Biff and Sully on the Radio

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Chapter 6

Biff was back in the studio, hosting another show.

“You’re listening to Johnny B, the disc jockey formerly known as Biff. And now we’ll take another call!”

“Hello, Johnny, can you play a song by poison?”

“Oh, you don’t want poison”, said Biff, “Poison is very dangerous. It’ll make you very, very sick.”

“Will you just play this album????”, said an annoyed executive, handing Biff a “Poison” album.

“Oh, there’s a group called Poison”, said Biff, “Okay, let’s play the song!”

Biff played it. And as he played it…

“That doesn’t sound good at all”, thought Biff.

Sully was listening to the radio while at work, and just shook his head in disbelief.

“Well, if you’d like to talk to me, Johnny B, just call the studio. You can request a song or ask a question or….”

The phone rang. Biff picke di tup.

“Hello, this is I, the DJ formerly known as Biff, yours very own truly, Johnny B! What can I do for you? Speak up, time is money! This is a very important call, I wager…”

Of course on the other line was Sully, unable to speak because of Biff interrupting him.

“Would you like to hear a great song? Or maybe you’d like to ask a question. Well, why are you calling? Maybe you’d like to sponsor our show! Or perhaps you’re calling to ask about my former partner, Sully! Well, Sully had better things to do!”

Sully then stood there, mouth open, with a loss for words.

“He was a great partner, and then he left for better things! I cannot believe how Sully deserted me like….”

But then Biff was at a loss for words.

“I can’t go on like this”, said Biff, “Thanks for the call!”

Biff then hung up the phone, hung up his headphones, and walked out of the room.

“Hey, you’ve still got another four minutes!”, said the network executive.

“Play some music or commercials!”, said Biff, “I quit!”

“You can’t quit, Johnny B!”, said the executive.

“The name’s Biff!”

Biff took off his hat and sunglasses, handed them to the executive, and left.

“How will this show end?”, wondered the network executive, then looking at the hat and sunglasses he was handed, “I can be a DJ now!”

The network executive walked into the recording room and started acting like a DJ.

“Well, Biff, the disc jockey formerly known as Johnny B who was formerly and is currently known as Biff, is no longer with us. You’re listening to, oh, call me Ishmael P!”

Soon, Biff was back in his construction worker attire and back to the construction site he had worked at.

“Hey, Mr. Moosh”, said Biff, “I’d like my old job back!”

“I knew this day would come”, sighed Mr. Moosh, “Okay, you go that way and start working!”

Biff ran to his work site and encountered Sully.

“Hey, Sully!”

Sully acted happy to see Biff, but Biff quickly hugged Sully and as usual wouldn’t let Sully talk.

“Oh, it’s so good to see you again!”, said Biff, “Being a DJ was fun at first, but then I let the success go to my head. Oh, but I’m so happy to be here again. Without you the ratings went down and they put on demands that I couldn’t cope with.”

Biff picked up a sledge hammer and started hitting at things.

“You know, Sully, I wasn’t sure if I’d feel happy with my old job again, but this feels right. A lot better and more right than me being a disc jockey. And another thing….”

The End