Another New Noggin


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2002
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I have been watching Noggin today, and during EVERY break, they have this stupid little moose singing a song about ANOTHER new Noggin coming April 7th! Some debuts are: Something called Tweenies, I believe it's supposed to be kids between babies and big kids, and just doing kiddie stuff like Barney. And Oobi is getting his own show. For those of you who don't know who Oobi is, you might have seen him in between shows, those skits with those hands with eyes on them that talk. Also they are getting some more Nickelodeon series. Dora the Explorer is coming, and also Bob the Builder. I think there's someone new named Miffy, but I don't know if she's new. My only concern is: I have noticed that every time they add a new series, or a few of them, they always have 1 less Sesame Street. And if they do, they will probably cancel the one at 3:30, which is from season 25. But that's not the only thing. I don't know if you noticed this, but Allegra's Window is already GONE, and Gullah Gullah Island is now down to ONCE a day. I never really cared for those shows, but those 2 shows, Season 25 Sesame Street, and Blue's Clues, are all the series Noggin had on when they first started. What I get the impression is that everything Noggin had originally is being phased out, if you know what I mean. I mean, I'm very sad, but I KNOW there's nothing we can do to save the old Sesame Street.[:frown:]


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2003
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How the heck can they do a WHOLE HALF HOUR on talking hands??? At least something like Tiny Planets would be a cool half hour show, but Oobi????

I'm afraid to see Noggin's new schedule. Very afraid.


Mar 5, 2003
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All of this is REALLY crummy, especially since Noggin has been turned on pretty much every day in our house since my son was born. I *hate* Dora the Explorer and will NOT let my son watch it. And I am also not looking forward to half-hour Oobi - I can't stand five minutes of their annoying banter, which goes a little like this:

"Kikko! Play!"
"Oobi play!"
"Oobi, play."
"Kikko play?"
"Kikko play."
"Oobi play."
"Oobi..... Kikko..... PLAY!!"

The new "Tweenies" show looks terrible, also. My son ADORES Sesame Street and Play With Me Sesame. Our whole family (my hubby and I are HUGE muppet fans as well) will be sorely disappointed if Noggin does away with its best programming.

As a side note - as well as trying all these new programs, I think Noggin is also phasing in commercials. If you notice, when they first started the preschool programming from 6 AM to 6 PM, the only thing that could be considered an advertisement on Noggin was the snippet they would show between programs from another Noggin show, and then "You can watch (Maisy, for example) every day, on Noggin." Around Thanksgiving, I noticed that they were showing ads for Nick Jr. and other Nickelodeon programming, and now they also advertise things like the live Blue's Clues show and some contests. I think it will not be much longer until Noggin, like all the other cable stations before it, turns to full-on commercial advertising, at which time I may just turn off my television once and for all. (Until it's time for Jerry Springer. Ha! Ha!) :stick_out_tongue: Tina


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2002
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You know, that is very possible. In case you didn't know, Noggin is not PBS. They are not viewer-support, so they will have commercials. They also have sponsors for some of there shows, like Jillian's. But see, Sesame Street is very different when it's not on PBS. PBS stations won't just do away with their best shows for no reason. They actually listen to their viewers, because we are the ones supporting the station. But I do agree, I don't think it's a very good idea that they're doing this. Because then the channel will be too much like Nickelodeon.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2002
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dora the explorer is already on nickelodeon.....don't know why they gotta double it up. i dont have noggin but i watch some old s.s. at my gf's house sometimes.

i like gullah gullah island and allegra's window.....i grew up on those shows when cable came out and i phased out of sesame street. it's a shame, there's no real channel for the pure classics, and when there is, they infuse a whole bunch of original crap and stupid shows that make no sense.


Mar 5, 2003
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I just learned something disturbing about Noggin, of which I was not previously aware:

Last year, Nickelodeon bought out Sesame Workshop's stake in Noggin. (

So I guess this means that Noggin has *no* reason to show Sesame Street or PWMS. This article ( ) also reveals that there will now be a "Nick Jr. Block" from 2-6 PM, which eliminates one episode of each Sesame show. I'm willing to bet that it won't be too long before the channel is renamed "Nick Jr." so that Nickelodeon won't have to be 'burdened' with all of that semi-educational preschool programming anymore.

One more thing - Noggin is *also* getting rid of the little singing head guy. We love the Noggin guy around here - I have a feeling my toddler is going to freak out....


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2002
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Okay, I read that article, and it said that Noggin will continue to air educational staples such as Sesame Street, Blue's Clues, and Play With Me Sesame, but it doesn't look like they will be airing them that often. But how do you know that Sesame Street won't be on at 3:30 anymore?


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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:mad: Grrrrrrr.......
OK, I don't watch Noggin much, b/c it's not on our basic cable package at home. But, I DO watch it when I baby-sit my 2 & 3-year-old cousins. I usually put Noggin on b/c, for one thing, Rachel, 2, LOVES Play With Me Sesame, and she NEVER gets to watch what she wants b/c she doesn't talk much & her big sister Rebecca, 3, is VERY verbal. Besides, I like Sesame Street, too, and it's either Noggin or Beauty and The Beast: Enchanted Christmas OVER and OVER. My point is, Rachel pretty much only likes SS & anything that has SS characters in it, and I'm DEFINITELY not looking forward to watching a whole half hour of OOBIE.
So, in other words....:mad: Grrrrrrr......


New Member
Mar 3, 2003
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I too hope that they don't change around their core shows to the point that my toddler son doesn't freak out. He loves Play with Me Sesame and Sesame 123. I didn't see Maisy on their new schedule either..... :grouchy:


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2002
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I'm sure Maisy will still be on. She was on Nick Jr., wasn't she? And also, they have been doing all this stuff with "Maisy Mornings", so she'll stay on. For some reason, I actually like Maisy's music. It's kind of like reggae.

And you know, from what it looks like, I think either Franklin or Little Bear were actually on CBS, but I don't know. Anyway, it did say in the article that Blue's Clues, Sesame Street, and Play With Me Sesame will be staying. But they will probably be doing away with Sesame Street Unpaved, and probably the 123 Sesame Street shows from Season 25. It's very sad.:cry: