Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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White people just love to tell other cultures what they’re supposed to be.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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White people just love to tell other cultures what they’re supposed to be.
Wow, so many stupid posts in a row.

No one here is telling a culture how to be. The Cherokee Nation, however, did give a statement about how heritage is more than a DNA test to them and they took issue with Warren claiming heritage the way she did. Are they racist and sexist too just because they took issue with Warren? This was reported by the New York Times. Not exactly a right wing media outlet.

You are so dumb. If you are going to be an ***, at least be an informed ***.

Easy to say a government program is no good after you’ve used it and no longer need the assistance.
This was my opinion while on it as well. If i had kept all the money I paid into it and saved it Id have had more than what was given back. I used it to supplement my income because my taxes paid into the program for many years. I would say I have every right to give an opinion on how the system works, having been on both sides. I paid into it and I saw first hand where my money went and how it was given back to me. With the amount of bloat in the system that I saw first hand I think people could do better keeping that part of their taxes and learning how to manage money better.

Glad we have so many experts on what it means to be a Native American here.
Again, literally was paraphrasing what the Cherokee Nation said aboht the issue. I guess you know more than them?

BTW, social security is money that people have paid into, not “government money.”
Yes, and my point is that if people kept that portion of their taxes and invested it privately over the years they would have more money in retirement. Instead, many people think that social security is will be enough to live off of and they dont save anything. My friends grandmother and father are dealing with that issue. They were terrible at managing money, spent everything they had, and are borderline homeless. Their social security doesnt pay the bills. Its heart breaking and even though i was without a job myself for half the year, i offered to help them as mich as I could, even if it just meant giving them some food basics. They get more help from private charities than the government and private charities tend to be able to give a larger portion of funds to the people they help.

A know-it-all who knows nothing and likes to filibuster.
You have no right to call anyone a know-it-all. Everyone here, except you, has admitted to mistakes or been open to others opinions. You are closed minded and petty. You ignore the content of a posts ideas and focus on a minor mistake just so you can act like you are smarter.

You are the worst kind of person. You claim to care about people, but all you want is to feel superior. You thonk you know what is best for people. All you care about is showing how much better you are and virtue signaling.

The truth is you do nothing to truly better society. You are a sad little man that is filled with hate and distain, so much so that you dont even realize it. You will die alone, unmourned and unloved.

Oh, and btw, you cant filibuster in texted, especially in this format. Long posts dont impede anyone else from engaging. If it were a chatroom you might have a point.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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So tell me, why was the unemployment program inefficient? Didn’t pay you enough? Didn’t pay you quickly enough, efficiently enough? Held you accountable? Why should it be so easy? You’d probably still be on it if it was. You’re arguing against your very point. In any case, it was good enough to go to when you needed it. Now it’s a horrible thing because you’re not in a position of needing it. Typical conservative. It’s all about them. Total hypocrisy.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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So tell me, why was the unemployment program inefficient? Didn’t pay you enough? Didn’t pay you quickly enough, efficiently enough? Held you accountable? Why should it be so easy? You’d probably still be on it if it was. You’re arguing against your very point. In any case, it was good enough to go to when you needed it. Now it’s a horrible thing because you’re not in a position of needing it. Typical conservative. It’s all about them. Total hypocrisy.
Well just like with most everything else in this country today people abuse things. I'm not on unemployment but I'm sure there are those who abuse it, and then their are those who actually need it to survive. It's just like with health care their are a lot of people who really need meds and then their are those who are just trying to get high.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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Well just like with most everything else in this country today people abuse things. I'm not on unemployment but I'm sure there are those who abuse it, and then their are those who actually need it to survive. It's just like with health care their are a lot of people who really need meds and then their are those who are just trying to get high.
Exactly, so the answer is not to rip it away from people. It’s to make it work. Some people talk in extremes. “Either government help or private charity!” No middle ground, no shades of gray, no reason.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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Conservative logic: “If a government or social program doesn’t help as much as it should, yank it away and leave people with absolutely nothing.”


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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But yes, let’s all just keep more of our money and invest it in that reliable stock market. As if everyone even has something to invest.