Your ideas: 4 free 03 Palisades spots?

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I want my own octopus. And a bowl of Jell-O...but that's ALL I'm gonna say about that!



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Apr 19, 2002
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I'd really like several chickens and penguins. It would also be cool to have several of those nameless pigs.

Oh, and rats. Rats are good.

Zack the Dog

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Hey! I'm glad you like the wind up robot kermit, but i'm open for more ideas that might be more diffrent.

Zack)Rowlf the, wind up dog.(does a back flip)"...Bark...Bark..."Dog.

Zack the Dog

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I was thinking much later if Robin could be made in his frogscout uiniform, (Debbie Harry ep)I don't know if Kermit appered in a Frog Scout uiniform in another ep? but they would look cool together in uiniforms.

i was hoping for the octopus with the patrol set!!!

how about the band in their pit uinforms? i thinks it's too late for them to be the repaints, just a brainstorming idea.

I almost forgot about Statler and Waldorf in their super hero outfits and the very end of the ep! they would look cool!

Cowbow Kermit and Cowbow Fozzie and Link in a sailor outfit or a Viking outfit would be grea too!

Zack)Rowlf the, how about gonzo in his armor suit?Dog.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I like the viking Link idea. And possibly the sailor uniforms. As for S&W in hero outfits, only Statler appeared in one (as Money-man) but doing one for Waldorf would be cool too. kinda like the Sam minuteman figure. I'd actually be cooler with seeing waldorf asa superhero than the Sam minuteman. I have no doubt about the success of this line. But I certinaly hope that it is successful enough that it continues for a while and we can see some of the more obscure but fun stuff we'd all love to see.


Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Hey, wonder how they could do a "Macho Man" costume change for Link and Gonzo? THAT was a funny sketch!


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Apr 16, 2002
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IDEAS: Repetetive? Yes! Imperative? YES!!

I must say…

1) NIGEL: He conducted the orchestra. Was NOT in that many sketches. IS a unique and wonderful character. Deserves to be made.
2) LIPS: Is an INTEGRAL part of Electric Mayhem. He is ANOTHER unique character and deserves to be made. He is one of the few YELLOW Muppets on The Muppet Show. Along with Nigel he would add to the color variety and make for an aesthetically pleasing collection.
3) GEORGE the Janitor: George has a great Muppet face. He is one of the few “human” characters. Probably even went to school with Statler & Waldorf. He cleans up the Muppet theatre for Pete’s sake. If Beau is going to be made…then his boss and role model should be there to see him through his clean-up duties.
4) MILDRED: Another very unique addition to the original Muppet family. She is Bright fuchsia!! She has pointy glasses and was voiced by Frank Oz! She is a wonderful character. No set would be complete without her. I know others agree…but we have just stopped hounding about her.
5) HILDA: Okay…I agree she is not that EXCITING of a character…but come on! Who doesn’t love her when she is on stage (or behind it). You have to make the people who kept the show going behind stage. PLUS is you are going to go all out…you can make George and Mildred and leave out the third point on that steamy LOVE TRIANGLE they obviously had going!!!
6) UNCLE DEADLY: Everyone would love to see him made. He was one of my favorites since I saw him. Talk about unique. I thin kyou are set on making him anyway, so I don’t need to talk him up.
7) THOG: You know, I love THOG too…but if I get only one big guy…SWEETUMS is my choice. If Thog isn’t made, I will understand and won’t be too broken up…he would be nice, but don’t replace some of these characters with voices and personalities with him. Make him a playset, not a figure in the line-up.
8) MAHNA-MAHNA: He is a cult favorite. No doubt. But he really wasn’t in the family. I would love to have him, but I think he is less important than some of these other guys. ONLY because he was never really developed other than…doo-doo bee doodoo…
9) WAYNE & WANDA: Would be a great two pack. They are just two poor schmoes who got dragged into the madness that was The Muppet Show. They only added to the mix…never detracted. Maybe you could make a three pack with Uncle Deadly. They kind of went together.
10) BOPPITY & GLOAT FRACKLES: These would make another fantastic two pack. They are in promos, were always in the show. Spoke some…not much…but always made a striking visual impression. They are great characters…and you have to have at least a couple of monsters to have a Muppet Show collection right?

Alex G. Bowman


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Chill and leave some gaps...

Richard Hunt performed Mildred...

Frank Oz performed Miss Piggy...

See ya


Active Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Lew Zealand comparison picture...!

I am sorry but I have a question. I have an important picture I would like to post here. I have it saved on my "paint" program and on my desktop. Wil someone PLEASE tell me how to post it here.

The Untechnological wonder...alex zealand


Active Member
Apr 16, 2002
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1) ANNIE SUE: Piggy's rival! We need to make more female figures anyway right?

2) POPS: Gotta have Pops! He greeted the guests! He is a backstage mainstay!!

3) MARVIN SUGGS: I love him, but I don't really care if he is made. He is after all just a performer. Never much in teh way of a "character" like Pops or George. He would be great though

4) J.P. GROSSE: Again...wouldn't mind if he wasn't made, but he owns the theater. Maybe he should come with it. could pack in a photo albulm with tiny pics of Scooter and Skeeter as babies...hehe...he is their uncle right?


Please will someone post a picture for me? I have made an alternate sketch of the LEW ZEALAND figure and compared the two. email me if you will post it for me. Or at least tell me how. IT IS IMPERATIVE!! argh! :smile: