Muppets at BAM in November


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2005
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I may go, I'm not sure

Most of the time I go upstate to my brother-in-law's house for Thanksgiving. This year, however, with two kids we'd have to drag both car seats through the subway system to the Port Authority bus terminal at 42nd Street. We need the seats so that Bob can drive us from the bus station to his house. Also, usually my niece's maternal grandfather Hunter who lives in Queens offers to drive us home. Obviously, that saves us some money and some trouble, but we still need the seats. If we choose to stay home this year we will be celebrating it at my mom's house in Brooklyn. A slightly easier trip. Dad often drives us home from there too, but he has his own car seats. So whether I see this or not depends on where I am and obviously on my wallet. BTW: whose idea was it to put a big travel expense holiday only one month away from a big gift-giving expense holiday, SHEESH :smirk:.

Some years we have had two Thanksgivings, but then usually the one at my parent's house is celebrated later, usually about a week after the date. This tradition started back when my wife and I were dating, and has been going on for 9 years now, oddly enough my first Thanksgiving dinner at my BIL's was the one about 2 days after my paternal grandmother's death. Another hard Thanksgiving that I spent up there was Thanksgiving 2001 when we were all just thankful to be alive. My BIL was (he retired right after 9/11) a firefighter and he lost 9 men at the WTC. He had to leave between dinner and dessert because they found one of the bodies. I remember that year when my sister-in-law lead us to the room that we'd be staying in for the night, she had to take the funeral clothes off the bed. She was keeping them there so that she and her husband would be ready to go at a moment's notice. :cry:

We've had quite few good one's up there too, of course. My daughter's first one in 2002, my son's first in 2006. And I am confident that this one will be good also wherever we spend it. :smile: