And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I do agree with Aykroyd that positivity is probably more productive at this point.
I just posted about this one Facebook yesterday: ever since Trump took Office (well, since he won the election, really), negativity is all around us, and not just because of whatever stupid crap he does, but because of everything else as a result of his actions: one side praises him for the stupid crap he does, another side is outraged over the stupid crap he does, then both sides duke it out amongst themselves, all the while celebrities and other public figures add more fuel to the fire by weighing in with their opinions, then the two sides take that on, with one side attacking the celebrities as "has-been Hollywood libtards trying to be famous again," while the other side praises them for "telling it like it is and speaking on behalf of America," which gets the two sides fighting amongst themselves all over again.

Seriously, the year is only half over at this point, but it's already taking a toll on me because of it. I knew going into 2017 it was going to be a lousy, rotten year, and I've lost count of how many eyerolls, headdesks, facepalms, and frustrated groans I've done these past several months over all that's happening around us, but quite frankly, I wish there was a way to silence it all with the flip of a switch or the push of a button, because it's been a nonstop daily thing all this time. My Facebook feed anymore is nothing but my LGBT friends outraged over Trump screwing them, my disabled friends outraged over Trump screwing them, other friends of mine outraged over everything Trump does, my international friends talking about how Trump has made America the laughing stock of the world, and all the while the Trump supporter friends I have just praise everything he does and thank God for him. Not to mention everytime something is reported about Trump, there's the usual "FAKE NEWS! LYING LIBERAL MEDIA!" reaction. It's becoming a drag, it's becoming stale, it's becoming rote, and it's bringing out the worst in everybody, including me: I've always been opinionated, and I don't apologize for that, but it's been making me reactionary lately, which is unlike me.

It's only been within the last 4-6 years I've finally been able to flush pessimism and negativity out of my system (remember how you guys always used to complain about what a negative pessimist I was) . . . I'd kind of like to keep it that way, but it's near impossible to do now with so much negativity all around us, and there's no way you can avoid or turn a blind eye to it without completely hermatizing yourself.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
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I know it's silly to care what celebrities have to say, but since Kathy Griffin is a comedian, it does make sense to ask two comedians for their take. Dan Aykroyd and Jim Carrey had differing viewpoints:

I do agree with Aykroyd that positivity is probably more productive at this point. And while I appreciate Carrey speaking up for comedy, I'm honestly still not sure what the point of Griffin's photo even was.

And I'm kinda disappointed in Griffin. First she brags about going to jail over the photo. But now she's lawyering up and playing the victim. Have some guts, girl! I actually did know a protester in college who spent a summer in jail. He dealt with the consequences with a lot of dignity, and also never wavered in his point of view. Griffin could learn from that.
Whoa. What happened to Jim Carrey? Is he replacing David Letterman in that new Santa Claus movie?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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t's been a nonstop daily thing all this time. My Facebook feed anymore is nothing but my LGBT friends outraged over Trump screwing them, my disabled friends outraged over Trump screwing them, other friends of mine outraged over everything Trump does, my international friends talking about how Trump has made America the laughing stock of the world, and all the while the Trump supporter friends I have just praise everything he does and thank God for him. Not to mention everytime something is reported about Trump, there's the usual "FAKE NEWS! LYING LIBERAL MEDIA!" reaction.
I'm right there with you, it's like people have become parodies of themselves, across the board.

It's only been within the last 4-6 years I've finally been able to flush pessimism and negativity out of my system
It can be so incredibly hard to be more positive in general. I really think it's just a matter of "fake it til you make it."