I won't be posting anymore...


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2012
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Most of you know that I've been a regular on this forum since 2012. Starting on Monday, I am taking an extended break from Muppet Central Forum. I don't know when I'll be back, but I will return eventually. I may stop by occasionally to post more Sesame Street Old School Outlines, but even those are getting stale for me. So I need to hit the refresh button, especially after three hectic months of teaching during the pandemic.

If you want to follow me on Facebook or Instagram, please message me privately and include your Facebook or Instagram username. Then I will give you my username so that you can find me on FB or IG more easily. I'm currently pursuing various personal interests including world percussion, cooking, cartooning, and racial/social justice. Looking forward to seeing you again soon!



Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
Reaction score
Most of you know that I've been a regular on this forum since 2012. Starting on Monday, I am taking an extended break from Muppet Central Forum. I don't know when I'll be back, but I will return eventually. I may stop by occasionally to post more Sesame Street Old School Outlines, but even those are getting stale for me. So I need to hit the refresh button, especially after three hectic months of teaching during the pandemic.

If you want to follow me on Facebook or Instagram, please message me privately and include your Facebook or Instagram username. Then I will give you my username so that you can find me on FB or IG more easily. I'm currently pursuing various personal interests including world percussion, cooking, cartooning, and racial/social justice. Looking forward to seeing you again soon!

I'm going to send you a message now.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
Reaction score
Hi all. I know I’ve been off this forum for a good portion of this year, but I’m just gonna be flat out honest, I was stressed tf out with this virus and just being quarantined and this forum wasn’t feeling fun at all, with just feeling like no new members were not being allowed in (and I assume that hasn’t been fixed at all) among the fact that it felt like all we were really talking about was just covid and this stupid election. I’m gonna say right off the bat I won’t be on this forum as much anymore because I can tell there just isn’t a lot being talked about other than those two topics, and with that being said, I’m only going to be here exclusively for muppet related stuff from now on unless something big is going on. As some of you know, I also left the discord back in the summer and for reasons, I’m choosing not to come back.

A couple updates on what has been going on in my life:

1. My grandma on my mom’s side passed away in late May this year, and it certainly has been a contributing factor to my extreme dislike for this year.

2. I have now officially moved into my new apartment in New Hampshire. I really miss my old house a lot, but I’m just trying to adjust to my new life one day at a time and am grateful I can at least still visit my old neighborhood. But I do miss it a lot.

3. So I’m gonna be honest on this, my depression has gotten really bad this year to the point I was just off social media completely for a good while and did not want to chat with anyone. It got to the point where I fell into a very deep depression and just hoped I would be forgotten if it gave me a reason not to live anymore, and I have dealt with a lot of suicidal thoughts at the time. But while I’m still irritated with this virus and am anxious with this election and how it will decide our future, my mind has been better than where it was before.

With that said, I’m gonna be catching up on a lot of stuff, but I just flat out refuse to participate in the covid and politics threads anymore, especially given the fact that the latter thread is just the same four people going at each other. I certainly missed y’all and look forward to catching up.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Know what REALLY makes me mad? The title of this thread says "I won't be posting anymore ." MAKE UP YOUR EVER LOVING MINDS!! Is this a ploy for attention?? If you won't be posting anymore then that's IT! ZIP! ZERO! NO MORE POSTING!! Exit stage whatever direction! But if you're just taking a break from posting , then don't say "I won't be posting more " Just either :
a) I' m taking a break
b) let a friend know
c) leave quietly
Enough w/the "I'm not posting anymore" & coming back
(Anyone that sends me a PM gets the PM deleted)


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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I mean, most of my posts indicate I’m taking a break but will be back eventually. 🤷🏿‍♂️ But I agree, this thread’s title can be a bit mis-leading.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
Hi all. I know I’ve been off this forum for a good portion of this year, but I’m just gonna be flat out honest, I was stressed tf out with this virus and just being quarantined and this forum wasn’t feeling fun at all, with just feeling like no new members were not being allowed in (and I assume that hasn’t been fixed at all) among the fact that it felt like all we were really talking about was just covid and this stupid election. I’m gonna say right off the bat I won’t be on this forum as much anymore because I can tell there just isn’t a lot being talked about other than those two topics, and with that being said, I’m only going to be here exclusively for muppet related stuff from now on unless something big is going on. As some of you know, I also left the discord back in the summer and for reasons, I’m choosing not to come back.

A couple updates on what has been going on in my life:

1. My grandma on my mom’s side passed away in late May this year, and it certainly has been a contributing factor to my extreme dislike for this year.

2. I have now officially moved into my new apartment in New Hampshire. I really miss my old house a lot, but I’m just trying to adjust to my new life one day at a time and am grateful I can at least still visit my old neighborhood. But I do miss it a lot.

3. So I’m gonna be honest on this, my depression has gotten really bad this year to the point I was just off social media completely for a good while and did not want to chat with anyone. It got to the point where I fell into a very deep depression and just hoped I would be forgotten if it gave me a reason not to live anymore, and I have dealt with a lot of suicidal thoughts at the time. But while I’m still irritated with this virus and am anxious with this election and how it will decide our future, my mind has been better than where it was before.

With that said, I’m gonna be catching up on a lot of stuff, but I just flat out refuse to participate in the covid and politics threads anymore, especially given the fact that the latter thread is just the same four people going at each other. I certainly missed y’all and look forward to catching up.
I know losing your grandma is rough. I was about your age when I lost mine.
The only thing worse than the virus is the fear it generates. The best we can do, and it’s been true right along, is wash your hands, wear a mask, keep your distance. Until a cure or a vaccine comes (hopefully soon) that’s all we can do. But we weren’t meant to live in fear.
Election- in many parts of the country it’s almost dead even. Biden may be up a few points, but not enough to win by a landslide. Trump either. It’s going to come down to a handful of crucial states- Florida, Wisconsin, and most telling, Pennsylvania.