Series 3 Reviews


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Hey guys, I just got my first set of series 3 yesterday. I say first because I buy multiple sets of each series. One to open, one to keep closed, and a bunch to customize! Anyway, I figured I’d put in my two cents, and give a review from worst to best…

Zoot: My least favorite figure of the bunch. His proportions are very off. He’s way too skinny, and has the proportions of a human being, rather than a Muppet. He’s too tall also. The paint job is very well done.

Rowlf: An okay figure, but the head sculpt is not quite right. His eyes are incorrectly sized and placed, and as a result, he’s staring up into the sky. Just look at the photo of the puppet on the back of the card, and compare it to the figure. There are very, very obvious differences. His body is fine, and the tux and piano are great. But be careful moving his ears. One of mine snapped off the first time I moved it. I know others have had problems in the past, but this is my first breakage.

Scooter: He’s a great figure. Great sculpt, great paint, great accessories. There’s only one problem….HE’S HUGE!! I think they accidentally produced the 1-up version. I’ve seen the puppet in person, and I can say with all certainty that his scale is way off. It really hurts this figure, because Scooter has always been a little guy, and this figure doesn’t reflect that at all. He looks odd standing next to the others. Other than that he’s probably the best sculpt of the entire line.

Lew Zealand: Perfection. Lew is definitely up there in the top sculpts of the line. The colors and accessories are perfect. I have nothing negative to say about this figure at all. He sets a standard that is gonna be hard to live up to. Love the fish, though I would have preferred more fish, and would have left out the bucket.

Overall I’d say this is a great series. Though it’s main downfall is it continues a pattern of inconsistency. In series 1 Teeth and Bunsen were great sculpts, while Kermit was “okay“ and Piggy was cartoony. In series 2, Fozzie and Floyd were incredible, while Harry was okay, and Gonzo was cartoony. In Series 3 Lew and Scooter (except for his size) were great, while Rowlf is cartoony, and Zoot is just plain “off”. Sometimes the sculptors do exact replicas of the puppets, while other times they do “interpretations”. Like Gonzo for instance, I can’t see how the sculptor could have been looking at a photo, rather than a drawing. It just doesn’t look like the puppet. What were these sculptors using for reference? I know the puppets have changed many times over the years, but some of these sculpts don’t reflect any of the versions I remember. Anyway, let me say this in closing. I love all of the Palisades figures, and they’re leaps and bounds above all other toy companies in their quality. But when you see what they’re capable of with a figure as perfect as Lew, it’s kinda hard to be as forgiving when you see something like Zoot or Rowlf. Anyway, go buy them, even with all the nit-picking, they’re the best figures you’re gonna find anywhere!


The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well, if Lew didn't have his minnow bucket then where would he store all of the fish accessories you propose? Another quick question. Since you already have the S3 Scooter figure and hopefully, extra S1 Miss Piggy figures, do you think that it would be possible to make a custom figure of Skeeter? Using the S3 Scooter as a base figure, take the skirt from a S1 Miss Piggy figure, and paint the rest of the body and accessories to make a grown-up version of Skeeter? Have a great weekend.

Misfit Toy

Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2002
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At my EB no less! They had everyone but Scooter, but that's okay as I've never really liked the character...I'll pick him up when I see him. I'm not used to finding things when I'm looking for them.

Zoot: Certainly one of my favorites. I still think the face is too narrow, and I wish he had more of an underbite, but hey, it looks like Zoot. And the colors chosen are wonderful. The sunglasses don't bug me a bit. The hat stays on wonderfully and gives him just the right kind of shading over his face. The sax has a sort of chrome finish to it that I like a lot. Poseability is fantasic, I got him in almost every pose I attempted.

Rowlf: Where Gonzo could have been deluxe, Rowlf tops him. INCREDIBLE Piano. Just amazing. The Rowlf figure has a reeeal nice heft to him, a very solid figure. The Beethoven bust looks great. I agree he is looking a bit above him, but I really don't mind. At the end of the day, it looks like Rowlf.

Lew Zealand: Maybe my fav figure of the bunch! Colors are spot on, courtesy of Eddie Wires. The factory nailed the color specs...they are all bright and consistent. I really haven't seen this well-painted a figure and accessories before. The fish look almost real...heh. I like the bucket. As much articulation as I could have wanted, I can even get him in a "throwing" position with one leg in the air (with the assistance of his stand). Great figure.

Something else I noticed: The factory switch really makes all the difference. If Ken hadn't have said anything, I think we still would have noticed. The main problem with series 2, for me, was all those stuck joints. I had ZERO stuck joints. ALL the joints were very solid and moved smoothly. Bravo.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm still on my buzz from the paint.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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What city/state are you in?

Trying to figure out how close these are getting to home.



Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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No stuck joints! YAYAYAYAYAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! :big_grin:

Can someone post pictures of the actual real life figures right out of or in the package? Maybe even pictures of the back and front of the cards please?


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2002
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Series3, Zoot:


Pros - Great detail (of course), Hands fit the sax well.

{The pros listed above are of more importance than the cons listed below}

Cons - He is a bit too thin, but having known many Jazz
musicians, That's believable (they tend to do that a lot:wink: )

No reed in the mouthpiece (fixed this with some white-out)

The top of the music stand should be able to tilt
back, or be tilted back as part of the sculpt so that
it looks like a chart would stay-put. (This was easily
remedied with a lighter and cold water)

No neck-stap for the sax. (*very* minor. I made one with
some black yarn)

50/50 - The hinge on the sax case. I'm glad that it's sturdy
enough that it won't snap, like a sculpted hinge
eventually would, but it does look HUGE in proportion
to the case. I also kind of wish the handle swung up
and was big enough to fit in Zoot's hand to look like
he's carrying it.


Pros - Excellent colours and application, No mess.

Con - The paint came off the joint hinges pretty much
Immediately and the white hinges stand out a bit.
(I'm pretty sure there are a limited number of joint
colours available and white was the least obtrusive
but It still stands out more than I would like)

It also would have been cool to include a couple of pages of sheet music, but I can print some out to size myself so no biggie.

Over-all :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: out of :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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San Diego.

Never Mind.

And thanks.


Misfit Toy

Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2002
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Yeah I'm in North County, half hour or so from San Diego.

I'd gladly post pics but, again, Muppet Central doesn't allow attachments:frown: