Are Kermit and Piggy married?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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Muppets take Manhatten was filmed in 1984.Jim Henson died some 6 years later, in 1990.So there was plenty of time to work things out.kermit said in an interview not long after, that it was only a movie.Personally, I think it is more fun to see them perpetially dating, than them settling down.As the saying goes, the best way to ruin a friendship is to get married!

I've always hated the idea the characters are only interesting when they aren't married as their relationship might change and their ideas about children but deep down they are still themselves :smile:


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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I've always hated the idea the characters are only interesting when they aren't married as their relationship might change and their ideas about children but deep down they are still themselves :smile:
If you look at other "on and off again" relationships in tv you pretty much always see that once the characters finally get together the story fizzles and fades. Thats why they get together near the end of the series or they get together only to fall apart. You need that conflict to keep things interesting.


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Feb 7, 2008
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But there is still plenty of conflict after people get married...I always link the fizzle and fading not to the characters but to the writers being lazy...

In some cases there are also couples who are pretty much not in conflict before they were married and marriage only deepens this love with most of the conflict then coming from outside forces..But those are rare :smile:. After all when you start living with another person day in and day out something has to give even in a loving relationship...

But I link the lack of interest to lazy writers not wanting to work with the characters as growing changing people and putting too much focus on a long drawn out romance (which are good, I love them...) but then not putting the same passion into the end result of that romance:sympathy: *pictures Grandpa Kermit and Grandma Piggy in rocking chairs and Grandpa getting a hit over the head with a well aimed cane*:excited:


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Apr 16, 2002
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Well, look at friends...Monica and Chandler got married and they still had plenty of great story-lines. It's easier for a more grown up program, perhaps, because they can have more grown-up story-lines.

But the more classic example of fizzleing and dying was when Lois and Clark had a great story arc leading up to their marriage, and instead Superman ended up accidently marrying a clone of Lois and they never tied the knot. That tv series fizzled and died from that point on, and the producer always said it's death was related to A. them never getting engaged for ages, and then B. never getting married. Not following the natural progression there would be in real life.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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Well, look at friends...Monica and Chandler got married and they still had plenty of great story-lines. It's easier for a more grown up program, perhaps, because they can have more grown-up story-lines.

But the more classic example of fizzleing and dying was when Lois and Clark had a great story arc leading up to their marriage, and instead Superman ended up accidently marrying a clone of Lois and they never tied the knot. That tv series fizzled and died from that point on, and the producer always said it's death was related to A. them never getting engaged for ages, and then B. never getting married. Not following the natural progression there would be in real life.
Well, sometimes it depends on what is 'adult' for a series to..I mean if a married adult mindset in the series world is just as lively as an un-married one (like I think any muppet/fraggle onewould be) then there is less of a chance it will fall into the same old same old for the viewer as they are still looking at a different culture than their own *is reminded of what makes married period dramas from times like the wild west so interesting to watch*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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You ave to look at who the muppets are aimed at. With Friends you could do story lines about how Monica and Chandler couldn't conceive. You can't do that with the muppets. With the muppets you lose Piggy being able to flirt with guest stars. I mean, when Kermit refuses to acknowledge their his feelings she can do that but when they are flat out married Piggy becomes a bit of a ****. And do we really need to see Kermit and Piggy dealing with the ins and outs of married life? I don't.

I guess I'm not one of those fans wants to see the characters grow old. That just leads to the death of the characters. There is only so far you can take a character. If you have the muppets follow a natural progression of growing old you end up with a short lived character for one generation. If you keep them more or less the same, still making a well developed character, you have a character that lasts a life time over many generations.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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However, with Muppet Movies there's always been two layers...The film, and the actors, who sometimes break out of character (think Duck pond fight in GMC). And the question is whether the Actors Piggy and Kermit are married. Sure, they can appear unmarried in another storyline or movie...But are they married behind the scenes?
Hmm good point! In that case, I still go with MTM and say they did get married. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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IMHO they had to, Big Bird had to fly all the way there after all:excited:!
Well technically Big Bird wouldn't have been too far away from Manhattan, hehe. But he probably did have to take the subway, so I agree, hasn't the Bird suffered enough? ! :wisdom:


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Apr 13, 2002
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My thoughts on the marriage of Kermit and Miss Piggy are that even if the world of the movie and the world of the Muppets coincided to legitimize the ceremony it was entered in haste and likely would have been annulled.

I feel that the decades since MTM have been spent with Kermit and Piggy trying to sort things out before officially making the big plunge. Otherwise they might have actually been married in a secret off-screen ceremony…but do you really think Miss Piggy would keep that a secret?

So IMHO the frog and the pig are not married. (And is a frog-pig marriage even legal in this country yet?) :wink: