And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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I won't lie when I say I have a racist sense of humor, but I only make jokes around friends who I know have the same humor and still have their common sense just as much as I do.

Honestly though as a kid I do recall being intrigued by the fact that there were people who had darker skin tones and found it rather odd, but that was just my childself me not knowing any better. I'm just thankful I never had any issue of singling people out even back then just because of their skin color.

I'll even go as far as saying my first dark-skinned crush was none other than Lillian on Sesame Street. Her performance of "Transylvania 12345", man. :stick_out_tongue:
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Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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For me, I just plain have a sense of humor. Religious humor is good, humor on life, anything really. On occasion even sexist humor (comes with being a Dice fan), but it takes a good joke teller (Dice) to get me to laugh at something like that because I'm actually a little bit of a feminist as well.

I still maintain that whatever men can do, women will kick our a$$es at.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Well then, let us indulge in some religious,disabled, and black (dark) humor!

There once was a little man who had no arms. One day, he was browsing through the job listings since 2017 wasn't the best year for jobs, until he stumbled upon a listing posted by the local Catholic church, looking for an energetic young man to ring the bell in their church. The little man was certain he could do that, so he went down the church, banging his head on the door since it was the only way he could knock; at that moment, the priest answered the door. "Yes, my son?" Asked the priest. The little man replied, "Father, I'm here about the job you had listed for ringing the bell." The priest observed the man and said, "Yeah kid, but you don't have any arms, so how can you do it?" The man said, "Duh, Father! Don't you think I thought of that before I got here? I can do it, you'll see." "Very well, my son, come with me," said the priest.

After climbing a spiral staircase that was four stories high, thus making you feel like you want to vomit by the time you get to the third floor, the priest brought the man into the tower. "Okay, my son, show me what you can do," said the priest. The little man backed himself into a corner of the tower, then like a flash, ran toward the bell, and banged him face into it, causing a long bong. The priest was dumbfounded by what he had just witnessed, but since the little man proved he could do it, he got the job. The little man was ecstatic, because now he was raking in big money to climb the circular staircase twelve times a day at the top of the hour, back into the corner, run face first, and bong.

This continued for about four months, and after that amount of time, the man's face was flattened like a pancake, and he looked like four months of bad weather, but he didn't care, for he had steady employment, and good payflow. Once afternoon, it was getting time for High Mass, so like he had been doing everyday for four months, the little man ascended the spiral staircase, back into a corner of the tower, and took off runnign, but then something happened: he tripped, fell out of the tower, plumeting down four stories, and creamed all over the pavement below. He laid there, his guts splattered all over the sidewalk, and a big crowd of churchgoers gathered around to see what had happened; one man even knealed down, and began cradling the little mans head in his arms. Just then, a big fat lady pushed her way to the front of the crowd and began yelling, "Who is it? Who is it? Who just fell out of the tower?"

The man cradling the little man's head looked up at her and said, "I don't know his name, but his face rings a bell!"

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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Some have said it's just the opposite. People are born without prejudices, but are taught to hate by others.



Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Some have said it's just the opposite. People are born without prejudices, but are taught to hate by others.
Pretty much what Maya Angelou has said.

But then, there's also the debate about sexuality: are you born straight/gay/bi/whatever, or does your sexuality develop as you age depending on various different factors at be?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Yeah, no, I don't see "being born a racist" being thing. That's like saying "I was born to dislike apple juice." You gotta drink it first before you can dislike it.
He's got a point. It really just depends on how you were raised.

God forbid, this is why I'm glad I didn't grow up in the South.