Ask Ken at Palisades


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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>>>All sculptors use whatever works for them. But the primary material in the industry today is castilene, the most versatile sculpting material on the planet.<<<
Aw hah! So the secret is out! And where might us aspiring figure makers find or import this castilene? Im sure me, Artie, and others on here would be very intereste din this substance^_^
Hey, I use castilene... can I have a job? :big_grin:

You can only get castilene once every century, you must travel to the deepest mud pit on the tallest mountain in the darkest forest... or you can just go to (my avatar is made of castilene...)

McFarlane Toys uses castilene... although they mix stuff in it to make it even harder. Hasbro uses their own secret recipe of wax, which I finally got a hold of some today at work. Can't wait to try that stuff out.

- R -


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Originally posted by beaker
>>>All sculptors use whatever works for them. But the primary material in the industry today is castilene, the most versatile sculpting material on the planet.<<<

Aw hah! So the secret is out! And where might us aspiring figure makers find or import this castilene? Im sure me, Artie, and others on here would be very intereste din this substance^_^

Aha!! It's probably REALLY expensive! Otherwise, I think I found myself a new hobby!

I'd make:

Buzz, Hacker, and Delete from Cyber chase

Don Music

Quackerjack from Darkwing Duck

Cuckoo man from Mighty Heroes

Clif Hanger from BTL

and Capeman from Inspector Gadget
soooo fast!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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to rufus:


First off....whoah! Never noticed that skeksis in your avatar was a custom figure! I took the liberty of checking out your site, and must say they even are up there or better than the customs at You even do illustrations, cgi rendering etc...

Anyhoo, a few questions:

1) do ya have a full pic of that skeksis ya made, and have ya done any other jhc related characters?

2) do you have any tips for using castilene?(ie: sculpting detaile dprototype figures) I am extremely interested if any fan out there has used Castilene to make a JHC related character, Muppet or creature shop.

3) How the heck does one make articulation? The Palisades prototypes appear to be articulated...and I was just wondering what the secret recipe is.

Misfit Toy

Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2002
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1 that Skeksis in scale with the Jen and Kira 12" figure from Sideshow? And have you done an Augrah? I'm so glad that the MEGA Muppets are in scale with the Sideshow Gelflings! I can't wait to have Jen with Beaker!

BTW Ken, IF IF IF you guys got awarded the Dark Crystal license, would they be in scale with the Muppets? *pleeeeease* If you can answer, that is.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Booyah!! Sweet Suzie Sasafrass! I was crossing my fingers for that one, but it wasn't a concept that appeared in many wish lists other than my own, so I'd sort of dismissed the idea.

Hey whoa whoa...I sidestepped the question there, didn't really say they WERE happening!

The Count Ken, you said that there were some good football games this weekend. But did you happen to see the best game of all last night?

Of course...we are, after all, a Baltimore based company. Although Mike is a die hard Eagles fan, some of us in the office have a soft spot for the Ravens. It was a good vic, and a great game to watch.

Ken, though it's obviously a moot point, I'd be interested in knowing what you'd do differently if you were doing Series 1 over. If you think that'll open a whole nasty can of worms and don't want to answer, I'll understand. I'm asking out of simple curiosity, not from any dissatisfaction.

Even if you were disatisfied, that would be OK to say. I'll answer that some other time though, the only reason I can't now is that the answer would take me a long time to write.

Ken- But anyway, will the Starhog magazine be silkscreened on or stickered on?

To get the best image, hate to say it but a sticker would be best. With the silk screen (tampo print) it would have to be REALLY simplified.

My guess is that Ken is going to tell you to collect both.

Yeah. that would be my preference! :smile:

Is the Short Haired Miss Piggy wearing white underwear, because when I got mine I flipped her over and saw white, so I got a torch and shone it up her dress, Is it underwear I am seeing? I am so embarrased at asking this question.... But it is annoying the S*_t out of me!

Yeah she is wearing white underwear. Jeez...there's a question I don't think we need in the FAQ!!! :eek:

BTW Ken, IF IF IF you guys got awarded the Dark Crystal license, would they be in scale with the Muppets? *pleeeeease* If you can answer, that is.

Doubt that license will ever be picked up by us, as much as I would love to work on figures.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Originally posted by ResidentLilly

To get the best image, hate to say it but a sticker would be best. With the silk screen (tampo print) it would have to be REALLY simplified.

Whatever, it'll still be better quality than the Simpsons figures!


Active Member
Aug 16, 2002
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Ken, just a few of questions...

The first being, seeing as you guys now have the rights to the Muppet movies, does this mean there's a higher possibility of seeing Travelling Matt (he's down the front at the wedding in TMTM) Fraggle or other 'cameo' muppets?
The second, have you worked out what's happening with Janice's arms yet?
Third, when will we get a peak at series 4? I can't wait for Pigs in Space!!
Finally, has Johnny Fiama or Sal Mannila been given an approximate or tentative series no.?


Active Member
Jul 11, 2002
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the eyes mislead

i keep seeing the phrase "tampo print" and think of tampons. it's disturbing...


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2002
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Originally posted by ResidentLilly

The Count Ken, you said that there were some good football games this weekend. But did you happen to see the best game of all last night?

Of course...we are, after all, a Baltimore based company. Although Mike is a die hard Eagles fan, some of us in the office have a soft spot for the Ravens. It was a good vic, and a great game to watch.
Oh, man... the pain. Guess I'll throw away all this Orioles stuff I'd been collecting!