New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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welcome one and all...and please stop staring at me! i know i'm beautiful and all but there's no need to drool over me! haha..



Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Welcome, everybody!!!!! Kye-It's not that messed up, really, attributing your happiness in life to the Muppets. At least partly. I know what you mean, a/b your Muppet celebrity family. I'm not an orphan, but the Muppets helped me get through some MISERABLE four years!!! (4th-8th grade.) As I was pretty much friendless, Kermit, Fozzie, Rowlf, Gonzo, and the whole gang became my best friends! I, like you, especially loved "Go Back there Someday" among all the Muppet songs, especially the part, "There's a not a word yet, for old friends who've just met...."I wanted friends like that SOO bad!!! Oddly enough, once I finally found the dear group of close friends I have now, it was just like that! It was like we'd known each all our lives, I was so comfortable w/them! (And I was always TERRIFIED of people!) If it weren't for my faith, my family, and, yes, even the Muppets, I don't know WHERE I'd be!!! So....Welcome to the Magic Store!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2002
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Hi!:smile: I've finally got round to introducing myself. So....hi! I go by the name Daylight and I am ME!!! I am also the seventh day winner of the great cake hunt and the seventh (I think) day winner of the great song hunt. (You may have noticed that seven is my lucky number) I've always loved the muppets, but since hanging around Muppet Central (I love Muppet Central Radio!!!!!)I've become even more obsessed with them. I also love the Labrynth and just about all other Jim Henson inspired stuff. I am also obsessed with cats, chocolate, DVDs, Star Trek, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Lord of the Rings, Fanfiction and writing. I'm 21 years old and in my third/fourth year at the University of British Columbia. My current goals in life are to get a job, move out and own all the Muppet Shows on DVD. (Unfortunatly they must occur in that order) Everyone here seems really nice here so I hope to hang around and post more.

PS Yes, I am normally insane! :stick_out_tongue:


Feb 7, 2003
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Hi everybody, my name is Danielle, I'm an 18-year-old freshman in college, and I've loved the Muppets for...........ever..........:smile: My favorite special is A Muppet Family Christmas, and I've been accumulating a stuffed Kermit collection. :smile: My favorite Muppets are Ernie, Janice, Kermit, and Boober.

As far as personal info goes, I'm an English major, I have green eyes and "auburn strawberry blonde brown" hair, I'm a Mac freak, and I love movies like "The Wizard of Oz" "The Matrix," "Fight Club," and those based on comic books or written by Kevin Smith. As for life plans and goals, I want to transfer after next year, take up a Public Relations or Marketing minor, become a publishing editor, and get married to my boyfriend Andrew and have a couple of kids...and a 12'' Powerbook with a Superdrive...teehee...

Oh, and my screenname comes from my favorite song-"Starlight" by the Superman Lovers *reeeeeeeeally obscure* and the fact that Andrew had a star named for me :smile: