Elephant Counting to 20


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2002
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Actually, they are most of the time. This was a rare one that came to a dead end. I often won't know the name of the segment, but I will remember the show number that I saw it on, and they'll look it up that way, and it gives a list of segments that were in the show. Pretty neat, huh? They can even look something up, and find all the shows that it was used in.

But unfortunately, if you called them, I DON'T think they would give this information to you. It's actually on the Internet, but you can only access the website if you work for the company. See, they consider it priveleged information for the company, and they don't want everyone to know everything. They only give it to me because they know that I won't do anything bad with the information (LIKE THIS).


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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The music was always there... you can tell by how old it sounds. I never did care much for the skit (or basically any thing by the production company of these cartoons, especially the one with the bats) so I'm sort of glad they lost it. However, i would like to find other sketches, including Pink Pnather K which was last seen 2 years ago...