After Years in Obscurity, I'm Back...


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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Odd how this went from a return thread for members to a Trekkie thread discussing the fate of the franchise.
Franchise should sleep some more instead of being bothered by another movie trying to make an attempt of sorts in getting new fans.

Why not learn from your mistakes and make another tv show, around 2010 or so with a new crew, a ship, maybe have the setting in the late 23rd/early 24th century or even go further ahead into the future for a new series. But not to far into the future.

Then if the series works, make another movie! Be conservative!


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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Certainly they have quite a few mistakes to learn from as of late regarding TV shows! :wink:
Well Voyager was rubbish. The first two seasons were good for me because that's when you had an ongoing threat of the Kazon/Seska, as well as another spy on the Voyager ship. And you had all the characters getting their shows each week. A Chakotay episode, a Neelix episode next week, a Paris episode after that, and so on. It wasn't the Janeway/Doctor/Seven of Nine show in later seasons. Plus the series went south of the border when the Borg became the bad guy. I know I couldn't wait to see another Borg related episode. What's going to happen to Janeway and company? I bet they get away from the Borg and go and fight another day! There's telling Star Trek's biggest baddie! (Though producer Rick Berman was against having another trek show right after The Next Generation ended and with Deep Space Nine having a few seasons. But Paramount threatened to do another trek show without him so Berman said yes to another trek series in order to keep his job)

But here comes Enterprise! Watch out kiddies! Set 100 years before Kirk and his Enterprise yet the NX Enterprise looks more state of the art that Kirk's.

So what did we get in this mess of a series? Several new races we've never heard before like the Suliban and the Xindi, though we're never going to hear from them again. So it begs the question on what did happen to them when Picard, Sisko, Janeway, and their crews came around? What about Future Guym the guy helping the Suliban? Who was he and where did he go? Enterprise also gave the trek fans a temporal cold war that Kirk, Picard, Sisko, or Janeway of any of their crews talked about. We were supposed to see a more laid back, more 21st century type of crew, but Trip was the only character like that. We also only have a Archer/T'Pol/Trip series while the other characters took a back seat and did nothing, like Travis and Hoshi.

Then we get to see Archer meeting the Ferengi for the first time but forgot to ask what their species was. Woopsy their Archer! Oh and the Borg made an appearance and yet were defeated by a 22nd century ship, even though the Borg have the knowledge of 24th century technology and could have easily adapted a 22nd century ship with 24th century knowledge, but didn't. Ph and wouldn't Archer and his crew reported to their bosses about these cybernetic people that tried to take over the ship and assimilate the crew? Are you telling me that Starfleet did not know about these guys and the people of Earth did not hear about these beings from all their friends from the NX Enterprise, only to be discovered for the first time in the 24th century by Picard thanks to Q? Big plot hole there.........

But hey atleast the 4th season was a lot better than the previous three. But by then it was too late and the show was gone.

But after all that mess, another show could have been brought around this time or next year after the writers had learned of their mistakes and flaws.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Well Voyager was rubbish.
Well I can't agree with that, hehe. I agree the storylines weren't as deep as DS9, but I still enjoyed it every week.

But I literally couldn't watch Enterprise. From day one, the characters were just thoroughly unlikeable. Worse than that. Too much gratutious sexual stuff that added nothing. Too many blatent deviations from the time line that also added nothing. I remember someone writing into Star Trek magazine in the beginning saying the only likeable character was the dog, and I completely agree!


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2004
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I have been around here for a while Trekkie, do you remember me?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I think one's view point stands often in regards to which generation of the Trek universe one grew up with.
I grew up with all the Treks except the classic Trek. And actually my favorite cast is the classic cast! But then again, I do tend to go against the grain. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2004
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The originsal is usaully the best. I dont think you are going against the grain.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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Hehe, thanks! It will be interesting to see how this movie is received.
Though bad of me, I hope this new trek movie tanks at the box office, thus making Paramount to go back to the drawing board. I hate rebooots/reimaging of something classic.