And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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See, the only reason I support him still is because he's our president, and I feel we should respect him and the decisions he makes. Still, not a fan of the guy...


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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The other disturbing thing about the missile launch on Syria: the Russians were warned, and they may have then warned the Syrians (whom they've been selling arms to for years). Our strike hit only half the intended targets, left the airfield usable, etc. So...we wasted several millions of dollars' worth of Tomahawk missiles for what amounts to a publicity stunt by Trump. Most likely to draw attention away from how hideously unqualified Gorusch is for the Supreme Court and from the continuing sketchy deals made by Trump's family and the entire administration's Russian ties.

This is very, very poorly done sleight-of-hand. Unfortunately I have to agree with Jamie: smokers are a perfect analogy for any American still supporting Trump.
It is suspicious.
  • Trump campaign is increasingly tied to Russia...Trump does a 180 on his firm Syrian policy that Putin supported.
  • Bannon increasingly viewed as the "real" president...Bannon is then demoted.
As for Gorsuch, he is an *extreme* conservative and not a man of the people. While qualified, he is very much an activist judge for conservatives. Garland is a left-centrist with an impeccable record. Obama, while progressive, saw how divided our nation was and nominated the most conservative liberal he could. That's compromise. That reflects the people in our country. Gorsuch reflects corporate interests - not the people.

Also, Obama's SCOTUS nomination was stolen. Try as Republicans did to explain their reasoning, they have none. Many even admit they would have completely stalled any justice Hillary would have nominated if she had become the president. This is just blind partisanship on steroids. No fair-minded person could think otherwise. The only case Republicans make is that Biden once made a statement back in 1992 that an outgoing president shouldn't nominate justices, but that wasn't a rule. Few people, even liberals, agreed with him and there was never an opening that would challenge that presumption. But because one guy says something once, that's the GOP's golden ticket. It's cynical and stupid. Besides, Biden has a history of saying a lot of crazy things. Dems were fighting for Garland, not really against Gorsuch. And that's completely fair.

My SCOTUS Solution to Bring Bipartisanship:
Trump should have kept only 8 justices until another spot opened up and then put forward both Garland and Gorsuch at the same time. That would have torn through dirty partisan politics and forced congress to work together
. That's what a *real* leader would do. Trump, however, is an idiot wuss with absolutely no bravery or vision. That one simple act would also make a meal of any progressive who'd oppose him on frivolous grounds in the future. It would have been a brilliant move. Of course, we're talking about a person who's gone bankrupt 3 times. Not a bright bulb.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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See, the only reason I support him still is because he's our president, and I feel we should respect him and the decisions he makes. Still, not a fan of the guy...
You can respect the office of the President without respecting the decisions he makes. Those are two different things. What you've outlined is an authorian take on how to follow a leader. That's friggin terrifying!

How about we do that for Cosby: Not a fan of the guy personally, but he sure puts together a good TV show that supports good wholesome values. Lets go give him a shot at another one! I know. Not the same thing. I agree, but there's a teensy similar thread. Teensy being the operative word. LOL! How much can we overlook a person's moral character and still have respect for what they do? Trump lies, he gropes, he denies housing to black people, he cheats his own employees out of money, and the list goes on. This is not turning a blind eye - this is poking both of them out while sticking fingers in your ears while humming the national anthem.

I respect the fact that Trump was voted into office (even though he was helped by Russian hackers), I respect our government's checks and balances, and I respect the office of the President more than Trump seems to, but I will never respect him nor will I ever agree with the crazy false equivalence that Hillary was anywhere near as terrible as he is. In fact, I believe the GOP is biding their time until joining the Dem's call for impeachment. He's got to get a little more unpopular first. I can see that happening. We'll see.

But most of all, we all have to separate love of country and the office from love of the candidate or an agenda. Spooky stuff.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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I worded my post wrong. You've kinda outlined it all. :stick_out_tongue:
Good! Cuz that frightened me. Haha! My misguided progressive peers often say that he's not their president. Um...that's denial. Ha! It's also why they're so mad - Trump IS their president. Maybe not for much longer, buy for now. I share that anger, but wishing something not to be so doesn't make it so. Haha! I don't care if a person is a republican or a democrat, stupidity like that is just tacky. :embarrassed: Besides, the first step to fixing a problem is admitting there is one. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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The other disturbing thing about the missile launch on Syria: the Russians were warned, and they may have then warned the Syrians (whom they've been selling arms to for years). Our strike hit only half the intended targets, left the airfield usable, etc. So...we wasted several millions of dollars' worth of Tomahawk missiles for what amounts to a publicity stunt by Trump. Most likely to draw attention away from how hideously unqualified Gorusch is for the Supreme Court and from the continuing sketchy deals made by Trump's family and the entire administration's Russian ties.
That's presumably exactly what happened: Russia supposedly warned Syria ahead of time of the impending bombing, hence their army was able to evacuate before the attack happened.

Now, I hope this really is fake news, but it's been said that Trump actually owns Tomahawk stock, which would mean he essentially profitted from the attack . . . Trump is already a disgusting and vile excuse of a human being, but if this is true, then he's even lower than that.

See, the only reason I support him still is because he's our president, and I feel we should respect him and the decisions he makes. Still, not a fan of the guy...
Yeah, I didn't see that happening among people who weren't fans of Obama. . . .


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Yeah, to be fair to Snowth, what Trump did wasn't that big a deal in the long term. Syria's not going to suddenly stop what it's doing. I heard the same thing, that Trump warned Russia, who warned Syria. So yeah, it was symbolic show of force. Nothing more.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Yeah, to be fair to Snowth, what Trump did wasn't that big a deal in the long term. Syria's not going to suddenly stop what it's doing. I heard the same thing, that Trump warned Russia, who warned Syria. So yeah, it was symbolic show of force. Nothing more.
The real test is - what's next? That's what kind of scares me. Too much action and this could be another Iraq war. Not enough action and those people suffer. We might gain more enemies or embolden the ones we already have. Military action should always be a last resort, but our diplomacy hadn't been working. I'm actually surprised Trump turned on a lot of his base to respond to the gas attack. I don't like the man. I don't think he's a good leader, but I think that was the right and very tough call.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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I heard reports today that Syria had been bombed again? Anyone else heard anything?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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What I heard was that a church (or churches) in Egypt were bombed by ISIS - I haven't heard of any further bombings in Syria.

I understand that the U.S. Navy is increasing its presence off the Korean penisula, which has me worried if Trump is trying to get WW3 instigated.