Any news on the Electric Mayhem minis?

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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ack! Does that mean they ARE making him then? Or is some lucky so-n-so buying him to cast him for the rest of us?? Or...AAUUUGGGHHH!!!!

I mean, DID they?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Does anyone know if they sold on ebay any of the Electric Mayhem minis?
Just horrible they wont be making these...again, I'd pay $50 for a set if they were thru a specialty online retailer.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Oh man, where's that embarassment Muppet-icon when I need it?

Kevin, sorry I didn't reply sooner. The Sal Manilla prototype was sold on eBay earlier this summer. Was winning the auction at $1100, but I got sniped at the last seconds. If I had won it, then I woulda donated it to have the fan-based figure project mass make him for the rest of the collectors. As it happens, another PT board member named MuppetNut outbid me by $100. Haven't heard from him since the board just got started up again.

Beaker, don't think they'll sell those EM Mini figurine prototypes through eBay. Then again, I'm not connected to PT. Your best bet would be to go there and send E-mails to the people in charge that might be better able to answer.
Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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The Count said:
Oh man, where's that embarassment Muppet-icon when I need it?

Kevin, sorry I didn't reply sooner. The Sal Manilla prototype was sold on eBay earlier this summer. Was winning the auction at $1100, but I got sniped at the last seconds. If I had won it, then I woulda donated it to have the fan-based figure project mass make him for the rest of the collectors. As it happens, another PT board member named MuppetNut outbid me by $100. Haven't heard from him since the board just got started up again.

Beaker, don't think they'll sell those EM Mini figurine prototypes through eBay. Then again, I'm not connected to PT. Your best bet would be to go there and send E-mails to the people in charge that might be better able to answer.
Hope this helps.
Count, are ya saying there is a fan based indiependent company that can take a prototype, and make more of them? Do they have any examples online? That is an incredible discovery.

Well, I couldnt even afford a Sal prototype even if it was $100, heh. That is rather unfortunate they couldnt even sell him through

So what are the prototypes that never got released besides Sal? Gobo Fraggle?

I'm still waiting for Dark Crystal action figures.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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No. There was talk that some fans would get together and mold the Sal and sell him amongst ourselves (at cost, of course, to be legal). No independent company or anything. I have a buddy who does casting, and that's where the conversation began.

If I could just get him to sculpt a set of Muley figures for me...he's awesome!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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OK, lemme clear up a few things.

1 Last I heard, Dreams & Visions had the license for Dark Crystal merchandise, don't think anything's come of it so far.
2 Seems Palisades got the license for Labyrinth, since they'll be making a 12-inch figure of David Bowie as Jarreth the Goblin King for next spring 2006.
3 There was no independent fan-based company that "was" to make figures of Sal Manilla based on the prototype.
What happened was... Ken Lilly posted the lineup of what would've been from S10 to S14 a few months back. Good thing we got it posted in a thread here, since the boards there got wiped squeaky clean again.
WiGgY, perhaps you know of him? Well, he spearheaded a group of forum members to get together and do this.
They'd make custom sculpts of all the would've been S10 to S14 figures that didn't get released... Send those off to a master caster like Junkers from the Palisades forums. He'd then make the steel cast and mold the figure. After, it'd go to someone else for painting and inspected by the various people involved for reviews. The figure would then be mass reproduced by the same fans for purchase by the rest of the fan community. Unfortunately, there were some who poo-pooed the project, though if I had won the Sal prototype auction it'd have gone to them for their endeavors. And the whole thing's been pretty much abandoned now.
4 As far as other prototypes of Muppet figures, there are the ones on auction at eBay. The ones that were never refined for final action figure form include the trio from Vet's Hospital, Sal Manilla, Gobo Fraggle, and Baby Kermit and Baby Piggy from TMTM.
Hope this helps.