And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


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Feb 14, 2007
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"I never said da U.S. is gonna pay for da wall, I said da MEXICANS will! U r faek newz!!!!!11111!!!!"


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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Both sides? I'm Catholic. The Klan would be happy to see me dead. I'm not interested in hearing about any moral equivalency between the two sides. By condemning "both sides," Trump was blaming the victim of that driver. Just to please his base. That is inexcusable.

Problem is they have been empowered by the presence of President Bannon.

Did you watch the footage? These were not naughty little kids. These were bitter grown men eager to beat people up, not just "break things."

Ehh, I'm not too sure the Illinois Nazis survived that fall at the end. :wink:

Klansmen and Neo Nazis do go to Church.

I do not care anymore. I'm seeing Trump supporters calling a Klan rally a "peaceful protest." I'm done. There are some people I simply don't want to be united with.

One thing I will say. An older friend of mine described what's going on right now as "1968, but without the hippies." I agree. There's plenty of dissatisfaction for Trump, but the other side (i.e. the Democrats) aren't leading the charge against him. "A Better Deal"? Do they want to lose again?
I should point out that those sentences you quoted aren't specific to the garbage in Charlottsville that happened over the weekend. I would never defend that. My comments were intended more about the general atmosphere of the country right now. I don't have a lot of patience or tolerance for anybody that peddles division or hatred, regardless of what side. But some pretend that the division is only coming from one side.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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I really don't have a lot of tolerance either for those that have a habit of hit-and-run indirect attacks and then crawl back in to their hole. It's either:

1) arrogance: I'm right and don't bother responding

2) childish: I'm sticking my fingers in my ears and crying "nah, nah, nah, I'm not listening."


3) cowardly: It's OK for me to fire indirect attacks but don't you dare question it.

I suspect it's a little of all three. Either way, I don't have a lot of respect for those people.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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This really has become one of the most latent-racist little nooks on the internet. At least for the many places I go. I'm really ashamed of what MC has become. I made the mistake of putting that in a different thread instead of this one. None of this is a personal attack. Those are forbidden in forum rules that I helped to write many years ago and I take those very seriously no matter who tries to goad me into bad behavior. This has to do with the whole tone and the rampant false equivalences given to obvious misdeeds.

Neither party is perfect. They both mess up a great deal. Democrats too often have their head in the clouds and operate as they believe things ought to be. Republicans too often operate in a selfish and underhanded way as the world really is. One is much more noble; the other gets results. There are plenty of exceptions. Plenty. But this is most often the case.

Our President has no honor. He's shouted down America's war heroes and their grieving parents. He's mishandled money he raised that was supposed to go directly to veterans. He's stoked the flames of racism in order to win an election for an office he really doesn't want. His advisers are among the most notoriously racist, homophobic and antisemitic figures in America. Still, conservatives, both important and everyday people, stay silent. That's how evil triumphs: this silence and bad excuses for reprehensible behavior. The apologists that claim Trump has decried the racism in Charlottesville after he waited three days. That's not leadership. That's cowardice.

It also reveals a latent prejudice that many in this thread appear to support. That's not an attack. It's a statement of fact. The one hopeful thing is that a few folk are finally seeing the error in supporting Trump. I don't mind that progressives are often seen as arrogant. Intellectuals and elites are seen as the enemy in this current administration. You think those in Trump's administration behind the scenes give a darn about you guys? They don't. They don't care what passes for healthcare. They don't care if their saber rattling causes World War III and they send the poorest in our nation out to die for their mistakes. They don't care that this nation is going to fall behind in the growing areas of environmental innovation in order to prop up their moneymen from the slowly dying fossil fuel industry. The libs are the ones working hard for America's hardworking people while cons smile to their faces and shiv them in the back.

The fact that everyone has a say in this country is wonderful, but the substance of what people say is not equal. Most Trump Chumps just recycle the same rhetoric word-for-word. He makes the imbeciles feel smarter. That's his one and only talent. History is a harsh mistress. No matter what I say or do, that's what will matter and she will not be kind about this dark time in American history. Make no mistake, Trump is the result of accomplishing strides in healthcare over the heads of greedy republicans. He's the result of marriage equality, of a black president and other strides in expanding freedom from the last administration. This is the other end of the tide, but it will turn. Too much progress happened too quickly for rich, old, while, male America. Don't worry. It will once again self correct with vigilance (that many call arrogance). I'm proud to among those. I'm proud of what I built here once upon a time. And I'm now proud to pretty much have left the corpse of what once was. It really is sad for me to come back here. This place once had so much promise. I don't see that anymore. It's a ghost town compared to the birth of Muppet Central.

And with that, my friends, I really am outta here. Frog bless the rest of you in this place and those still fighting the good fight (particularly those who have just figured out what that fight is). I'm back to making licensed art with familiar characters for posters, action figures and other fun content for fans no matter whom they support. It's kind of funny to think how many people here have my work in their homes and on their walls. At the very least, that's something I can do that unites fans. It's what I'm good at, it's where my talents lie and it truly warms my heart. After this bit of a rant, I'm gonna go with that. It's a nicer place to be.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Local news has reported that there are thirty-eight established hate groups in our state alone.

Wish that was fake news.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Like I always say,

Why be racist? Hate everyone equally.

....assuming these are racist groups you're talking about.

Muppet Master

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
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I subscribed to The Rock 2020 campaign today. And I'll legitimately vote for him if its Rock V Trump.

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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I mean, regarding the whole race issue, I honestly and truly believe that everyone is born a racist. You wanna hang with people of the same color rather than intertwine naturally.

However, as you go through life, what you do with your racism is what defines you as racist or not. You can keep it, and join hate groups and accomplish nothing for the benefit of mankind, or you can torch it and build a new bridge between the gaps where the racism once was.

Personally, this is something I used to struggle with, but as I've gotten older (I'm still young, mind you, this isn't your grandpa talking :stick_out_tongue: ), I've been able to consistently burn down the racism I have and instead build bridges between others despite skin color. After all, we're all human beings, right?

Jesus Christ did I even make sense.

Muppet Master

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
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I mean, regarding the whole race issue, I honestly and truly believe that everyone is born a racist. You wanna hang with people of the same color rather than intertwine naturally.

However, as you go through life, what you do with your racism is what defines you as racist or not. You can keep it, and join hate groups and accomplish nothing for the benefit of mankind, or you can torch it and build a new bridge between the gaps where the racism once was.

Personally, this is something I used to struggle with, but as I've gotten older (I'm still young, mind you, this isn't your grandpa talking :stick_out_tongue: ), I've been able to consistently burn down the racism I have and instead build bridges between others despite skin color. After all, we're all human beings, right?

Jesus Christ did I even make sense.
You're absolutely right. Everyone is born racist. We recently talked about this is my psychology class. And you made perfect sense.