The Red Angel: The Run



Chapter4: Help! Part2

Elmo journyed on... trying to find the mayor. Then, Elmo stumbled into a huge crowd with many monsters holding up signs. And Elmo heard a strong monster's voice booming out of a microphone. Elmo tryed to not be seen since no one liked Elmo.

Elmo hid behind a trashcan watching a tall monster speeking into a microphone. It was the mayor!! Elmo found the mayor!

Elmo knew what Elmo had to do. Elmo needed to get a microphone and talk to the crowd about getting home.

Elmo then crept on side of the stairs where the mayor was saying his speech. Elmo grabbed a microphone Elmo found backstage. Elmo then turned it on and was about to speak. Elmo stayed back stage the whole time. What would Elmo say?

"Hi, I am Elmo!", Elmo said.

The crowd gasped.

Elmo continued," Elmo needs to get back home. Can some monster help me get back to Sesame Street?"

A monster from the crowd yelled out,"Help the poor monster!"

"No, no, do not help Elmo. Elmo is evil remember?", the mayor said.

The whole crowd started to chant,"Help Elmo. Help Elmo....."

Elmo then ran out on stage. Everyone applauding. The mayor then turned him microphone on full blast... and yelled at the top of his lungs...

"Stop this nonsence! I order you to stop as your mayor!", the mayor screamed.

The crowd went silent besides the few whispers that came from the back of the crowd.

Then some brave monster yelled out,"Get the mayor!!!!!"

Everyone chanted,"Get the mayor!!!"

Half of the monsters lifted the mayor and put him in a dumpster. The other half carried Elmo to the mayors helicoptor.

"Thank you monsters so much. Elmo loves you!", Elmo said.

"I will drive you to Sesame Street!", a monster said to Elmo.

"Thank you monsters again... Elmo really appreciates it!", Elmo said again.

They hopped in the helicoptor. And then flew away.....

~~~~ 1 day later~~~~

"That'ssssss Elmoooooosss Woooorllldddddd", Elmo sang happily after Elmo's World was over.

Elmo then walked over to all Elmo's fans! Elmo was now cut down to where every character had an equal amount of time on Sesame Street. Elmo only was in Elmo's World and occasionally another skit.

Elmo went to bed that night, thinking about Elmo's long journey. Elmo learnt an important lesson those days. You are always loved, no matter how many times your shown. No matter how many people dislike you. No matter how you look. You always loved...

And you can always count on one little monster that loves you......


So, there you have it. This sad, yet happy tale of a red angel...


(I hope you liked it... I will try to write another story about Elmo or revise this one over the weekend since skool started up agian today)