Muppet Central: The Movie: Revisted


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Dec 14, 2004
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Meanwhile, in the lair of Snidley Spyware...

Spyware: Curses! Those vile children! They're hopping threads like frogs! Although, one of them may be a frog, it doesn't matter! I must finish them off! *turns to man* Bob, release the Gonzo pop-up!

Bobhopesite: Yes my leige. *he runs to a computer and clicks the mouse*

Back inside Muppet Central...

Ryan: Well guys, where are we?

*An old woman hobbles by on a crutch and shook her head at Nyssa*

Old Woman: She may never become a senior...

Nyssa: *covers face* We must be in the Post Count/Senior Member thread...

Lisa: Tell me about it! *her hair starts turning gray*

Ryan: *back begins to hunch and hair and teeth begin to fall out* I knew I posted too much in the games section!

Nyssa: The one benifit of not being a senior member!

Boy: What's that again?

Gonzo: Well it's obvious that it's where you instantly age and decay!

Rowlf: You don't get on much do you?

Ryan: Well, my eyesight may not be as good as it was 5 minutes ago, but I sware that Gonzo's over here, and over there! *points cane at pop-up Gonzo that just appeared*

Pop-up Gonzo: Hey! Buy the new Winnie the Pooh velcro wallets! Only at!

Gonzo: What the Kentucky Fried Chicken is that?!

Dr. Teeth: Well, it appears to be another Gonzo.

Floyd: Yeah man, kinda looks like those fakes that turned Kermit, Animal and the others against us back at the boarding house!

Janice: Like rully! What do we do now?

Pop-up Gonzo: You perish!

Robin: Anybody have a better idea?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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In the new post thread......

Elmo: Ok. Need help.
Me: Ok. You need to write "Elmo's World Theard."
Elmo: Elmo not know how to spell.
Me: Ok. *starts typing but really slow*
Grover: This is will take forever. *looks at watch*
Cookie M: Me still need cookies.
Herry: Cookie! Stop worrying about cookies.
Beth: Scoot over Kyle. *pushes me out of chair*
Me: Ow. *rubs bottom*
Beth: Sorry Kyle. We don't have time to dilly dally. *typing really fast*
Bryan: Thats one fast typer.
Gererd: They call her the "Typer of Muppet Central."
Me: Your telling me.
Gererd: I'm telling you. Oh by the way. You still lookin' good! *licks fingers and puts on bottom* Shhhhhhhhhhhh....
Big Bird: Any luck Beth?
Beth: Almost ready. *few seconds past* There! Finished! Ok Elmo. You do your stuff.
Elmo: Ok everyone. Hang on. *pulls out crayon*

We're then trasnported into what looks like Elmo's World room

Me: I've always wanted to see it for myself.
Beth: It's looks.........dull.
Elmo: Elmo resents that.
Big Bird: Who's that?
Grover: It don't look to nice!
Herry: We need to get out of here!
Snuffy: Bird?
Big Bird: Yes Snuffy.
Snuffy: What in the world is that?!
Big Bird: Don't know but....LET'S GET LOST!
Bryan: Elmo we need to go! There's little things coming after us in your world.
Elmo: Elmo almost finished. *points and clicks on computer to see Telly get sucked into Elmo's computer*
Gererd: We need to help Telly. Come on guys. Grab the computer.
Elmo: Just tell it to fallow us.
Gererd: Ok. Come on computer.
Computer: *makes some funny sounds and fallows us*

We all run out of the new Elmo's World Thread hoping to find out where Spyware is hidding. What's going to happen next? Watch and find out.

(OOC: Telly is now in Elmo's computer and we're being chased by Elmo, Trangles and other little weird looking virus and stuff.)


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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OCC: Just to get it straight, is Telly now with them only inside Elmo's computer? Okay, will build more on the story a bit later. Everyone's doing a great job, this is fun.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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BEAR said:
OCC: Just to get it straight, is Telly now with them only inside Elmo's computer? Okay, will build more on the story a bit later. Everyone's doing a great job, this is fun.
Yes that is correct.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Erine81981 said:
Yes that is correct.
OOC: Brilliant idea. Just the concept of "Computer" running around with them is hilarious to me.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2003
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By the way, Erine, when I said that, I was making fun of the stewardess suit, I didn't actually mean it,lol, now i've got to fix my character's reputation


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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(OOC: Kyle-I love how you're like "we call her the typer of Muppet Central, it's funny to me because my dad is always commenting on how much faster I type than him. Long story short I was laughing for a long time at that line!)

Gobo: So now we're in a computer and we're being chased by a computer
Everyone: AHHHHHH!!!!!
Boober: Run for your lives and don't look back!
Wembley: I'm with him! Let's go!
Telly (inside computer): Help me! Get me out of here!
Beth: This is so chaotic!
Kyle: Well, this is a Muppet related movie
Red: Chaos is fun! I love to run! Whoopie!
Mokey: I don't like the looks of those triangles! They look evil!
Bryan: Just stay calm everyone, we've got to get out of Elmo's World and get Telly out of the computer and then find the rest of our friends and save Muppet Central!
Big Bird: Wow, that was great Bryan, you're such a good leader!
Bryan: Sure Bird, but seriously, let's get ourselves together
Boober: Well, it's hard to be calm when all these crazy things are chasing us!
Wembley: RUN!
Telly: HELP ME!!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bryan: Okay, okay...lets all just stop for a second. How do we get Telly out of Elmo's computer?
Wembley: Well, yeah. I mean, if these evil things are taking over Muppet Central on all the computers, that would include Elmo's wouldn't it?
Beth: So does that mean Telly could be lost forever if they get him?
Telly (in Computer): Oh no!!
Elmo: No.
Bryan: What do you mean "no"?
Elmo: Because Muppet Central forum isn't on Elmo's computer.
Everyone: It's not?!
Elmo: No. Elmo's mommy doesn't allow Elmo to go onto chat rooms online. It can be dangerous.
Grover: Elmo, this is Muppet Central. It is a family friendly forum.
Boober: If it's so friendly why are we being attacked by strange nasty things? You silly people sure are living on the edge.
Kyle: So you are saying that you don't use Muppet Central on this computer?
Elmo: No, that's just Telly in an email file.
G-Man: Then what's with all the green things in there?
Elmo: Static?
Telly: I don't think so!
Gobo: Who cares what they are, just get him out of there!
Cookie: How we do that?
Herry: How are things normally taken out of a computer? (thinks) Hmmm...
Mokey: If only we had a handsome prince to rescue us like in the old storybooks.
Red: Handsome prince...pffftt...right.
Beth: Wait a minute *ding* (a lightbulb appears above her head, Cookie Monster grabs it and eats it) Mokey, Telly CAN be rescued by a prince...well, rather prints!
Mokey: What?
Beth: Prints! We can "print" Telly off of the screen out of the computer.
Elmo: Elmo doesn't have a printer.
Beth: Draw one.
Elmo: Aaah! Yeah! Beth is a genius!! Elmo's computer was created by crayon...all of Elmo's World was. I can't make a printer and Telly will be saved. Yay!! Haha.
Oscar: Just get on with it, huh.
Elmo: Okay!
(Elmo draws a printer with his crayon)
Elmo: There! All done.
Telly (in computer): Can you get me out now?!
Elmo: Don't worry, Telly. Here we go. (Takes mouse and clicks the screen to "print". The printer starts printing out Telly from the computer screen)
Bryan: Hold on, Telly!
(Telly is finally out. It is definitely him, but he is flat like a rug)
Red: he supposed to look like that?
Elmo: Umm...Elmo doesn't think so.
Snuffy: Now what?
Herry: We have to unflatten him.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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G-MAN said:
By the way, Erine, when I said that, I was making fun of the stewardess suit, I didn't actually mean it,lol, now i've got to fix my character's reputation
(OOC: No thats alright Gererd. I like how that I'm still in the costume. It makes for comic relief. Don't apolize for it. I'm enjoying it)

Me: Here. I've seen this done on old cartoons. *holds printed Telly out and flops it like a towel and Telly pops out* There. You ok Telly?
Telly: Kind of. Whoa. They had it in for me.
Bryan: You'll be ok. Your with us now.
Big Bird: Glad to see your ok, Telly.
Telly: Glad to be here in one piece.
Grover: Now what?
Oscar: Let's call it a day!
Me: Ok. Day.
Oscar: Smarty pants. *slams trash lid*
Herry: I'm hungry. I know that.
Cookie M: Me with Herry.
Beth: We don't have nothing here.
Snuffy: We could go to my cave and have something to eat there.
Me: Or to Mcdees!
Bryan: Dream on Kyle.
Me: I'm hungry. *dreaming of chicken nuggets* POOF
Gererd: What just happend?
Gobo: Kyle's dream came true.
Me: Ohhhh this is good. *eatting chicken nuggets*
Wembley: *dreaming* POOF Doozer sticks. Mmmmm good.

Everyone starts dreaming getting all the food they can eat.

Narrtor: I know what your thinking. Dreaming in the computer and getting fast food delievied to them. Hey don't let this movie go to far out of place. We don't want to much crazyness.

"Just let us enjoy our movie." *goes back to eatting*

Narrtor: Ok. So now what in it for the muppets and their newly found friends. Our they going to save their beloved Muppet Central from Spywear or not. Keep reading and find out. Stay tuned.......


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2003
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Gererd: Mmmm, I love McDonalds (Sucks drink from a straw, and eats his dreamed up Chicken McNuggets and fries)
Boober: But that stuff is so fattening, you should have some of my radish gumbo.
Grover: No, thanks. I had too much on that island.
Boober: Ok, more for me and Wembley, right Wembley?
Wembley: Right!
Gobo: We don't want any of that when we have doozer sticks right here, do we Wembley?
Wembley: Nooooooo!
Cookie: (To Kyle, who's still in the stewardess costume) Mamm, can me have some more cookies.
Kyle: For the last time I'm not a stewardess!!!!!!!!!!!!
Narrator: Unfortunately that catches the attention of the evil Cue Card Holding Penguins, who immediately begin chasing after our heroes.
Bryan: Oh great, now what do we do?