New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2005
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Hi Everyone!
My name is Arianne, and I joined the the forum near the end of last year, but I never remembered to introduce myself. I am currently a senior at the University of Pittsburgh, and after graduating I hope to go to law school in the fall (If I ever hear from the schools I applied to.) I have been a huge muppet fan ever since I was born and had a baby kermit doll placed in my hands. I've tried to keep up watching evey episode of the Muppet Show I can find; I own several versions of each Muppet movie, and have spent my life accumulating tons of books and memorabilia that i hope to place in its very own room someday! I have memorized almost all of the feature films by heart. I've wrote my senior research paper on Jim Henson's innovations to puppet technology in high school, and I am currently working on a senior paper on Sesame Street and how it relays civil religion towards children of America for my Rhetoric and Culture class.
I have always considered Jim Henson and the muppets a part of me, everytime I was stressed, depressed, or full of unrest, I would read an old muppet annual I had, or watch the fantastic Miss Piggy show, or sing along to my favorite muppet and fraggle tunes. The muppets have, and always will be, a huge part of my life and I am so glad that I joined a forum where I can share that with other fans like myself.
I spend most of my time on the forum at the fanfic section; I never knew that fanfics existed and after reading so many of them, I absolutely love them. They are the perfect way to get my mind off of things, and they totally fill the void I have for muppet romance, for I have always been a hopeless Kermit-Piggy romantic at heart.
Well, there is a little about me and my muppet affiliation. By the way, this year and last year have been a tremendous time to be a muppet fan; after the lull we had for so many years, all this great muppet appearances and merchandise have been coming out and I couldn't be more excited! The Muppetcast is also fantastic and another way I get through the week. Thanks for letting me introduce myself, have a great evening everyone and remember, "There's nothing to it but to do it!" Sgt Floyd Pepper
(me graduating from pitt pretty soon!)
(It's about tiem I posted soemthing!) Hello! ^^ my name is- **Crazy Harry blows up something off in the distance so you couldn't hear what I said**-but you can call me KirbTreelo05 =3 I've known the muppets since I can remember! (I'm pretty sure the first muppet related thing I watched was SS) I've been wanting to join this fourm for a long time. I tried joining with the username Kirbtaro05, but I did get the e-mail to activate my account TT^TT So I had to wait until I got my own E-mail account (My mom and I shared the same account at the time I tried to register) Ok, enough of that. On to the "About Me" part

I hope to be an artist & director when I get older; and I plan on being a children's illustrator and/or voice actress to help jump start my career. I have no shame in watching shows that are below my age range x3 but of course, I do watch other shows that would be consitered "age appropriate." I wanted to join because I think that the muppets are simpley amazing. (don't we all? ) The characters are very liikeable and the muppeters who play them are top-notch! The muppets have got me more interested into puppetry. I even wrote a report for school on Jim Henson being Person of the Centry. My most favorite muppet project is BiBBH! ^w^ It has so much heart in it, wonderful songs and (believe it or not) helped me change some areas in my life.

That's all I can think of for now ^^;
I am new here. I love the Muppet and especially Elmo. Elmo helped my little toddler learn English at 3. We adopted our daughter from China and Sesame Street helped her transition from Mandarin to English.

Li Li's Mommy
Hi everybody!
I've been a Muppet fan for as long as I can remeber! Sesame Street and I are the same age, isn't that cool As you can probably tell my favorite Muppet is :super:Loveable Furry Old Grover!:super: I have been listening to the MuppetCast since last September and really enjoy hearing all the great muppet stories and info! So hi!
Hi Im new here, Im a female from So Cal and grew up watching the Muppet Show on tv and seeing the Muppet Movie in the theatre.

Im a toy collector and seller so Im always doing toy research on toys I come across and I came here to seek out some help/feedback on a particular toy.
hey everyone,

was looking for tips on making puppets for some characters on a miniseries im producing for my local tv station and i stumbled on this site.i thought this is a place i should be a part of.

ive been into the muppets since i was a young pup(pet) and still enjoy their effect on me,even though some people tell me i should grow up(never,i say!)

looking forward to frequenting this site often in the future.
Hi everyone!
Check out my site:
Hello to all of my long lost family of fellow frog lovers! I joined Muppet Central a few days ago after reading and re-reading, then analyzing the threads on MR's Gonzo Replica. I am happy to say, that thanks to the wonderful words of wisdom, and exquisite photos by members here, I ordered my Gonzo today. I must give a special thanks to Lab Rat, that latest batch of photos sealed the deal for me and I knew I could no longer live with my own blue weirdo! Thanks to all for a wonderful site and thanks for letting me come aboard!
Welcome :smile:


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Hi and welcome to the latest bunch of new members!

Arianne, congradulations on making Jim Henson and his work as much a part of your academic work as possible! But would you mind explaining a bit more about your Sesame Street paper? What do you mean by "civil religion"?


New Member
Feb 14, 2008
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Hello to all the newest members! And a special howdy to my "neighbor" Streetfan! So glad you decided to be official!
LOL, if by neighbors you mean 30 minutes away, then yup. :smile: But yes, we've met IRL a few times through a local moms' group; Cindy's a sweet lady!

Love that SuperGrover smilie! :super:


New Member
Feb 27, 2008
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Hello everybody

My Name is Angélica. I am from Holland. For my work at a daycare I was looking for sesamestreet and I found this forum. It remembered me how much I always liked the muppets and Jim Henson. In my work I try to be creative and musical. I play the guitar. For my work I did:I don't want to live on the moon from Ernie. It was beautifull to see the reactions. I also made a muppet that is a kind of between cookiemonster and Elmo. It was much fun. I am not a big writer but I hope to hear from someone here.

Greetings from Angélica.


New Member
Mar 1, 2008
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Hi everyone! Im new to this site and i personally love it! Kudos to the people who work on this site! I see its a lot of hard work! Keep it comin'!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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... Ah-ha! That's 1, 1 more boricua buddy to add to my list! *Waves at ViNaCaT. Rully hope you come to like it here at our cwazy home away from home.

:big grin:


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2004
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Hello to all of my long lost family of fellow frog lovers! I joined Muppet Central a few days ago after reading and re-reading, then analyzing the threads on MR's Gonzo Replica. I am happy to say, that thanks to the wonderful words of wisdom, and exquisite photos by members here, I ordered my Gonzo today :big_grin:. I must give a special thanks to Lab Rat, that latest batch of photos sealed the deal for me and I knew I could no longer live with my own blue weirdo! Thanks to all for a wonderful site and thanks for letting me come aboard! :wink:
You have the greatest screenname ever! Welcome to the forum.

Welcome everybody! I go by MrsPepper (or just Pepper) and if you have a question don't be shy to ask me, or anyone else on the forum (we're all very friendly, I promise!)


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Welcome, everyone! It's so great to have all you guys here. I hope you have a terrific time 'round these parts. Have fun and post often! :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2005
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Hi everyone! Im new to this site and i personally love it! Kudos to the people who work on this site! I see its a lot of hard work! Keep it comin'!
Welcome, ViNaCaT (that is such a MARVELOUS name)! I do believe there are a couple or so of us who have already had the greatest pleasure of meeting you beforehand on a place with the words "face" and "book" in it.:coy:

LOL! I'm being silly. But, seriously, it is great to have you here, and I hope you have loads of fun (most particularly in the "Fan Fiction" and "Games" section....:wink: :wink:).


Mar 1, 2008
Reaction score
Duplicate post, previously unapproved posts, introduction split between the two.

Hi all!

Well, my name is Miles. I'm 24, and have been an avid Muppet fan for as long as I can remember, so a little over 20 years now.

My earliest memory is of getting my first Muppets toys. It was Christmas 1987, the year that "Muppet Family Christmas" was first broadcast. I was sleeping at my grandparent's house, when my sister woke me up with 2 gifts that my parents had just bought me: It was a Baby Kermit and a Baby Piggy doll, the ones that had been sold at McDonald's as a promotion for the TV special. I still have the two, though I've since had to repair them. Kermit's lost his vest, and I had to his Santa hat on to keep it from falling off all the time. And Miss Piggy's back ripped, making me repair it with the only thread I had available at the time (red). (I was about 10 when I did that, so I wasn't in any danger). I later found the Baby Fozzie at a garage sale. During my sophomore year of high school, I got introduced to eBay, and managed to find a complete set that was in pristine condition! not to mention a complete set that was still in their plastic bags! (If you can't tell, I'm a bit obsessive with them).

Also, until I was about 6, my dad would record the Christmas specials that were shown on TV. The end result is 3 video tapes full of animated specials, including the original broadcast of "Muppet Family Christmas", several episodes of "The Muppet Show", and even the "The Muppets: A Celebration of 30 Years" special. My dad was smart, too, because after he was done recording the 3 tapes, he broke the "Record" tab off of the tapes, so that we'd always have them. 20 years old, and they're still fun to watch!

My favorite Muppets are Kermit (of course), Miss Piggy, Fozzie, Gonzo, Rowlf, Pepe, Gobo, Cantus, Dr. Teeth, and Sweetums.

My favorite show is definately "The Muppet Show". I have seasons 1 and 2 on DVD, and am excited for season 3 to be released in a couple of months. My favorite sketches are "Mahna Mahna", "Happy Feet", and "Fears" (the poem performed by Zero Mostel in the second season).

My favorite movie is, by far, "The Muppets Take Manhattan", followed by "The Muppet Christmas Carol", "The Great Muppet Caper", and "The Muppet Movie". I also love "Follow That Bird!", "Labyrinth" and "The Dark Crystal".

Hmm... I can't think of anything else to say. And since I've already said a lot, I think I'll just shut up now. XD
*waves* :big_grin:Hi all!