Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


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Dec 2, 2002
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Thanks for sharing that. Very good read and perspective. That's one of the reasons that while the "liberals" were running around like Chicken Little screaming about how President Trump will destroy our country I never worried about it too much. Our system simply will not allow it. No matter how bad or chaotic things seem we will survive because of the checks and balances built in and because of good people within the government.

Of course, most smart "liberals" know this as well but they need to keep the narrative alive for political reasons. Meanwhile, some of the liberal supporters buy in to it wholeheartedly. Just as many of President Trump's supporters are duped in to believing his rhetoric, the liberal supporters are just as easily duped in to believing the "liberals" rhetoric. I'd like to expect more from them but everything I read from them proves otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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See @dwayne1115?

It was never about disrespecting the flag, it was never about disrespecting the anthem, it was never about disrespecting the country, and it was never about disrespecting the military: not only did a veteran suggest to Kaepernick that kneeling was far more respectful way of protesting, but other veterans are saying the same thing, and even acknowledging they fought for his right to protest racial injustices in America.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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See @dwayne1115?

It was never about disrespecting the flag, it was never about disrespecting the anthem, it was never about disrespecting the country, and it was never about disrespecting the military: not only did a veteran suggest to Kaepernick that kneeling was far more respectful way of protesting, but other veterans are saying the same thing, and even acknowledging they fought for his right to protest racial injustices in America.
What racial injustice?
I'm not saying there isn't racism in America because there is and always will be. There isn't any injustice going on though. These people of different races think that just because of there race they are constantly getting bullied, or mistreated. There there are the others that think just because of there race they can do whatever they want. Again I could understand and completely get behind any kind of protest if it valid, but this and destroying statutes of historic figures because of the past is not a valid reason to stir trouble.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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See @dwayne1115?

It was never about disrespecting the flag, it was never about disrespecting the anthem, it was never about disrespecting the country, and it was never about disrespecting the military: not only did a veteran suggest to Kaepernick that kneeling was far more respectful way of protesting, but other veterans are saying the same thing, and even acknowledging they fought for his right to protest racial injustices in America.
And a much larger % of veterans say it IS disrespectful. But I guess one can always cherry pick POVs to support their cause


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Just had a rather horrifying confrontation with some awful neighbors. Even their young kids joined in the taunting. This isn't politics related, but it's an example of why my opinion of humanity couldn't possibly get any lower than it is at this moment. Not going to pray too hard for it anymore.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Just had a rather horrifying confrontation with some awful neighbors. Even their young kids joined in the taunting. This isn't politics related, but it's an example of why my opinion of humanity couldn't possibly get any lower than it is at this moment. Not going to pray too hard for it anymore.
People as a whole are just mad....


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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See @dwayne1115?

It was never about disrespecting the flag, it was never about disrespecting the anthem, it was never about disrespecting the country, and it was never about disrespecting the military: not only did a veteran suggest to Kaepernick that kneeling was far more respectful way of protesting, but other veterans are saying the same thing, and even acknowledging they fought for his right to protest racial injustices in America.
One other thing about injustice of other races especially when it comes to police offer involved shootings, and abuse of power. Why are people regardless of race having to deal with the police anyways? 90% of the time it's because a crime may or may not have been committed. However, since everyone regardless of race is a self proclaimed expert on the constation, and laws in general. They think they know better then a trained officer of the law. Even a very simple traffic violation can become a huge knock out drag out fight simply because the suspect thinks he knows more then the officers.
So no I don't think that kneeling during the national anthem is disrespectful to our vets. I do think its disrespectful to law enforcement officers, who for the most part are only trying to do there job.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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So I just want to express a few things in regards to a few political things going on.

1) I'm really sad to hear Mr. McCain passed away. He was honestly the best republican I have seen that I think could have done a decent job. Cancer sucks.

2) I'm upset that now a simple video game tournament caused yet another shooting. :rolleyes: so now the media has a good reason to blame video games for shootings. Look, losing sucks, I get it, but the fact that we had a guy who took it too far now actually makes me scared to go to video game tournaments to play Super Smash Bros or Call of Duty or whatever is going on.

3) I think it's ridiculous that a sneaker brand is now causing some serious chaos. Sorry, don't mind me as I put on my Nike shoes to go out for a bike ride with no regrets.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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George Carlin once did a great bit on the Baby Boomers.
Whiny, narcissistic, self-indulgent yuppies with a very simple philosophy in life:

Their parents, who survived the Depression and WWII, handed them everything. (Big disservice). Some did go out and bust their butt to make their way in the world, but many got a big push from Mommy and Daddy's deep pockets.
For those of us that came after, very few had that advantage.
We had to toil and sacrifice to make it, but we didn't have parents who could hand over 50K to start a business.

So the only thing I had to fall back on was to outwork everybody else. Sometimes it paid off, but there were a lot of disappointments along the way.

So I still feel like telling younger folk, if you want to be a Muppeteer, or whatever is on your heart, you can't wish it into existence.
And forget about instant gratification. You won't become a billionaire overnight. But if you stay committed to a goal, and put in a lot of tough, vicious, nauseating work (and dealing with the temptation to give up when things get rough)
you MIGHT stand a chance.
My man! I seriously wish I had the chance to meet him for how real he was (and for playing Mr. Conductor. :stick_out_tongue:)

Humans are both a beautiful and a disgusting race.

But mostly disgusting.
So disgusting it makes me want to watch GoAnimate videos.
