New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself


New Member
Nov 18, 2010
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Hello Everybody. I'm new here (obviously). :wink: Pleased to meet you all! :crazy: I hope to become good friends with many of my fellow muppet fans here. :smirk:


New Member
Nov 19, 2010
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I'm new here and I love puppets. I'm sorry but I speak portuguese, English is not my language and I'm going to make some mistakes.
I've done two foam puppets, using techniques I learned on some sites.
Pleased to meet you all!

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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Hi everyone! I'm Sarge. I'm the resident hippie obsessed freak/punk. Glad to have everyone here :big_grin:

muppet baby

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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i'm new here and sorry for my english, it's not my langage!
I speak french and i come from Rosemere in Québec,

I'm a Broadway musical fan and i have discover Avenue Q 3 years ago. I have made my version of avenue Q for my students and since, i'm a muppet lover.

So i hope that i will discover things and technique here!

Finding material in Canada is kind of difficult, if you have any good spot in quebec for material, go ahead and tell me!
Hello everyone!

I've always been a big Muppet fan, but it's sharing the memories, toys and videos with my 4 year old that has reignited my passion! For any of you out there with kids, bring them in to what you love and share the joy! (and, if your kids are anything like mine, may I suggest a good strong glue for when the inevitable happens!)
I'm brand new here and I'm looking for puppet making tips. I like to build puppets.
I'm going to be commissioned to build some big-mouth puppets and working with foam and fleece will be a new material for me. (I usually make rigid puppets that I've sculpted and cast.)
I have always been a fan of the Muppets ever since I was a young one watching Sesame Street. I watched the Muppet Show every weekend with the family. My grandfather was a Swedish immigrent he and the rest of us got a kick out of the Swedish Chef.
I think it is a very special talent to be able to bring create a chracter and bring a muppet to life. I was given a Whatnot for Xmas 2 years ago which I named Butt Cleavage (I hope that is not too out of line) we can call him B.C. for short. I enjoy performing with "The Ace Reporter" for the kids.
Butt and myself reside in Richmond, Va.:eek:
Hello Everybody. I'm new here (obviously). Pleased to meet you all! :crazy: I hope to become good friends with many of my fellow muppet fans here. :smirk:
welcome to all of you i hope that you enjoy it here it is a very wonderful place to be , for all muppet fans great people and this is full muppety goodness for everything muppets


Nov 8, 2010
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Hello names Nate from Chicago, im a special education teacher, for me sesame street has been a door way to helping me the value of the world never give up, or my favorite man named Fogetful Jones its okay to make mistakes in life, but sesame street in in my head since birth and now 27 years later is beginng to make the world open new doors to what life can be later on.

im Glad to be part of the great memories of the past and future from sesame street and the muppets, and although the world is changed the sesame street in me is still never dying. so with out futhur notice thanks for your great site, and Happy Thanks Giving as well, and i quote" Golden Teeth and Golden Tones that is my Model which meant that life can always change. thanks and take care.:big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Hi! I'm GoboDeadly! Pleased to meet ya! I'm a sophmore who's totally in love with Fraggle Rock and the Muppet Show. I cry everytime I watch a Muppet Christmas Carrol. Usually at the opening cretits and durring Bless Us All. I'v been a Muppet fan since I was three and acted out all the Fraggle Rock post card scenes. :smirk: :smile: That's about it I guess.


Nov 21, 2010
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Hello there,

My name's Cliff and I'm a 31 year old videogame art director from Belgium.

I've been a big fan of the Muppets from the moment I first saw them on Belgian television in the early eighties.

This looks like a very cool forum with very nice people...
Man, I should've registered sooner...


New Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Hi, I found this site a couple days ago when looking for information on making my own Kermit the frog and thought it would be a great place to get to know people who also enjoy making and sharing puppets.

I have by the way finished my Kermit but it is kind of crude looking but I have no experience building puppets. I will post pictures when I get batteries for my camera.


New Member
Nov 27, 2010
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I'm new here, but have been creepily lurking for...years(?) I'm getting started on building my own puppets, and am looking for any help I can get! Looking forward to sharing my puppet obsession with others equally obsessed.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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After lurking around here for a little while, I decided to finally join. It's been quite awhile since I've been a part of a forum because each one I go to seems to eventually become filled with a lot of rude people, but everyone here seems cool. Based on what I've read a lot of people here seem to have the same tastes in movies and television as I do, too.

Anyway, I'm mainly a Fraggle fan, though all of Jim Henson's work is outstanding. I've been watching the show on the Hub and I think I love it more now than I did as a kid. I vaguely remember watching reruns of it on the Disney Channel, as well as Dinosaurs and The Muppet Show, as a little girl in the 90's. For some reason, my clearest memory of the show is Gobo's "The Grapes of Generosity" song from the episode of the same name. What a random thing to remember! For the longest time, I didn't know where the song was from and eventually started believe I'd dreamt it or something until I grew up and discovered the internet.

I recently bought the entire show on DVD and have been watching it on the Hub when work allows it. Stupid job, cutting into my Fraggle time... Wouldn't it be nice to only have a 30 minute work week like the fraggles? I'm halfway through the second season and would like to make some sort of music video tribute once I finish, as I tend to do this for all the shows I become obsessed with. When I make it, I'll be sure to post it on YouTube for anyone interested, considering it doesn't get blocked.

I also love to draw, so maybe I'll attempt some Fraggle Rock art. Other things I like are retro video games, Disney movies and cartoons from its renaissance era, Hayao Miyazaki films, shounen anime, and anything on old-school Cartoon Network. Yes, my life is pretty much based around video games and television. My childhood dream was always to become a storyboard artist, but with the way animated programs are these days, I'm not so sure anymore.

I hope to share some nice conversations with all of you! :big_grin: