Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Jun 8, 2007
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Christine: *walks into the dorm* Hey, Kathy! I just wanted to drop by and wish you a belated birthday. Sorry my roomies are all asleep, so they can't be here to wish you same. ^_^; In any case, I'm glad you like the gifts. I picked them out myself. I'm sure the others will send over their gifts tomorrow. *smiles* Hope the day was a good one for you, and congratulations on being one year older! ^_^ *hugs Kathy* So what have you all been up to?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Christine: *walks into the dorm* Hey, Kathy! I just wanted to drop by and wish you a belated birthday. Sorry my roomies are all asleep, so they can't be here to wish you same. ^_^; In any case, I'm glad you like the gifts. I picked them out myself. I'm sure the others will send over their gifts tomorrow. *smiles* Hope the day was a good one for you, and congratulations on being one year older! ^_^ *hugs Kathy* So what have you all been up to? birthday was OK thanks.Don't worry about your roomies not being here to wish me a belated happy birthday.I'll see them tomorrow.:smile: As for being a year older...what a scary thought!:eek:
Things are going good here.I haven't been up to too much.


Jun 8, 2007
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Christine: Good to hear. ^_^ And I'll make sure to remind them all. *laughs at Kathy's joke about being a year older* You don't look a day over 25, Kathy; I wouldn't worry about your age too much. No one wants to do a lot, anyway, unless they're the type that has a high stress threshold. My job's been keeping me so busy, and they caught me pretty much sleeping today when I was working in the pharmacy; I think I got the pharmacist fairly agitated, even though he did a great job of hiding it. :embarrassed: But I'll work on it. *looks around* How's life with Prairie and Rosita, and Gaffer, of course?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Christine: Good to hear. ^_^ And I'll make sure to remind them all. *laughs at Kathy's joke about being a year older* You don't look a day over 25, Kathy; I wouldn't worry about your age too much. No one wants to do a lot, anyway, unless they're the type that has a high stress threshold. My job's been keeping me so busy, and they caught me pretty much sleeping today when I was working in the pharmacy; I think I got the pharmacist fairly agitated, even though he did a great job of hiding it. :embarrassed: But I'll work on it. *looks around* How's life with Prairie and Rosita, and Gaffer, of course?
Oh..they're all doing great! They practically were shoving me out the door to go to the pool last night for my surprise party!*laugh* But I love them as if they were my sisters. And Gaffer's a little cuddle kitty.:smile:
Yikes about them almost catching you sleeping on the job!:eek: Hopefully things'll be better for you tomorrow or the next day you work.


Jun 8, 2007
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Christine: That's wonderful to hear. I'm sure they were all really excited to have you celebrate your birthday by the pool last night. :3 Gaffer must be so cute, I have to meet her someday. *hides a yawn behind her hand and checks the time* Oh, my. It's getting late. I've got a full evening ahead of me tomorrow, because we get our weekly delivery, and I'm going to be spending my shift unloading it. Oh, well, such is life. And next time, I'll be better prepared for when I work in the pharmacy; don't want to get caught clueless again. ^_^; *hugs Kathy again* It was good talking to you...we need to do this more often, don't you think? Anyways, I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday and am gratified that you like your gifts. Use them in good health. *waves* Good night, Kathy! Sweet dreams to everyone! *shuffles out and back to Dorm #2, where she climbs into bed and curls up under the covers*


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Apr 18, 2004
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Floyd: *in bed, gets up and turns on the light* Hey, have any of you fellas seen Alex? She ain't in bed!

Sweetums: *groans* Did you check on the floor? She likes to sleep there......

Floyd: *rolls his eyes* Why, gee Big Fuzz, that's an amazing idea... now how come I didn't think of that? Oh, that's right, I already looked! It's pretty obvious she isn't on the floor!

Janice: Like, quiet down guys! You'll wake up Bean and Animal! And like, you know how protective Animal is.....

Sweetums: *looks out the window* See? There she is. *points down at Alex's favorite tree* She probably couldn't sleep and went outside to work on her play or something. Now go to sleep. *turns the light back out*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Wakes up and goes to get his bowl of breakfast cereal. *Finds a note and batch of brownies by our dorm room's door.
Hey Count... Could you help me with these?
:batty: Sure... *Reads the message and explains what happened.
Me: Oh, so it wasn't a visit from a brownie, one of Abby's fairy friends. Will have to thank Christine next time she's around these halls.

Thank you Christine!

*Goes back in to check on all the threads that've accumulated during the night while I was out.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Knocking on Dorr 22... Wakey-wakey Squeaky-weaky... Get thee to posting fanfic or drastic measures will be taken! This is a warning... Heed it or perish at your own peril! *Leaves one of Christine's chopped walnut brownies... *Nudges it onto Squeaky's nose, hoping it gets her to update stowies.


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Mar 21, 2005
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*Walks across the hall to Kathy's room. Knocks on door*
Hmmm, guess Kathy's asleep. Oh well, I'm sorry I missed her. I'll just leave these here then. *There are three boxes. From me, a gold chain with a small cat charm on it. From Wembley, a perfect smoothy, strung on a silver chain. From Gobo, a shiny crystal from the Crystal Cavern. Finally, a note saying, "Happy birthday, hope you like these. Love, Katie and the boys".*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Goes upstairs to Room #19. It's rully late, wouldn't blame her if she was already asleep. *Leaves a package wrapped with our familiar palid yellow brown bat paper.
Inside the box there are: a book with Fraggle fairy tales from me, a Fraggle Rock orin hanging chained charm from Uncle D, and a Hensonville Jacuzzis certificate from the Count allowing Kim to leave behind the muss and the fuss of the books letting her hair down like the librarian lady should, tossing it all around as she gets primped and pampered.

Along with a slice of coconut cream pie with Doozerdust sugar powdering, a card is present as well , our nomme de plumes inked and saying "Happy Birthday to the eldest candle of the wicks."
Hope she liked the presents.

Count: MC Dorms have been brought to you by the letter K for Kathy and Kim, and by the number 17.
Good night.
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