Recent content by tiggie0686

  1. tiggie0686

    Any Golden Girls fans?

    Golden Girls are cool, no matter what anyone says. I think it's a lot funnier than many of the sitcoms that are on today, so whenever I catch it on TV, I will watch it. Except the woman who plays Dorothy has always kinda scared me cause she's like a man stuck in a woman's body. ;)
  2. tiggie0686


    I'm taking a calculus class this summer, twice a week, first thing in the morning. As if that's not bad enough, the teacher is obnoxious and I don't think she's even qualified to teach that class. She yells at us for "not knowing the basics of algebra" when we don't know the csc of 45 degrees...
  3. tiggie0686

    What are your Muppet childhood memories?

    I would come home every day and watch Sesame street in kindergarten. My parents had recorded tapes of the muppet show that I would watch over and over again...I loved the Swedish Chef, Animal, and Sam the Eagle the best. I like Statler and Waldorf, but I never understood them until I got...
  4. tiggie0686

    What Sam the Eagle will never say...

    When I was little, I used to find Sam the Eagle's speech on nudity in the world today absolutely hilarious. Afterwards I would walk around my house and kept saying, "Absolutely naked!!!" :attitude: Hehehe, I must have been an obnoxious child.
  5. tiggie0686

    End of Frasier

    I actually like Friends, but the last episode disappointed me a lot. I think this whole season has been a disappointing one, as far as plot goes. The show began sucking after the 7th or so season...but I still watched it when I could! It's so weird to me that both Friends and Frasier are...
  6. tiggie0686

    I'm so sorry...

    You should get NetZero. I don't know if it actually works, but we see a lot of commercials for it around here (Michigan--yick!). Well, it's dial-up connection internet...but it's high speed dial-up. I don't know if it's just a local thing or if I'm explaining something to you that you...
  7. tiggie0686


    Good ****! I don't know if I could run that long or that far if my life depended on it. I stay thin without doing much of anything...I eat a lot, that's my workout, but I don't really gain the weight. :) It'll probably catch up to me when I'm older... :eek: ...and I'll be a huge ol' fat woman. A...
  8. tiggie0686

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday, Manda!
  9. tiggie0686

    Back in Japan...

    I used to live in Kobe. That's right by Osaka. If you're bored next time you're in Osaka, go to Kobe. There's tons of foreigners there cause that's where P&G Japan is.
  10. tiggie0686

    Back in Japan...

    Ohh, I hope you're having fun in Japan! I used to live there and now I miss it like crazy! It's an awesome place. Did you enjoy the many, many deer that wander around Nara? They're really hilarious, but some can be kind of vicious, and one of them once ate my map (then a local yelled at me...
  11. tiggie0686

    A big happy 19th birthday to Matt!

    Happy Birthday!!! :excited:
  12. tiggie0686

    Pet Peeves

    Heh, I know what you mean! I have this one British friend...and it's pretty amazing that we're friends. Honestly, I have such a hard time understanding her sometimes. I'm always like, "What? Huh!? What!?" when I'm around her. It's kind of funny, but at the same time I feel like such a moron...
  13. tiggie0686

    Vital Statistics...

    Name: Sara Do you like your name? Umm, yeah, I used to hate it, but it grew on me. Age: 17 Are you happy being this age? Sure. Better to be young than old! Sex: Female If you could change genders...would you and why? **** no! I like being a girl! I dunno, just if I were a guy...I...
  14. tiggie0686

    I'll Be Back...

    Hey, macaroni is good! You should only BE so lucky to live on macaroni for a week!
  15. tiggie0686

    I have an announcement

    Amen, mah brotha!