My Visual Language Site


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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"hobbit" is the show I've been buildign puppets and masks for for the last 3 weeks for a children's theater I'm associated with. It opened Friday so my schedule is a lot clearer than it has been. if I ever get pics on my siye for it, I'll let you know.
A Zoot pic is no problem. I've been trying to find pics of at least the EM guys which are close to the sketches. Animal is the same way. its why I'm sending you some different Floyds tommorow for you to choose from. I think you might find one that's a bit closer or a bit more interesting. Stat, Wald, BunsnBeakr were a little harder to find that way.
You never answered my question regarding the sketches in desings and Doodles. have you been able to scan them all? and 2) do you need photos for any of those characters (Rowlf, Sweetums, Mahna Mahna, Thog, Bert, Ernie, b. Bird, Oscar, ect.? Oh and I sent you skecthes of Beau and Chef, do you need shots of them?



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Sorry not to answer you, there. Um, I don't have a scanner, here at school, though I'm mainly using the book as a source of info. I also got some of the sketches you mentioned from's "Featured Creature" section. Maybe I could use the Rowlf sketches, but I'm not totally sure, at this point. Also, some of the guys, like Thog and Sweetums, though I think they might also be on, I don't know if I'm going to fit them in, right now, but may add them, once I'm done as an assignment, to expand the site. I really appreciate the effort to get the pics close to the sketches, but don't stress yourself, as it helps, but is not ABSOLUTELY necessary. I found a Beau that works, and Chef has a whole page dedicated to him, so that should be no prob. The main important pics I still need are the Gonzo/Animal wide/not-so-wide eye comparisons, Piggys, Zoot pic/sketch if available, and maybe more, but not sure off of the top of my head. Once again, thanks for everything. See ya, take care.



Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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hey Squig,

I had a thougbht the other night which yo uor I or Luke may have already touched on, (or at least aspects of) that might help with your site. I think we had talked at one point about how Jim eliminated the proscenium and used the TV as aproscenium nd we ha talked about the Mupps beign the amongst the firstto use synthetic and flexible materials, but we never really put that together. I thikn one of the things that makes the muppets work (Kermit particularly) is that Jim would move in and get those close-ups (like you would a normal actor) for an intense emotional shot. If you watch the scene at the duck pond in GMC there's a real good example of this with kermit. Same for a lot of Gonzo's scenes in MFS. I t's kind of interesting. it's not just that reading and the actig that comes into play there but 'how th muppets are shot' or framed in scene. You get closer to a character. you get an intimacy. if you know anything about the Little Shop of Horrors and why they had to change the ending. it's the same principle. Part of the reason, Seymour and Audrey couldn't die because you had that close-up and began to care for their characters. that close-up that, that intimacy is part of what makes us care for those characters. Hope this helps alittle. Sorry if I'm repeasting anytihgn that was said. but my attention was elewhere when things were baing said. Hope the site is going well.


Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Every time I see Little Shop of Horrors, I feel like I'm getting revenge by eating a salad!
