Behold... the New Teen Titans Cartoon...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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...Spoiler... it's going to suck. :rolleyes:

I can take they wanted to make it a comedy show, I can take they're tossing everything away that made the original series special, I can even take the loss of Young Justice and Green Lantern because Frog forbid they have 4 DC shows in production at one time. But really? That animation, if I can even call it that, is the laziest, cheapest, 1998 web cartoonest thing I've ever seen. I've seen some really terrible flash before, but this takes the cake. It's not even Aqua Teen Hunger Force so stiff it's funny stiff. It's cheap and terrible. They could at least have sprung for the usual Korean stuff they used for the DC Nation shorts.


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2008
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I agree, I could totally deal with a comedy show, but I just can't get behind the animation.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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That was painful...

Although I do think the original show could get too dark at times. But I think this is overkill with the "comedy."


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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They look like chibis.
I HATE the designs... It's some recursive Westernized Easternized Westernized style. It looks like they want to be a Tatsunoko Show stylized T-shirt design, but they don't grasp the subtlety. But it's all to streamline production with the aforementioned frag-terrible animation. I wouldn't mind if it looked like this:

Those were the shorts this show was supposedly inspired by. They used the same animation, they threw in some nice little fan bits (one has the Titans captured by Red X, and Beast Boy keeps guessing his identity as Jason Todd). But those shorts weren't meant to do anything but be fun side gags that last a minute. That was balanced out by other shorts, including the much more deserving of a show, Kyle Baker inspired Plastic Man.

That was painful...

Although I do think the original show could get too dark at times. But I think this is overkill with the "comedy."
The original show was brilliant for being a mood rollercoaster. It kept switching from dark and light like the show had multiple personality disorder and was bi Polar. That's what made the show great. You tune in one week, and see Robin struggling with Slade, then next time Beast Boy is fighting sentient Tofu... and even the comedy episodes can be dark themselves. This looks like a Mucha Lucha ripoff. I honestly don't think the comedy shorts can translate into 22 minutes or even 11 minute shorts.

And it could all be forgiving if they at least attempted animation. Young Justice was partially cancelled because they're major freaking cheap skates and full animation costs money. That's painfully obvious with this motion tweened to high heck garbage. I see a lot of Flash cartoons on television, and this is by far the worst I've seen. At least tied with Doodlebops Roadshow for laziness. Then you have Bob's Burgers, Superjail, My Little Pony, Martha Speaks... shows that look as much like a real cartoon as possible. What CN should do is wait a year, go back to Korea and have them reanimate every episode so it doesn't look like a DVD menu.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
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From what I've heard, Bob's Burgers actually switched over to traditional animation starting with season 2.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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It did? Then again, it is possible to traditionally animate with Flash. It does deal with frame rates. Most internet cartoons these days (good ones, anyway) will traditionally animate in flash.

But there is no excuse for the animation to be this bad. I don't care how on the cheap WB wants to make it.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Is it really that big of a spoiler to say that this series will suck? It'll suck huevos. It'll suck Bigfoots. It'll suck whales. It'll suck Wookiees.
And that means the other series, Beware of the Batman will probably suck as well if made by the same company, which considering CN's cheapskatery wouldn't be out of the question.
Add to that the hype they're putting into a "NEW!" season of Johnny Test (epic fail!) they want to push down our throats.

Those DC shorts don't do much for me... Storywise they're stupid, except for the unfinished Adventures of the Atom which was good.
At least CN still has "good" shows like Adventure Time and Regular Show with the occasional movie thrown in. :sigh: Animation just idn't what it used to be.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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And that means the other series, Beware of the Batman will probably suck as well if made by the same company, which considering CN's cheapskatery wouldn't be out of the question.
Beware the Batman will be animated in a similar fashion to Green Lantern. CGI, which is actually quite impressive looking and probably one of the most fluid looking series out there. All indications are this is going to be a good Batman series. They're delving deep into the mythology of the character and not stooping to using the famous characters. I'm actually quite excited for it, even though they're going to have to use 1980's style cartoon guns to be overly sensitive to something that happened almost a year ago.

Teen Titans, however... I really did like the DC animated shorts. They managed to be funny and canony and they kept the original, wonderful FLCL style animation. I don't mind a humor based series, but one that's been overly redesigned to look like some recursive Western version of an Eastern version of Western style. Like someone's trying to ape Panty Stocking style and failing. The new preview animation is less choppy, but I think we at least deserve the same quality of animation as the DC shorts.

Plus... and I'll say this the million billionth time. If they wanted humor so bad... uh, maybe Plastic Man? Dude got screwed out of a cartoon series in 03, hasn't had one since the 1979 series.

I'm just more annoyed about Young Justice and Green Lantern getting canceled because they didn't sell toys. Mattel did their usual wonderful high price low quality over packaged figure job with YJ. But then again, the show was doomed from the beginning due to Greg Weissman being the Charlie Brown of animation and none of his shows lasting (Gargoyles and Spectacular Spider-Man, which they fired once the second season finished production, so it couldn't have been saved by Disney). But Green Lantern is worse. It undid all the damage the movie left, and it didn't even get a toy line because Wal*Mart over orders movie merchandise, and acts like a chicken with its head cut off when movie merchandise doesn't sell. So it never got a cartoon line up.

Add to that the hype they're putting into a "NEW!" season of Johnny Test (epic fail!) they want to push down our throats.
Johnny Test is made on the cheap and gets a LOT of Canadian Tax credits. Therefore, I'm not surprised that CN can get it so cheap. They're going to run the heck out of it because the price is so low. It's like how Reality TV works. It only really had one good season back when WB was behind it and Scott Fellows wrote for it. How it was able to be rescued by Crappy Jar, I don't know.

Still, I do like Dukey. And Mr. Teacherman. Just let the thing die.