New Muppet movie in development for potential 2013 release

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Oct 27, 2011
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And hopefully they don't have this same film editor. Personally, I'd refuse to rehire someone that lopped off the entire freaking reason Tex had a vendetta with the Muppets causing a huge plot hole that kills the big payoff at the ending because it's barely a minute that the theater chains lose forcing everyone through more annoying Screenvision garbage.

But that's just me.
I agree with you there.
I don't like how the reason Kermit and Piggy broke up was not included.
Because we're supposed to magically assume Kermit yelled at her. :/


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I could see them removing that because it would have been a good 5 minute scene...

but less than a minute and a half of a song? What's the deal with that.

Still, the fact they cut that part out too was kinda crappy, but at least they implied there was a big break up there. The ending was supposed to be a big payoff, but it basically just makes no sense.

The only thing I didn't like in The Muppets were the pacing issues. If they fixed that with a better, extended DVD/Blu release, it would have been a perfect film. The Muppets is begging for a director's cut rerelease.


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Apr 16, 2002
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Wouldn't surprise me, these things happen in the workplace, sadly. Show business is no exception.
Considering the sad behind the scenes shenanigans on Brave, there is that unfortunate boy's club air to Disney. But then again, we're talking about a company that mass markets talking cars and superheros to little boys and make their proactive female role model princesses that hate sitting around having tea parties and wearing frilly dresses they never (or rarely) actually wore in the movie into Stepford Princesses that sit around having tea parties and wearing frilly dresses they never (or rarely) actually wore in the movie.

Seriously... where was a Mira Nova action figure, Mattel?


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Apr 16, 2002
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No one likes working for Disney. But it's hard to feel sorry for the editor that kinda ruined the last film. I'm sure she had pressure from higher ups, but even the filmmakers were kinda annoyed that Tex's origin was sloppily hacked out of the film.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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And anyone who thinks that the Disney princesses do nothing but wear frilly dresses and hold tea parties or don't think there's more to them than that is completely wrong!
No, I'm saying that's how they market them. The film makers go out of their way to give these characters depth and make them hold their own in the films. Even more so in the animated series where available. Jasmine really held her own in that show. But when it comes to toys, they play strictly for the gender stereotype angle. It's kinda disrespectful to the characters. I've no problem with the Fairy and Minnie Mouse lines, but they need to revamp their princess line to be a little more proactive, like the characters.

I'm a guy, sure... but I hate that girls can't get decent role models in cartoons and they can't get any decent toys. The princesses (YMMV) are good role models most of the time, but why can't girls have action based Princess merchandise? Mulan and Merida alone deserve that.
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