Industry Giveaways


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by MuppetQuilter
Industry give aways are hardly unique to action figures. It's a part of business. It's been going on for ages. I used to get tons of them when I worked in the music business.
Adding to what you said Annika, the big thing here is that they are very visable to the collectors. Giveaways in the Music world, TV, Movies, etc. aren't as well known to the general public, and don't cause as big of an, "ooooh, I want it" type feeling.

And Jamie, you forgot the Christmas Kermit!


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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That I did. Eeeeek! He just had a red tie. LOL!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Yeah, i kind of think the point Nate made is important - it is a question of visibility here but also that Palisades have gotten into a situation where they have actually given into fans in the past so it makes it double hard for both parties. I don't really blame either side, but it would really have helped if Palisades would have just said no right at the start, and stuck to it. It's kinda hard to come on here and say, sorry no, the industry giveaways are just that, not available to the collectors club and thats that, when you've just sold off a hundred of the last figure via a lottery, as nice a gesture as that was.

It's a shame these can't be kept more of a secret in the toy world !


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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A secret in the toy world? I keep thinking of the comic book guy in the Simpsons. LOL!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by Luke
It's a shame these can't be kept more of a secret in the toy world !
Well, if the advent of the internet...NOTHING is a secret anymore:wink:


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Nate and Luke have good points. It isn't really the existence of the give-aways, but the fan/collector knowledge of them that causes the problem. We get tons of information because of the internet and because Palisades has chosen to be very open with us. That's great-- most of the time. It's fun to see pics of the prototypes and see the figures slowly take shape. It's fun to know what is coming in Series 873.

It's not so great when we hear about figures we can't buy or plans fall through (the EM bus playset). Still, I think it is worth it in the end. I'm sorry the bus isn't coming off and I'm sorry I don't have a white tux Rowlf. But I like knowing Palisades tried to make a bus playset and it was cool to see pics of white tux Rowlf.

The problem, as I see it, is more with the attitude we bring to these things than with the availability of the information. This is where Luke's point comes in-- if Palisades had never given away those invisible Beakers or raffled off the holiday Kermits, we probably wouldn't hear so many people lamenting the lack of white tux Rowlfs. For that sort of thing to work, we have to respect Palisades. We have to have faith they'll be honest with us-- that when there are extras of an industry give away, they'll make them available. I don't think that is asking all that much of us-- it is in Palisades' interest to do that as it allows them to make some profit off a figure that was never intended to make money. Profit is profit and Palisades is in business to make money.

Yes, if the rule is 'no industry give-aways to fans ever' it is very simple. But most of us can handle a world that is a little more gray than that. I think it is great that, when supply allows for it, Palisades makes the industry give-aways available.

BTW, was Dr. Teeth an industry give-away? I thought he was a convention exclusive (which pre-dated the CC and thus wasn't eligible, plus Palisades under-estimated the demand and just plain didn't make very many).


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Yeah, Teeth was a fair exclusive. I mentioned him instead of Christmas Kermit. The thing is - none of these industry giveaways have been choice figures. They are simple repaints. If these giveaways were Patrol Fozzies or something I'd be crawling the walls, but they're not. The knowlege will always be out there. Nowhere around that. I still find it funny that some of the people who hated the idea of Tux Rowlf are going nuts over a white tux version. :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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That's true and Ken said that's why Tux Rowlf was the give away. He figured that so many people hated no one would complain. Boy was he wrong :big_grin: . The problem is this company makes figures that are TOO good. If they were crappy figures then they could give the whole lot away, but they're so great everyone wants them all.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I think a lot of people see dollar signs too.

I'm not pointing fingers, but I've noticed a great deal of the people whining about the exclusives they can't get aren't the die hard Muppet fans, and I'm betting they are looking at those exclusives as nothing more then a financial investment.

I've always had one rule about collecting over the years, taught to me at a very young age by a wise sage collector. If you want to invest your money, put it in a bank or stocks or bonds, not a piece of plastic, resin, or fabric. These things aren't investments, they should just fun little things. And the older I get, the more of a link they are to days gone by. Thats worth more to me then all the money in the world.

Stryder Wolfe

Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2002
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*applauds radionate's senitment*

Here here!!!

it always bugs me when people look at my collection in terms of resale's like they're missing the's not a retirement fund, it's a toy collection!!