The "I Saw Something REALLY Weird Today" Thread


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
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Apparently there's a sneeze fetish. Not that I'm surprised, given that there's a fetish for pretty much everything, but it just intrigues me that people can get turned on by sneezing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Even body slamming can be a fetish.

That really grossed me out, because my sister used to do that to me when I was younger (and, if you can imagine, she's pretty hefty like me): if I was sitting on the couch or something, she'd run up, leap into the air, then land on my lap with her full body weight . . . and then years later, come to learn from Dr. Oz (yes, I used to watch Dr. Oz) that for some guys, having heavy-set women body slam them is actually a fetish for them. Unfortunately, it can be a fatal fetish depending on how big the woman is, and how much force she uses to body slam her man.

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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The fetish that really makes my skin crawl is the vore fetish. Well, an offshoot of that fetish at least. The concept of vore in general doesn't inherently bother me, it is undeniably quite weird but I'm only talking about a certain type of vore here:Hard vore. The thought that anyone can get turned on by what amounts to the dictionary definition of cannibalism is a pretty chilling thought if you ask me. The more traditional kind of vore isn't anything creepier than what you would see on kid's cartoons any old day (Just SpongeBob and The Simpsons alone have had a number of vore moments I can think of off the top of my head). While it is definitely a scientifically impossible and extremely bizarre concept, at least the prey remains alive in the predator's stomach. Hard vore is about killing people, cooking them up, and eating them. Doing some seemingly innocent searches on Deviantart, I've found some disgusting hard vore stuff that could easily traumatize an unsuspecting person who happens to find them. There's a reason why I always keep my Deviantart adult content filter on after seeing those messed up things. That adult content filters is a great way to prevent future nightmares due to the incredibly dark side that Deviantart is infamous for. For me, cannibalism is a topic that I find very disturbing and gross. I'm not trying to offend anyone anybody but I'll admit that deep in the back of my mind, I truly believe that those people who are obsessed with hard vore probably need some therapy. Again, no offense to anyone who likes that sort of thing but I guarantee that pretty much any mentally sane person would find the concept gross and off putting.