Muppet College Roommates

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crazy ernie

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Jul 19, 2002
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Scooter said:
On the back wall there is a large screen television, DVD and VCR player,as well as a playstation.

--Scooter-- :wink:
Don't forget our enourmous combined muppet video library!


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2002
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Erine81981 said:
Opps. Sorry Aaron didn't mean to leave u hanging. I was doning other things. I'll try to keep up w/ u next time.
it 's ok that just proves i dont have a life

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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No life! Then that would make you one of the living undead! Nah, don't worry, of course you have a life. It's just that said life involves coming online here in this forum and posting a nice conversational discussion with Erine (Kyle) that takes us deeper and deeper into the fun of this thread.

BTW: Thanks for wrapping up Mokey's present. Though I placed at the foort of her bed in the wee hours of the morning, I decided better of it and hid the package under the bed and will give it to her later tonight.
Oh, and does the Newsman have an update on Hurricane Fabian? If so, please tell him to relay that information to my little bats who'll make sure I get the news straight from them.

Well, hope you guys have a good day. Gonna wash up, eat some lunch, and then bury myself in my room and dig up some cases I gotsa read for tomorrow's Law classes.
Again, hope you have a good day and see you all at dinner.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2002
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Thanks for the room you guys. I'm so excited to be able to be rooming with Fozzie! Whoo hoo, this is awesome! :smile:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Oh hi Rachael and Fozzie! So which way are you going downstairs? Gonna take the dumbwaiter in the common room or are you going down the spiral staircase? Just want to know so as to accompany you and show you to your room. Oh, and don't forget to leave a note for the Scooters in the room across from yours, or is it the one next over to the left? Well, just leave a note for them describing how you'd like your room to look like and all the stuff you'd want in there for the two of you.

That reminds me, got a note here for them as well asking where the laundry section of the dorm's located. Need to do some laundry for tomorrow, after all we need to be able to clean our clothes and linens and stuff like that.
Well, welcome back to the dorms Rachael and Fozzie Bear. Hope you enjoy your stay here.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2002
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The Count said:
Oh hi Rachael and Fozzie! So which way are you going downstairs? Gonna take the dumbwaiter in the common room or are you going down the spiral staircase? Just want to know so as to accompany you and show you to your room. Oh, and don't forget to leave a note for the Scooters in the room across from yours, or is it the one next over to the left? Well, just leave a note for them describing how you'd like your room to look like and all the stuff you'd want in there for the two of you.

That reminds me, got a note here for them as well asking where the laundry section of the dorm's located. Need to do some laundry for tomorrow, after all we need to be able to clean our clothes and linens and stuff like that.
Well, welcome back to the dorms Rachael and Fozzie Bear. Hope you enjoy your stay here.
I think we'll take the spiral staircase... what do you think Fozzie?

Fozzie: Sure.

Good, that's what we'll do then.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Sooter(MC) I'll take three nice twin sized bed. One big one for Cookie.
A regiferator (for cookie as well as the others) oh and make it a blue one. One couch that sits three and one recliner. Oh blue of cource expect the recliner. Wooden purple door. Mulit color macrowave. Carpeated floors w/ blue and red dots. Hope thats fine.

*pins the note to Sooter's door*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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OK, let's get to work.

Yes, I finished with my Law cases, soome of them were very long! And now I feel like leaving the comforts of my room for a while to eat some dinner and chat with some friends.

Kyle, if I were to get a pic of my Muppet roommate and myself, would you prefer I sent it to your E-mail address? If so, then please send me a reply with your address since I can't send you one with the pic cause MC's mailer doesn't allow attachments.

You know, I rully should talk to Scooter (MC) about where the laundry rooms' gonna be in the dorm house.
Oh, thanks guys, my dinner's ready. Mokey, would you like some of my chicken fricassee? OK, here you go.
Ah, that was delicious. Oh, and here's a little something for you that came in the mail Mokey.
*Hands her a postcard stating that there's a gift for her waiting under her bed in the room.
Camera then shows Mokey quickly but quietly leaving the common room.

Heh, she's gonna be happy I hope.
Camera then shows Mokey walking back with the present.
Go ahead and open it, Mokey.

*Crowd of boarders gather to see what Mokey got.
*After opening the package, she finds a brand new canister of potpourri air freshener.

Oh, thank you Eduardo.
Sure, I'm just glad you liked it.
Yes, I did and I'll hang it up in the room above my bed, says Mokey.

Well, gotta be heading back to the old room soon. After all, don't want to miss out my Monday Night Raw.
Oh, and Scooter, still working on that internal room descript for you.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2003
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Both Scooters enter the building and go straight down stairs to their room where they find several notes pinned up. After reading them, adn responding to them Scooter(mc) goes to put the notes up and to find The count(mc). Scooter goes into the room to work on the sketches.

I like what you have decided to do with your room. I did have one question though would it be alright if there were a twin bed, bunk bed, and large bed?

I never had thought about a laundry room (oops) However I got someone one to turn the downstairs storage room into a laundry room. It isn't anything special at the moment but atleast there are machines there. Sorry I forgot. As far as doors go if it is allright with you I was going to allow everyone what they wanted their door to look like. Mine and Scooter's is Dark brown witha yellow clipboard on it, depicting the number 10 in bold black.

Welcome to the Dorm! You are right across from me and Scooter and next to the common room. Your room number is 7.

To everyone-
There is now carpeting in both common rooms. The upstairs one is white with yellow duckies on it and the downstairs one if a light blue with chickens on it. Shelves have also been added above the TV systems so as to house our multimedia muppet collection. I hope everyone enjoys them. Also, the webpage is down for some unknown reason, so I will not be able to post drawings for a little but I am still drawing them. I think that is everything for now.

--Scooter-- :wink:
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