Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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The point I’m trying to make is that we all see the world differently. The right has their own ideals (and leave the neo-Nazis out of this because the left have extremists themselves), just like the left does. Both sides think they know the best way to run the country, and continuously overrunning people with all this fact-——ery is not going to help us one bit.
We don't cuddle up to neo Nazi level extremists like the Trump right does. If so, name them please. We certainly have our jacka**es (pun intended) but all things are not equal on that point.
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Old Thunder

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Aug 13, 2015
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Honestly I don’t even consider neo-Nazis as a part of the right. You can tell me I’m stupid, in which case I’ll bring up how the left don’t consider their extremists a part of the left.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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We don't cuddle up to neo Nazi level extremists like the Trump right does. If so, name them please. We certainly have our jacka**es (pun intended) but all things are not equal on that point.
Speaking of jack***. Couple of days ago a star made the remark that President Trump's son Barron should be locked up and raped. Someone here posted the link. I was waiting for someone to mention it or comment on it. Not a single person condemned it. Kinda surprised me that you hadn't spoken up. Anytime someone on the right doesn't outright condemn something that President Trump says you are quick to make accusations that the right condones this sort of behavior and rhetoric and are complicit in encouraging it because they don't condemn it in a post.

Newsflash here. Neither side has a monopoly on extremists. The argument that "yeah we have extremists, but yours are more extreme" is kinda silly really.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Honestly I don’t even consider neo-Nazis as a part of the right. You can tell me I’m stupid, in which case I’ll bring up how the left don’t consider their extremists a part of the left.
They certainly shouldn't be, but these days they are. I've been reading about the Dixiecrats of old and, yup, we used to be the party of poimty white linens. So, there's that.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Speaking of jack***. Couple of days ago a star made the remark that President Trump's son Barron should be locked up and raped. Someone here posted the link. I was waiting for someone to mention it or comment on it. Not a single person condemned it. Kinda surprised me that you hadn't spoken up. Anytime someone on the right doesn't outright condemn something that President Trump says you are quick to make accusations that the right condones this sort of behavior and rhetoric and are complicit in encouraging it because they don't condemn it in a post.

Newsflash here. Neither side has a monopoly on extremists. The argument that "yeah we have extremists, but yours are more extreme" is kinda silly really.
Truly deplorable behavior from my least favorite Fonda. I forgot to mention him. Thanks for bringing that up. We need NONE of his dangerous rhetoric or idiocy in our party. F*ck that guy. Seriously.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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The truth is, however, we swiftly turn on our own, these days. The GOP either celebrates these jackholes or suffers them as necessary evils.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I agree. No disrespect but it just makes it sound like you're trying to make one side seem more special than the other. :smirk:
I'm an Italian American from New York City. My family came here in the early 1900s through Ellis Island, was not here in the 19 century at all. I just had a hysterical Democrat condemn me as a daughter of the Confederacy, lol. Why? Because I defended Laura Ingalls Wilder...

Both sides are equally garbage.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Speaking of jack***. Couple of days ago a star made the remark that President Trump's son Barron should be locked up and raped. Someone here posted the link. I was waiting for someone to mention it or comment on it. Not a single person condemned it. Kinda surprised me that you hadn't spoken up. Anytime someone on the right doesn't outright condemn something that President Trump says you are quick to make accusations that the right condones this sort of behavior and rhetoric and are complicit in encouraging it because they don't condemn it in a post.

Newsflash here. Neither side has a monopoly on extremists. The argument that "yeah we have extremists, but yours are more extreme" is kinda silly really.
I have an excuse, I was on vacation, hehe. But yeah, the left points at the right for having neo nazi extremists. Not realizing their own extremists are the ones who see racism in literally every walk of life, and isolate and punish anyone and everyone who says anything the "wrong" way. They have the power to ruin lives and they fully exploit it. Racism is all they know about history (and even in that regard their knowledge is pretty narrow), all they see in the present, and all they expect to see in the future.

And God forbid you try to be optimistic about the future, that just shows your "privilege." To say they are tone deaf is far too kind an understatement.

That and they defend the abortion of Down Syndrome babies, even if it means their extinction. Real classy.
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