If "The Muppets" is a success: What's next?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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So, I was thinking. There's this huge movie concept of The Muppets, which brings all the characters back together, and it also reflects where they are in their 'lives' -- as in bringing them back to mainstream.

But something I've been wondering is, what will be next for them?

Will people expect the next movie to be a direct sequel to this movie? Could they ever do something as diverse as claiming a genre (The Muppet Caper) and just playing themselves in another role? Would they ever tackle a classic again, and if so, would that work for them?

I suppose it may depend upon whether they have a tv series, etc, following the movie. But assuming that they don't return to tv, but that the movie is a big enough success to warrant another movie quite soon after...Who will script in? Will there be a major star at the helm as Jason was? Do they need that kind of star power to push forward? Who will be the 'passion' behind the project?

Just some thoughts to ponder on...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Releasing the Barg Flarglin', Rag Bragglin' Season 4 of the Muppet Show finally after all these years, perhaps?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Haha! Yes, obviously more merchandise. I was really thinking about what movie could be next. I think the closest that we have to a comedy-troupe who do different movies and play similar characters these days is the Judd Apatow gang.

Back when we had things like the Carry On films where the group of actors played different parts, it would have been normal to see The Muppets as newspaper reporters one day, college graduates the next...Now, I'm not sure how well people will get the concept, given that we are so used to linear style story lines these days (with many many films getting sequels/trilogies, etc).


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2010
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I think the movie will be a ´story´ again, like TMTM or TGMC, because it won´t be nice if the characters are ´old´ and ´retired´, that would give the watchers the idea of "Gees, that was the last muppet movie!"
Myslef, I'm also in that idea. I mean, if they would be 'older', indeed, what's next? "The Muppets in: Retirement Home Upside Down!" No sorry, that's tóó, you know.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Releasing the Barg Flarglin', Rag Bragglin' Season 4 of the Muppet Show finally after all these years, perhaps?
And also release more existing Muppet stuff on DVD as well (and not just as bonus features on the season sets). Releasing The Frog Prince on DVD should have been a no-brainer when The Princess and the Frog came out.

And maybe they'll finally make that halloween special that's been announced for years.

I was thinking recently, if the Muppets do a new series, maybe the Muppets could do a sitcom. I'm thinking have the Muppets all working an office job, with Family Guy-style cut-aways.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I, for one, NEVER want to see another classic retelling. MCC and MTI were well done films, but MCC wasn't all that Muppety, especially with the lead being a human (a good actor, but still a human) and the Muppets played third to him. MTI got it better, with new Muppet characters filling roles, but still... Kermit came in 2/3s the way in of the film. Oz was just... let's say it was a mess of competing demographics and be done with it.

The ONLY people that got Classic Retellings done RIGHT are the Boom Studios staff. Even with the weaker Robin Hood and Sherlock Holmes lines. I want the Muppets to play themselves and be the focus of the movie in every movie. It'll be interesting to see how this one plays out, since 2 humans and a new Muppet character are a lead in to the Muppet storyline.

overall, I want a GOOD script. I want someone just as passionate as Segal and Stoller to do the next one, and not have a half done, rushed script that everyone takes a pass on like MFS.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Muppet films instead of Muppet classic literature films. There is a place for the Muppetized retelling of classic stories and that is in segments on television specials rather than assigning the gimmick to an entire motion picture. I think they've figured that out by now.

I hope the films keep coming and it would be great to see some television specials too. I'm not sure we'll ever get a weekly show in this climate and maybe that's a good thing. TV is so cutthroat these days and I wouldn't want to see the Muppets tucked away for another decade simply because Neilson ratings rate higher for "The Biggest Losing Naked Island Bachelorette Hoarding Housewife Apprentice - Home Edition" piece of toxic, forgettable garbage. Specials first, then maaaaaybe a weekly show later.

You know, why not bring the Muppets to a summer miniseries? I think a run of 4 separate, star-studded hour-long specials to air opposite summertime reruns would be a fantastic idea. Something in the family hour. An order of 4 shows would be much easier and self-contained than an entire series. It can also easily be packaged for the home video and itunes market afterward. You know, that's what I hope Disney does with them. I think it could work and it doesn't present much danger to the brand. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Ooh! A Mini-series would be great! And not so dependent on ratings. And would provide brand new content for DVD sales. I really like that idea.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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More NEW Muppet films! New specials! A HALLOWEEN SPECIAL!


ung...sorry...got carried away there, I think...