Your Thoughts: The Muppets on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon"


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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I can definitely tell now that there's two versions of this the difference between Frank's Fozzie and Piggy and Eric's version. Piggy just hasn't had a strong presence since Frank left. And Fozzie is just outright stupid these days. It's pretty bad when Gonzo's more 'human' than Fozzie. I believe it was Fozzie in TMM who, when speaking of Gonzo, said, "We've picked up a weirdo." Fozzie's just too childish these days for me. And when it comes to Eric doing Piggy, he's only using her stereotype, not her personality (hope that makes sense). That's actually how a lot of these new people are, really. They get the actions and attitudes, but not the personality. I definitely feel bad for Robin. He used to have the best singing voice and now he kinda sounds nerdy. I gotta admit, Scooter was really good. But, just like Steve with Kermit, they need to not keep the arms up so high. Also, I wasn't sure about the new Sam look at first but it's kinda growing on me. So really, other than Piggy, Fozzie and Robin, it wasn't all that bad. At least the audience was laughing when Fozzie messed up each time.
As others have said, what you are saying makes no sense. The bit was exactly the same as the tv special version. Fozzie was being forgetful, not stupid. They aren't the same thing. Piggy was done EXACTLY like Frank performed her, if anything Eric did a much better job at singing with Piggy this time than ever before. I honestly think you just don't like Eric period are will always find fault with his work. Compare this version with the John Denver special version and you will see Piggy and Fozzie are exactly the same.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2004
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Well, to be fair, Eric's performance as Fozzie was nearly identical to the original, so I'd blame Frank Oz for making Fozzie "outright stupid." After all, was it not Frank who performed the "half-wit son" in Muppet Treasure Island? Was it not he who performed Fozzie announcing that Ma said one must always wash their hands, even when wearing invisibility spray? Fozzie was an idiot in the ninties, but don't blame Eric for that. He wasn't performing him then. I don't mean to bash Frank, either. But Fozzie in this piece was an imperfect "human", the same as he was throughout all of the Muppet Show and all of the productions of the seventies and eighties. This is why the audience cheered for him at the end. Because, as always, he was the struggling performer trying his hardest to get it right.

As for Miss Piggy... well, I saw none of her stereotypes here. Again, the performance is nearly identical to the original. What's the beef? Or pork, as it were?
I'm not necessarily talking about just this piece. And the stuff Frank did in MTI... it's well-known he wasn't for the idea of doing the person in his finger. Frank was starting to fall away from the fold. And yeah, he is definitely hands-down the best puppeteer. I'm just saying that Eric's performance is boring and annoying lately. He banks too much on what everyone already knows about the characters, and doesn't provide much depth. I can do a better Fozzie. I don't blame you if you think that's a stupid thing to say, but just ask some of the other people who went and auditioned for the Muppets in California back in 2005. At least with Steve I'm used to Kermit being off. While I don't care for Steve and Eric's performances at times, I'm really liking Matt Vogel and David Robinson, so at least I'm not being a total pessimist here. It's just like anyone doing an impersonation. It's not just the voice you have to have down, it's that person's personality.

And yeah, Dave's gone so far in performing Gonzo that to pull him back a bit would be a mistake. So really you're stuck between a rock and a hard spot with that one.

Super Scooter

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Dec 17, 2002
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Actually, I'm always very interested in hearing fan impersonations of the Muppets. I hope one day you will upload a video of your Fozzie impersonation to youtube or something one day so I could hear it. I've thought of doing it myself, but I know all my impersonations are lousy... I just enjoy doing 'em.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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I see they did an almost exact copy of the John Denver version. Nice to see that again! And poor Fozzie still can't remember his line! Robin's voice kind of bothered me, but otherwise, great to see!
I thought Fozzie was really funny, and IN CHARACTER (something not true in the latest movies).

But, wait a minute, do you mean it is exactly the same joke as o-so-many years ago?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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A Christmas Together vs. Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.
1 John Denver - Jimmy Fallon.
2 Kermit (Jim Henson - Steve Whitmire).
3 Gonzo (Dave Goelz).
4 Robin the Frog (Jerry Nelson - Matt Vogel).
5 Miss Piggy (Frank Oz - Eric Jacobson).
6 Scooter (Richard Hunt - David Rudman).
7 Fozzie Bear (Frank Oz - Eric Jacobson).
8 Rowlf (Jim Henson - Bill Baretta).
9 Janice (Richard Hunt) replaced by Pepe the King Prawn (Bill Baretta).
10 Statler and Waldorf (Richard Hunt and Jim Henson) replaced by Sam the Eagle (originally Frank Oz, now Eric Jacobson).
11 Floyd Pepper (Jerry Nelson) replaced by Rizzo (Steve Whitmire).
12 Animal (Frank Oz - Eric Jacobson).

Oh, excellent. My wife JUST asked me who the pupppeteers are in 12-days, and I couldn't answer her. She told me I should be ashamed of myself! :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Fozzie was SO funny and totally caught the audience up in his performance. LOVE the costumes too, and was especially pleased to see Rowlf'o on the keyboard!


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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Does anyone have an mp3 of the performance? If you do, could you please send it to me? (

If you're still in the muppet x-mas spirit check out my newest fanfic, One More Letter!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Done. And with this, I've now hit the second possibleYahtzee post total, 2-3-4-5-6.
Hmm, maybe I should change my luggage combination to that.

*Free cookie to whoever gets the reference.