New Light Shed on 2004 Palisades Figures and Playsets


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2002
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Cap Backfire said:
Of course, the MTI crap is the wild card, sucking up slots for real figs, but what the hey.
And does anyone else see the logic that we will almost certainly see the Muppet Sports Announcer and Lips??? I mean, we have Marvin Suggs and Uncle Deadly for crying out loud... I love both of em, but I can count U.D. and Marvin's appearances on both hands. I don't even need toes. If they made THOSE guys (mostly due to fan support) then the others will certainly be made. You just gotta have faith.
Thank you! Sure there cool looking, but get the regular characters done first than if the lease is still going than go for the movies! Now when regular sam comes out I have this pirate thing that goes with nothing! Lips, I think if or when lips is made, it should come in a playset! Like the EM bus! I also would like to see Gladus the diner lady on the muppet show! I would think of her and Lips and the muppet sports guy long before uncle deadly! I mean Lips and the sports caster made it to the movies, (muppet caper)! Another idea I had was (if theres time) to make the characters of alice and wonderland on the episode with Brooke Shields! Like:
Scooter with the Jaberwalkeey
Dr teeth as chesier cat
Floyd as caterpiller with Giant mushroom and Pipe bong
Piggy as Queen of hearts With card Muppets
Link as king of hearts with hupty dumpty
Gonzo as mad hatter mith rabbit and mouse chicken in tea pot
Statler as tweedle dee
Waldorf as Tweedle dum
Marvin sugs as the judge with 2 court fish
and Fozzie as the Tin man with the white rabbit!
Fun huh?


Cap Backfire

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
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I think I have some clarifications...

I think the Count meant there will be four SERIES of four figs each year (if all goes well and according to plan). Now since there are 2 years left to do (not including the december releases) then that makes 16 figs per year (give or take), and POSSIBLY 3 more playsets (not including PIS). Now this makes 32 figs to be made yet. Not including any special releases, Exclusives and whatnot... There could possibly be 8 more exclusives and multiple repaints. Making our collections reach new heights. TOTALLING (by my random thought processes) 23+32+8+9=72 figs or so... Give or take a half dozen. This is GREAT news... Thanks Count for telling me that there is this much hope for ALL of my faves to be made, and for telling me Fozzie is not dying for real.
Fozzie, for those of us who don't know you, PLEASE don't make such morbid jokes... I was kinda worried for you. Just the kinda guy I am I guess.

I have to go figure out how much dough 72+ figs will cost me over the next 2 years... Grrr....

Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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The Count said:
Well, now wait a second there Gorgon Heap.

If the contract ends at the end of 2005, and we can't or shouldn't hold Ken to an actual release of Lips in either 2004 nor 2005, then when would we hold his release for? After 2005? The contract would be over by then and Lips still wouldn't have been made. That is, unless he does get made and released in either 2004 or 2005, or the contract gets renewed and Lips gets released in post-2005 terms.
Hope this helps, and sorry for the comment above.
Okay, lemme try and say this correctly.

Ken said to me that he'd like to do Lips, eventually. I said something like 'what would he come with? I can't think of anything!' His response was something to the effect of I can't tell you what Lips will come with, but it'll be awesome! I said "You mean it would be awesome". I don't know whether or not I let a cat out of the bag that was supposed to stay in, so I said don't hold him to that. I don't think Ken would share privileged info with little old me to be kept in confidence, and I think that if Ken gives out info to one of us fanboys that means he's comfortable letting the information out, but I was just sort of covering my behind in case this was supposed to be a secret.

The 'eventually' part leads me to believe that Lips is planned for 2005, and the fact that Ken said he would come with something awesome (can't remember exact word) tells me that Ken has a plan for what he's doing with Lips, accessory-wise.

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Ah, that's better then. The "eventually" saves this argument and I'm sorry for jumping at that one Dave. Though shouldn't thatelieve that should Lips be made as a figure it'd be released in either the second half of 2004 in any of the open spots just as much as he'd be released in 2005?
Oh well, off to help out someone else, that is if it's not my usual foot-in-mouth help that ends up getting dispensed.
Have a good night.same "eventually" lead you to bv


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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I don't if anyone mentioned this but what about a robin sized for the Sweetumes. I figured it would be cool to have two sizes for Robin for either the characters and Sweetumes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2002
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Cap Backfire said:
Fozzie, for those of us who don't know you, PLEASE don't make such morbid jokes... I was kinda worried for you. Just the kinda guy I am I guess.
ehhm...this is a joke I hope. You are 30 years old, and you though Fozzie meant what he said? Please tell me you are fooling us.

About Lips, since it's still not announced wich playset will be re-relaeased, maybe it will be the EM stage. And who, guess who, would be a great pack in? Yes! Lips!

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Which Fozzie? Me or the other Fozzie? If it's me that would be "Fozzie Bear," and, no, I ain't goin nowhere. I had tummy trouble yesterday, but that won't kill ya.

I don't guess.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2002
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Fozzie Bear said:
Which Fozzie? Me or the other Fozzie? If it's me that would be "Fozzie Bear," and, no, I ain't goin nowhere. I had tummy trouble yesterday, but that won't kill ya.

I don't guess.
Well, I think he meant you :smirk:

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Oh, in that case, I'm not dying. Well, not that I know of. Then again, I guess as we get older, we're all dying slowly, huh?

Oh, good grief!
