New Muppet movie in development for potential 2013 release

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I love how this has turned into the Walter thread. :stick_out_tongue:

It is a valid question though.

Even though the writers confirmed he has a part in the movie. But who wants a subtext where he disappears? Like that little girl who disappeared off of Family Matters when her mother wanted more money. They never wrote her off, and that leads you to think something dreadful happened.

If Walter were to disappear completely, that would mean 2 things... either Kermit broke a promise (something pretty lousy to do to someone that saved your little entertainment troupe) or that he didn't find his dream that fulfilling and he just up and left. Somehow, if they just couldn't use the character anymore for whatever reason, I'd love to see him written off as being too shy to perform still, and working quietly as an important behind the scenes role.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
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Or, all the movies are non-canon and "just movies." Which is the explanation I would go with. But still, I was all prepared to hate Walter (the interloper!) but instead I just loved him. I think he's a great character, and there are a lot of ways they can work him into future productions.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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The movie isn't canon but Walters personality and basic back story are. He's still a muppet fan that gets to work with the muppets. That's his character. It's like the muppet movie. Scooter wasn't really the bands road manager, but his character is still the same. The difference is that Walter is the first semi-main character to appear in a movie first. I can't recall any other main cast member that first appeared in a movie and was then worked into the cast. Rizzo could qualify as he didn't really develop until MTM and even then he would be similar to Walter. We don't see him as a waiter, but his main personality trait is that of a rat. He is willing to help if there's something in it for him. That's followed him throughout the years. How he met the muppets isn't canon, but his character is. Walters character is he's a huge fan of the muppets and wants is eager to help and work for them. That's easy to translate into any production. He may not work as a muppet fan all the time but he can certainly be someone that looks up to and respects Kermit and the gang, willing to get them coffee, run errands, or just generally be there for them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I want Animal if he's used right, like in the last film. The anger management stuff and his Sweeny Todd moment when reunited with his drums. That was brilliant.

I really felt he was pasted into MFS, where he did have a sizable role, but an unnecessary one.

And hopefully the new film has the luxury of having time for a Full Electric Mayhem number.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2010
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I want the movie to be something where when you come home from watching it, you want more. (But you do have a sense of closure.) :smile:
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