Growing up with Fraggle Rock

Infinity Sirius

Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2004
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The scenes between Gobo, Sprocket, and Doc were always my favorite. I loved the mixing of reality and fantasy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2005
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I would like to add yet another 2 cents. The songs. I loved the music of Fraggle Rock. I think it is better than the "music" they have these days. The Friendship song still brings a tear to my eye to this day. And "The Rock Goes on" just gives me goosebumps. I also love when Boober gets excited and has little hints of Gonzo in his voice. My older brother says that's hysterical.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2005
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As a kid I loved Fraggle Rock and I couldn't wait for it to come on. It was the best feeling ever. I loved the Trasheap, and Philo and Gunge. I always wished they would have used those 2 more. I loved HBO back then because that was the channell that carried Fraggle Rock. It was like a magical dream come true. Some mornings I would wake up extra early, just so I could wait for Fraggle Rock to come on. When it came on once a week on Monday nights at 7:30pm, that was awsome too. Especially in the fall and winter, when it was pitch black outside at that time, and I would see that HBO introduction with the HBO logo flying through space. Then on April 1, 1988, the day after I turned 7 years old the unthinkable happened. I woke up just a little before 7:30am, I turned on the TV and Fraggle Rock was not on. I thought I was dreaming. I thought to myself, this has to be some kind of April Fool's Joke HBO is playing on me! But it was true. Fraggle Rock was no longer going to be aired on HBO. I cried very hard that day. It was a sad time for me. I had only 2 episodes on tape "Ring Around the Rock" and "River of Life" I watched them a lot after that. Luckily about 6 months later we got a new station called TNT which aired Fraggle Rock, along with all my favorite cartoons I was thrilled. Although my favorite part of the theme was cut out. "Look Ma I caught a Fwaggle!" :smirk: :excited:


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2003
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I was born during Fraggle Rock's 3rd Season, so I was able to get a lot of the first two seasons in repeats and the new ones when they aired. There are so many tapes filled with Fraggle Rock episodes that I've lost track of which tape has which episode, and so when an old tape's film breaks there's a possibility that somewhere on there is an episode of Fraggle Rock that I might never see again if HIT doesn't get on the ball and start preparing for future seasons. lol


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2004
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I was born in 1988, but I remember watching Fraggle Rock sometime in the early 90s. I want to say it was on the Disney Channel, but I'm not sure. I must have been about two or three years old.

A few years later, I almost completely forgot about it. It wasn't until about almost two years ago, my best friend and I were talking about shows we used to watch. She mentioned Fraggle Rock. And it was just kind of slowly came back to me. The theme song and everything. And Gobo's voice!:smirk: I don't know why, but I never forgot that voice. Also, Red's pigtails bouncing around when she got excited.:excited: And Boober's "Down at Fraggle Rock..." at the end of the theme. It's funny what we each remembered. She remembered the Gorgs and the Fraggles always running around from them. Another friend of ours remembered Mokey.

I'm just glad they released these DVDs and the box set, and I'm glad my friend remembered that day! Otherwise, the magic might have been completely forgotten and lost from me! :eek:


Active Member
Mar 11, 2012
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I was born in 1981 and some of my earliest memories where of getting my Red Fraggle doll when I was 3! I saw most of the first season on VHS tapes from a friend that she taped off HBO. I vividly remember flying down the stairs in my red pajamas with my Red doll and sitting with my metal My Little Pony TV tray in front of the TV to watch it!