Which Muppet Character Do You Most Resemble?


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Ok.... this may take a minute so bare with me.

Kermit: I have always been surrounded with people who in some way see me as a leader of some kind, but yet can jump right in the the fun and silliness as well. Kermit's dream in theMuppet Movie was to " make millions ofor people happy", and for as long as I can remember that has been my dream to. Whether it be in showbiz or as a doctor or something.

Piggy: From what Frank said in Muppet Guy's Talking about Piggy how she cant sing she is not funny she can't dance, and all that she really wants is love. I think that's me, because even though I want to make millions of people happy I also want those millions to love me in some way.

Animal; I love rock music especially rock of the 60's and 70's. I love the drums, can't really play them but still love them. When I think about Animal I think of someone who just doesn't care what people think of him. He is crazy and loud, but he alsor deep down has heart, and I can relate to that.

Grover: Ah loveable furry hard working self procalmed super hero Grover. Need I say more.

Fozzie: Fozzie tries to be funny and is also insecure about his comedy, but still tries no matter what Statler and Waldorf say. With everything I've said above I'm always trying to reach those things no matter the odds. I second guess my self all the time, but I never stop trying., and that's how I relate to Fozzie.

Thank you for your time.