Kermit the Frog and Pepe at HMV Oxford Circus London.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
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The swamp was mentioned a few times, and what I found fascinating was that Steve and Bill (as Chris (Kermieuk) observed that they hadn't rehearsed it was 100% improvised and I feel also that this shows what Steve and Bill are like in real life, able to just chat *Snaps Fingers* just like that to anyone and instantly jump upon peoples names and instantly sing a duet about someones name like it was second nature. If it was scripted it would have been awesome but the UNBELIEVABLE CHEMISTRY and way that they were so sharp was just - there are no words.
I actually prefer when things aren't scripted myself gives them a chance to adlib and say what they want so you can see more of their personalites. By the way I'm gonna send you a private message. Don't worry it's nothing bad. LOL!


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2012
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Hey KingR76, thanks for following me. And it was brave of you to tell kermit All my life you have touched me. And this is because in your Heart you have Jim Henson.
And because you have him in your Heart. Jim Henson touches us all. In front of so many people.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
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Wow! Thanks guys for sharing all of this with us. It's always good when we can live vicariously through all of you. What a terrific experience it must have been.^___^
You're welcome :smile:

The experience (just from watching them from offstage) was incredible. I'll give you one of many examples I could give you.

I'm not sure if I mentioned it on here or elsewhere, if its on here and I'm repeating myself (like us old men at 36 often does) then I apologise.

Theres a Friend of mine called Russell, he works for Leicester Square TV and is very good at his job, in fact the first time I saw him he was interviewing Brian Froud at Forbidden Planet back in 2010, and in his job he obviously is very professional and interviews with this demeanour.

I saw him go up on stage and completely metamorphis into (and this is how I can best describe it) a cute little toddler going to see Father Christmas at the local Shopping Mall being all happy and giggly and not knowing what to say, as Markit was saying about "Tripping all over my words." this was how Russell (like I said a complete professional) became.

He brought his Girlfriend up on Stage and if I remember correctly they'd just moved in and he was asking Pepe about relationship advice - OMG how Bill didn't crack up I had no idea - Pepe told his Girlfriend the best way to handle him, the dialogue went something like:

Pepe: (To GF) Tell him to buy you expensive gift, ok?
GF: (To Russell) Buy me an expensive gift.
Russell: Yep.

Pepe: (To GF) Tell him to remove his hat, ok?
GF: (To Russell) Remove your hat.

At one point Pepe enquired into the um, "Adult" life they were having, I won't mention the exact word as this is a Family site but it started with "S" and ended in "X" to which Kermit quickly said "Ok. how about a photo." to which they all posed for the Photo, Pepe again tried to ask "Time for a photo." said Kermit and once they left the Stage Pepe asked again and Kermit obviously wanted to change the subject.

Then there was one occasion when a Girl went up on Stage and openly Flirted with Pepe asking him what he was doing later, he asked her the same thing and Kermit just looked acqually quite crest fallen.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
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Hahahahahahahahah! See this is what makes the Muppets so great. They have such a massive and widespread appeal. Quick wit and not always oh so innocent. Brilliantly played!
Ohhhh to have been there! Lucky bums. ^_^
But we're one big family so....we WILL cheer for you guys and be happy for you guys even when we are sick with envy because, deep down, we mean it. lol


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2012
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Did anybody ask Kermit about any of the characters on Sam and Friends like Yorick or Harry?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2012
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thanks for sharing the pictures on here and god bless kermit for saying that about this wonderful forum.