And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


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Mar 27, 2012
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And therein lies the problem: both parties keep accusing the other for politicizing the issue for different reasons. One side accuses the other of politicizing the issue for pushing anti-gun agendas, while the other side accuses the other of politicizing the issue for not politicizing the issue.
I have to disagree with this part. The Republicans accuse Democrats of grandstanding for merely trying to approach this issue in a timely manner. The Republicans, however, are too tied to the NRA and gun lobby to do anything about it. That's what's going on. Dems are trying to do something good and to represent the people of this country who elected them. The Republicans are trying to stop any progress on gun safety because they represent gun lobbyists more than the people who elected them. That's most, not all, of Dems and Republicans.


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Aug 8, 2003
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Nevertheless, whenever a mass shooting such as this happens, whenever one party is the first to say something about it, the other party accuses them of politicizing the issue for one reason or another.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Nevertheless, whenever a mass shooting such as this happens, whenever one party is the first to say something about it, the other party accuses them of politicizing the issue for one reason or another.
Yes, but one is trying to get something done to prevent future deaths. The other is trying to cover the NRA's butt and their profits.


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Aug 8, 2003
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That's what I was saying: the one trying to get something done to prevent future deaths is often accused by the other of trying to politicize these shootings as an excuse to push their anti-gun agenda; the one trying to cover the NRA's butt and profits is often accused by the other of trying to politicize these shootings for not doing anything to prevent future deaths. Either way, both parties attack the other for what they do or say, or don't do or say, when it comes to these shootings, which is why I doubt we're going to see any resolution to these shootings, unless the American people actually do try to step up and do something about it as they keep calling for since all they can get from many of the politicians is just "thoughts and prayers," which, not surprisingly, is all Trump offered up when he spoke about the shooting today . . . that, and once again, we can't call the shooter a domestic terrorist, because he was a lone wolf and didn't use a "weapon of mass destruction" (i.e. bombs and such).


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May 2, 2008
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Every time something like this happens now, I look back to Jon Stewart's speech on the Charleston shooting:

I love this so much, but I am so tired of it still being relevant.


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Sep 16, 2002
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I doubt we're going to see any resolution to these shootings, unless the American people actually do try to step up and do something about it
Do what? We still have absolutely no idea about the motivation behind the Las Vegas shooting. And as horribly tragic as these mass shootings are, they are far from the norm. Same with the radical Islamic terrorist attacks. By contrast, a great many gun deaths in this country are suicides and yet somehow that never gets talked about, I guess it doesn't fit either party's agenda.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Every time something like this happens now, I look back to Jon Stewart's speech on the Charleston shooting:

I love this so much, but I am so tired of it still being relevant.
And that's another thing too: anytime something like this happens, and celebrities and TV personalities speak out about it, then we got to put up with all the, "Pushing libtard Hollywood's liberal agenda" backlash. Look at all the times Jimmy Kimmel has spoken out against Trump's attempts to take away healthcare and the response has been to boycott his show for pushing Hollywood's liberal agenda.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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One of the victims was a pregnant woman apparently. In this context, that's considered quite tragic. But if the woman had decided to choose abortion, many would praise the act. And like I said, we never hear outrage over the number of gun deaths by suicide. And God knows we don't want to talk about gang violence. Lots of hypocrisy all around.

On the other side, it's very true that the NRA doesn't care about anything except profits. They should not be the spokesmen for the Second Amendment. And I'm already seeing Fox News wasting all our time desperately trying to blame violent movies, lol.

If you don't like this comment, that's fine, please move on.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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That's what I was saying: the one trying to get something done to prevent future deaths is often accused by the other of trying to politicize these shootings as an excuse to push their anti-gun agenda; the one trying to cover the NRA's butt and profits is often accused by the other of trying to politicize these shootings for not doing anything to prevent future deaths. Either way, both parties attack the other for what they do or say, or don't do or say, when it comes to these shootings, which is why I doubt we're going to see any resolution to these shootings, unless the American people actually do try to step up and do something about it as they keep calling for since all they can get from many of the politicians is just "thoughts and prayers," which, not surprisingly, is all Trump offered up when he spoke about the shooting today . . . that, and once again, we can't call the shooter a domestic terrorist, because he was a lone wolf and didn't use a "weapon of mass destruction" (i.e. bombs and such).
That still kind of makes it seem as if they're both equally culpable when the truth is that only one party is in the bag for the NRA. I'm not saying that both parties don't grandstand. It's kind of their job to grandstand. The thing is, to what end? Conservatives grandstand to protect the profits of gun manufacturers. Democrats grandstand to curb deaths from gun violence. Saying that they both accuse each other for what they do isn't accurate IMHO. :wink:


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Jul 27, 2003
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Most people think your only choices are Coke and Pepsi. But I'm that crazy guy that likes the third option of Dr. Pepper and Wendy's. If in 2020 they can get a third party candidate off the ground (not just throwing Kanye West or The Rock to run against Trump), I'm in.

I'm diabetic, so Coke and Pepsi are out, and both of their diet versions are nasty. But gimme a diet Dr. Pepper and I'm the happiest guy on earth.
Actually, when I go out to eat, gimme an unsweetened iced tea.
Actually, Dr. Pepper is not a third choice. It’s another Coke product, just like many 3rd parties are just products of the two major ones.