Pixar Vs. Dreamworks


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Nov 25, 2011
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I can't really decide, to be honest. Pixar is amazing because it gave us Toy Story and the sequels, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles and Wall-E, and for the most part has followed the #1 rule of storytelling, which is to never underestimate the intelligence of your audience. With Dreamworks, it's a hit and miss for me. On one hand, their 2D films were absolutely INCREDIBLE by all accounts (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron, Joseph: King of Dreams, and my all-time favorite movie EVER, The Prince of Egypt), but it's like their quality tanked a bit when they started making CGI films (the first two Shrek films were fairly good, but it just went downhill from there). Recently their films have improved (like Kung Fu Panda and How to Train Your Dragon), but they have a LONG way to go to get where they once were story-quality wise.


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Apr 16, 2002
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I can't really decide, to be honest. Pixar is amazing because it gave us Toy Story and the sequels, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles and Wall-E, and for the most part has followed the #1 rule of storytelling, which is to never underestimate the intelligence of your audience.
Wall*e shows how ballsy Pixar is. A movie that has no dialogue until a half hour into the film? That was a huge risk that paid off. Up, another film that was a risky gamble (considering it has the most depressing opening of all time) and it came out one of their best films to date. They always add an artistic touch to everything they make. Even the Cars films. It's to the point where they're the straight A+ students that everyone wants to fail just so they can be smug about it (which is probably the reason why everyone's so harsh about Cars). But they're going in there every day, making some incredible stuff. I really want to see how "Untitled Pixar Project that takes you inside the human mind" turns out. That seems like the most post-modernist artistic they can get. They haven't yet made a film I mildly disliked, let alone hated.

but it's like their quality tanked a bit when they started making CGI films (the first two Shrek films were fairly good, but it just went downhill from there). Recently their films have improved (like Kung Fu Panda and How to Train Your Dragon), but they have a LONG way to go to get where they once were story-quality wise.
I'm glad they left Shrek in the past. I like Shrek, Shrek's all right by me... but the third one was tacky (plays better on home video) and the fourth one was actually quite decent and more grown up than the others... I'm starting to think Puss in Boots is the best of that franchise (only ONE outside movie reference quote? and it's Fight Club?)... I think once they realized how poor a film Sharktale was (again, passive aggressive revenge by Dreamworks to make an edgy Finding Nemo... and failing at it), they started to gradually increase in quality. Monsters Vs Aliens, Megamind, Kung Fu Panda 1 and 2... all huge improvements. Other than the Seinfeld vehicle, Bee Movie (which is good if you like Jerry's stand up... it's basically an animated version of a monologue about bees) they were all pretty good after that.

If there IS one thing I want Dreamworks to do is to release Toonsylvania on DVD or on hulu or something... such a waste that show's never going to be seen again...

The one thing though, I feel I need to mention the OTHER studios. Blue Sky is okay, but Fox is trying too hard to shove Ice Age down our throats and make it their Shrek (no way I'm seeing #4), especially when Robots was their master work... Disney's own CGI studio aside from Pixar is alright (I'm one of the few that really liked Chicken Little... Meet the Robinsons was pretty good... I loved Bolt) I HATE Sony... kinda liked the Smurfs film... but still HATE Sony... Universal I want to like from Despicable Me, but I refuse to see Tim Hill's Hop (due to Tim Hill's involvement) and Lorax doesn't interest me... MGM's Igor was a huge surprise (sappy ending, though)... WB's whatever they use is junk, and I'm not happy they're doing the Bone movie... Lionsgate sucks...Whoever did Space Chimps, Planet 51 (ripoff of a superior episode of Buzz Lightyear), and Fly Me To THe Moon should be restrained in one of those Clockwork Orange things and be foreced to watch them for all eternity...

So I have much more problems with the off brand and third party studios than Dreamworks.


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Aug 25, 2007
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Cars 2 notwithstanding, Pixar has made perfect movies in every possible way. I pretty much stand by my belief that every movie they make, with exceptions, improves on the movie before it in animation (one of the things Cars 2 did succeed in) and script quality. So, in particular, I love that trilogy of more far-out films they did a couple years ago (Ratatouille, WALL-E and Up). Those are easily the best films they've done, though I really do love Monsters, Inc. too.

DreamWorks on the other hand I used to loathe. Never saw Shark Tale and Bee Movie, hated Madagascar, despised Shrek the Third. I was ready to heckle every single film DreamWorks put out. Kung Fu Panda was definitely a turnaround for DreamWorks, here finally was a timeless, great-quality CG film from them. Then we got an even better sequel and the incredible Pixar-quality How to Train Your Dragon. I hope the sequel to that ends up being just as good. Though I will say I personally enjoy the Aardman DreamWorks films a lot more than their CG stuff.


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Oct 13, 2008
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I think Pixar wins hands down.
The only thing I ever liked from Dreamworks was the first 2 Shrek movies (can't stand that last two) and Madagascar.
I may just be choosing Pixar because I've seen every single Pixar movie. I still haven't seen some Dreamworks movies.

Sgt Floyd

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Feb 5, 2006
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I'm gonna have to go with Dreamworks. To be totally honest, Up is the only pixar movie I can say I love. Finding Nemo was cute, but got old after a while. The Incredibles was pretty good, but only watchable a few times before you get to the "ok, this is boring" point. Disliked Cars, Hated Wall E, Ratatouille was meh at best. Toy Story is great, only because it was my first movie and it holds a special place in my heart, but I really hated the second one (I thought the whole plot was cheesy and a bit of a stretch) and the third was just meh.

Dreamworks also put out some real clunkers, but recently they have stepped it up. Megamind was absolutely amazing, How to Train Your Dragon is just wonderful, I love Spirit, it is such a heartwarming movie, Kung Fu Panda was good even if I don't think it lived up to the hype (I do happen to be a fan of Jack Black). Monsters Vs Aliens was interesting, but they could have done more with it. Shrek 1 was pretty good, two was kinda...eeeerrrgggg....and 3 seemed more like a full length filler movie. 4 was surprisingly good in terms that they toned down on everything that made 2 and especially 3 stink so bad. Also, I think dreamworks has better facial animations. While the human characters are kinda...funny looking and I do prefer pixar's humans, the facial expressions are great.


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Apr 16, 2002
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Cars 2 notwithstanding, Pixar has made perfect movies in every possible way. I pretty much stand by my belief that every movie they make, with exceptions, improves on the movie before it in animation (one of the things Cars 2 did succeed in) and script quality. So, in particular, I love that trilogy of more far-out films they did a couple years ago (Ratatouille, WALL-E and Up). Those are easily the best films they've done, though I really do love Monsters, Inc. too.

I honestly find Cars 2 to be visually superior to the first one (which was stuck in a muddy hole the entire time) if nothing else. It really feels like Disney was pressuring Pixar for a second Cars because the first one was a monster merchandising success... especially since the much more artistic Ratatouille had merchandise that was cleared out even before the DVD was released.

I did find it to be a fun film, I wish I sprung for the 3-D showing (though it was a later showing, come to think of it) since that's basically what 3-D is for... I think they just managed to pull the concept off, though it still seems more like a Saturday morning Cars cartoon series plot than a full blown movie one. Still, it was made to sell die cast cars, and that's what it did.

Monsters Vs Aliens was interesting, but they could have done more with it. Shrek 1 was pretty good, two was kinda...eeeerrrgggg....and 3 seemed more like a full length filler movie. 4 was surprisingly good in terms that they toned down on everything that made 2 and especially 3 stink so bad.
I hate how Dreamworks has taken a stand to say "We don't want to do a sequel of Monsters Vs Aliens because it didn't break box office records in a couple international markets." It was easily a great franchise film, there's supposedly a Nickelodeon series pilot... I really want another film. There's so much more that can be done there. And it's the only film I ever liked Reese Witherspoon in.

It took someone else to put it better than I could... Shrek 3 is a filler. Shrek getting kids was a necessary plot point...not so much Puss and Donkey switching Bodies for way too much of the movie. The Princess resistance force was a lovely concept... too bad it went virtually unexplored after they escaped. Really feels that too much of the film was done already. I like how the fourth one ended it, and how it managed to not bog itself down with forced pop culture references and fart jokes... not a single fart in a Shrek movie? That one deserves an honorary Oscar for that achievement. Plus it was great to see more Ogres, and the fact that the entire situation deteriorated because of Shrek's "Why me?" attitude... everything, even the Christmas special was all about Shrek's "I'm an ogre and sad about it" attitude.

Sad thing is, Madagascar's going to have the same 3 movie... a filler where in the fourth film they actually go home. Jeez! They shoulda sent them home in the second. I somehow really like Madagascar, but 4 movies?!

Of course, some of Dreamworks' next films sound a little... hmmm...

A William Joyce based epic Rise of the Guardians which sounds pretty cool, and I have enjoyed the other 2 William Joyce based CGI movies (Meet the Robinsons and Robots, which he did character designs for).

Then there's this cavemen thing called The Croods which I'm much less enthused by... only because it seems a little Ice Age like for one... and secondly, this was originally supposed to be a Dreamworks/Aardman venture, and the original script was written by John Cleese. Now, they clearly had to rewrite the script, so you can tell it won't be as good... and Nick Cage is in it.

And, while only listed, there's the lamest sounding plot of all... Turbo. There's no page for it, but I read somewhere it was about a snail who gets super powers... sounds very terrible and something they would have done after SharkTale.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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Sad thing is, Madagascar's going to have the same 3 movie... a filler where in the fourth film they actually go home. Jeez! They shoulda sent them home in the second. I somehow really like Madagascar, but 4 movies?!
I enjoyed Madagascar to an extent. The Penguins of Madagascar was a huge step forward, considering how the penguins were really the only interesting characters. I do think they should have stopped with the first movie though. It makes it more interesting wondering if they ever made it back instead of seeing what is happening to them that really doesnt make much sense. I really don't understand 2.

Then there's this cavemen thing called The Croods which I'm much less enthused by... only because it seems a little Ice Age like for one... and secondly, this was originally supposed to be a Dreamworks/Aardman venture, and the original script was written by John Cleese. Now, they clearly had to rewrite the script, so you can tell it won't be as good... and Nick Cage is in it.
Hey now, I like Nick Cage :stick_out_tongue: Still, just like Jack Black, who I also like, his movies are hit or miss. I can't see him being a caveman.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I enjoyed Madagascar to an extent. The Penguins of Madagascar was a huge step forward, considering how the penguins were really the only interesting characters. I do think they should have stopped with the first movie though. It makes it more interesting wondering if they ever made it back instead of seeing what is happening to them that really doesnt make much sense. I really don't understand 2.
Madagascar is an amazing movie in so much the fact that it's likable for some reason. I don't know why, I can't measure why I like it... Maybe I like Chris Rock and Ben Stiller a lot.

As for the Penguins show... to say the least, they didn't suffer the Scooby and Shaggy factor... that is taking the best characters out of a show and making a terrible project out of it. While it's not the greatest thing in the world, I watched a few online... it was incredibly addictive. I ran out of episodes and had to0 go to the clunky Nickelodeon site in a week period.

Still, I'm on the fence about the third movie... the trailer seems okay... but they really should have made the sequel about them getting back to the Zoo somehow. 4 movies is too much. 5, if you count Untitled Penguin Movie project.


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Aug 8, 2003
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Now that I think of it, you know what I find a tad . . . intriguing? The character designs in the Shrek movies have a much more realistic and Uncanny Valley look to them (especially humans), yet in almost all other DreamWorks movies, the character designs are much more stylized, and look more like Pixar characters.