

Yeah, Monsters Inc 2... or rather Monsters Inc -1's general plot line is revealed Here and don't expect it for 2 years.

Now the movie that TRULY deserves a sequel is The Incredibles. My top favorites are Ratatoullie, Up, Incredibles and Monsters Inc... but other than Monsters (which is getting one) I wouldn't want to see sequels of the other two, because... well... they don't need continuation. Where is Carl going to fly the house now?


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2010
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I agree with everyone, NO! Pixar doesn't need to make a fourth one! Toy Story 3 was the picture perfect end to the franchise, it really doesn't need to go further! Just no!

But, you know, I hear John Lassiter is contractually obligated to make a fourth installment. This here makes me feel like the cast & crew don't really want to make an unnecessary sequel! I just really object to this fourth movie idea!

In the words of Pixar: "We'll only make a sequel if we can top the first one." I think they should keep that in mind! They topped Toy Story 1 and 2, I haven't seen Cars 2 yet but it's probably going to be good! Monsters Inc. 2 sounds good! To me I think they should keep it at that... but add in a The Incredibles 2 in the mix like Drtooth says... But yeah, they shouldn't go through with this...


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I just saw "Cars 2" last week and even though it was gorgeous to look at and had some funny moments there was one thing that keeps bugging me. It is entirely forgettable. It's disposable. It's a movie that nobody needed except toddlers and the toy industry.

"Toy Story 4" is a terrible idea. The third installment ended with such a sense of completion. I like the idea of the characters living on in short films. I hope they do that with Wall-e too. But what the hey? Is Eisner back or something? Just because these sequels are beautifully animated doesn't keep them from being tainted by the "cheapquel" moniker. Okay, well maybe that's not entirely fair because nothing could be worse than those "Little Mermaid" follow-up monstrosities that could have been drawn and animated by monkeys with crayons.

It's time to have a little more faith in the movie going public and get creative again! If DreamWorks were smart, they'd take this opportunity to drop their sequels and begin crafting a lineup of unique ideas to compete with Pixar's paint-by-number repetition.

Will I see another Toy Story? Yeah. Sure. But please, for the love of frog and mouse! Give us more of things like this: