Super Grover and the Sesame Street Cat-burglar


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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It started out as just another ordinary day for mild mannered Grover. He made his bed, freshened up with a shower and had his breakfast. It was the beginning of the school holidays so he decided to go meet Herry, Cookie and some of the other monsters for a game of touch football. That would be fun as long as Cookie kept his promise not to eat the ball like he had done last time. And the time before that and before that, in fact Cookie had always been cutting their games short for as long as he could remember by eventually eating the ball. They had never really finished a game at all.
Well this was Cookie's last chance. Herry had warned him if he ate the ball again he could not play anymore. But Grover wondered how they could seriously do that to their friend? He really didn't mean to do it. What a problem.

He was just finishing breakfast when the telephone rang. He picked it up.
"Hello Grover here," he said.
"Grover it's Herry." Herry was upset "The game's been called off. Several of us have had our homes broken into. Our belongings have been stolen. Favourite books, records and toys."
"Oh no. How terrible."
"Yes Grover. Please try to keep your house locked tight and if you hear from Super-Grover please tell him we need his help"
Grover promised. "Yes Herry. I shall try my best to find out how to get in touch with him as soon as I hang up the phone"


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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This is cute Martin! I'd like to read more! I love Super Grover!

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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That's a really good first chapter. I doubt that Cookie Monster broke into the houses and ate the belongings, but that would be funny.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I wrote that first chapter just off the top of my head sitting at my computer.
I figured I'd give my buddies a little time to notice it and reply to it. I want to continue but sometime I'll put something down on paper then post it. I want to construct the further chapters very carefully


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Oh I hope Super Grover can come to the rescue!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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As soon as Grover hung up the phone he ran straight to his mother.
"Mummy. Mummy. There is a cat-burglar operating in Sesame Street. Herry just called me and said my friends have had belongings they most treasure stolen from them."
Grover's mother agreed this was dreadful news. "You must go to your friends and find out all you can Grover dear. I've just finished ironing your suit for you. Here you go."
Grover quickly dressed up in his Super-Grover costume and opened the living room window.
"Alright Mummy. Here I go."
"Good luck dear."
"Thank you Mummy. Up up and away."

With a whoosh Super-Grover flew out the window and soared across Sesame Street towards Herry's house, his cape flapping in the breeze.
As he approached his destination he pulled in for his descent. Oh no! Why couldn't he ever perfect his landings?
"Yeeowwll!" he cried out as he crashed into the front yard making a Super-Grover shaped hole in the lawn. Herry ran outside joyously as Super-Grover pulled himself up moaning.
"Hooray. When I heard that scream and crash I knew it was you Super-Grover. I'm so glad you've come."
Super-Grover got to his feet and asked Herry what had happened. Herry took him into his bedroom. "While I was asleep last night somebody cut a circle in the glass of my window and quietly opened it. I woke up in the morning and found half of my toys gone. Also all my records and my favourite books too. I'm very upset."
Super-Grover promised to try his very best to catch the thief. Then he flew off to speak to Cookie next.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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When Super-Grover made his presence known to Cookie by landing on his head on the cement walkway (fortunately his helmet protected him from brain damage) he found that much the same thing had happened to Cookie. But the thing that really made Cookie most disturbed was the fact that all his supply of cookies in his cookie cupboard had been eaten as well. The thief had gorged himself before leaving with Cookie's prized possessions. "Oh how could someone do this to me? Me so hurt. That really hit below belt." Super-Grover gave him a chocolate-chip cookie he had inside his utility belt to cheer him up. Cookie ate it in three seconds and said "Thank you."

Then Super-Grover decided to spare himself a few more crashes and walk around Sesame Street for awhile. As he wandered around on his investigation he discovered that far more people had been burgled last night. It wasn't just his monster friends. Ernie and Bert, Big Bird, Roosevelt Franklin and many other good friends of his had something stolen. Poor Ernie had lost his rubber duckie and Bert's priceless bottlecap and paperclip collections were missing among other stuff. Big Bird was crying about the loss of his teddy bear Radar and Prairie Dawn, Farley and Roosevelt were most upset about their copies of Muppet Show and Fraggle Rock season one DVD's disappearing.

Super-Grover was exceedingly puzzled. The ratio of homes on Sesame Street broken into over one night seemed too much for only one single individual to have conceivably done it. Could there be more than one Cat-burglar involved? Furthermore in some homes food had been eaten from the larders and fridges, while in others there had not. This seemed to strongly suggest at least two Cat-burglars one of whom was stuffing himself at the same time as breaking in and thieving. "If only I could find a clue or get some sort of lead from somebody," our hero thought to himself.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Nice... Cookie Monster's lines were well done, the emotion in him palpable. Good show of SG to give him a cookie to cheer him up.

Minor nitpick though... Big Bird's teddy bear's named Radar, not Raymond.
Other than that... Another good nod mentioning the DVD sets.

Hope SG finds a clue soon.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Thank you Count. Radar eh? Well I was close. (fortunately I was still able to edit my post so it's fixed now)
I shall put some more thought into this actually I already have an idea as to who the culprits will turn out to be. Watch this space. All shall be revealed.