New movies coming out...


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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My friend Sean let me borrow some movies of his,that I just watched for the first time: AvP,Spiderman2,Troy. AvP was extremely boring,I skipped through the whole movie & happy I didn't see it in the theater.Wish there was more plot,more fights between the Aliens & Predators,more researching from the techs. in the movie as to why these 2 creatures are what they are.In other words,AvP should have gone back to basics with the 2 classic films & done something from there.Spiderman 2 I enjoyed,once Sam Raimi stopped the sarcasm in the beginning & the plot with Dr. Octopus started,the film had some weight to it;great casting & a to-be-continued ending.Troy was good,could have been better.Brad Pitt I thought wasn't convincible as a warrior,no on-screen persona whatsoever.He did a good job physically with the role,just was midcast to me.Good to see Peter O'Toole once again,also Brian Cox.

Thanks for the report on Crash Ryan,I would like to see that too,looks good.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
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AndyWan Kenobi said:
You know, I absolutely adore Pixar's movies. I've never been disappointed by one. But for some reason I almost never am really hooked by the trailers. The only exception is The Incredibles. I knew from the first trailer that that movie was going to be great. But all the others, which I think are amazing movies, didn't really hook me with the trailers. So I'm reserving judgment on Cars until I actually see it. I'm sure that the Pixar people will somehow pull another perfect movie out of their hat.

This is true. I shouldn't allow myself to judge films based solely on previews. It is a terrible way to guage the quality of a movie. However, I find it hard to deter myself. :smirk:

Hey Dee. I am in complete agreement with you about AVP. We definitely needed more fighting in that one.
As for Troy, I was very disappointed with that one. The fight between Achilles and Hector was epic but the rest of the film left me wanting. Sean Bean was good, though underused, as Odysseus.

If you want to see a good epic war film, you should check out Kingdom of Heaven. Orlando Bloom surprised me with his ability to carry the film, and the acting as a whole was very impressive. Jeremy Irons was great as an ex-Crusader bureaucrat who sees potential greatness in Bloom's idealistic knight. The movie cast aside stereotypes and cliches regarding Christians and Muslims and simply told the story about the desire of both the Christians and Muslims to have control of Jerusalem. I was inspired to learn more about the Crusades and the people who fought in that war.

I also just finished a crazy little movie called 13 Moons starring Steve Buscemi. This is a terrific movie if you like the strange and unusual. It's about a bunch of strangers who are brought together one night by the desire to save the life of a little boy. In spite of it's zaniness and antics, the movie becomes heartwarming. The cast is terrific with Peter Stormare (Constantine, Armageddon), Daryl Mitchell (10 Things I Hate About You), Karyn Parsons (TV's The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air), and Pruitt Taylor Vince (Identity). There are also some great cameos with Michael Parks, Eddie Bunker and Danny Trejo. You have to look out, though; it's rated R and has some near nudity and a major character who is a drug addict. If you like movies like In the Soup, Four Rooms, Bringing Out the Dead or Pulp Fiction, I bet you'd like this one.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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I didn't go see Kingdom of Heaven because I'm tired of seeing war/epic movies. Last year I saw Troy and thought it was really bad. The I saw King Arthur, although I liked it. Then I saw Alexander which was so so. War/epic movies are all the same to me and there's nothing new in them.



Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
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ryhoyarbie said:
I didn't go see Kingdom of Heaven because I'm tired of seeing war/epic movies. Last year I saw Troy and thought it was really bad. The I saw King Arthur, although I liked it. Then I saw Alexander which was so so. War/epic movies are all the same to me and there's nothing new in them.


Kingdom of Heaven is quite different from those movies you mentioned. The problem with Troy is that it relied on flashy show and not storyline. All three movies you mentioned did a poor job with character development. Kingdom of Heaven, on the other hand, tells a terrific story very successfully. More importantly, we get a glimpse of the perceptions from both sides of the front, only they did a better job of it than Troy managed to do. It was as good as Braveheart, but employed less gore.
Not that I can change your mind one way or the other, but I find it unfair to judge movies based on other filmmakers' mistakes. A lot of people put an unfair amount of pressure on Ridley Scott's film by describing it as a make-or-break film for the epic war genre. I think Scott blew naysayers out of the water with this one.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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I rented Lemony Snickett,watched it finally,lol.I liked it,except for Jim Carrey.Can't stand when he's bouncing off the walls,drives me nuts.I like 'em when he's at his most serious.Thanks for recommending 13 Moons Ryan,gonna check it out,when I get the time.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Yes, I thought that movie was excellent except for him...and the person if indetermante gender.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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Welp, we got about 9 days before everybody goes crazy for a little movie called Star Wars!



Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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You couldn't pay me enough money to sit out for 8 days or so and try to get tickets for the first showing of Star Wars. Those people are a little crazy beyound belief. Movies going to be out for several months but they don't realize that.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2004
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Not to be a ballburster, but I'm not particularly excited about Star Wars, I don't know how people can stick or even follow it!