Season 3 DVD - What should be on it?


Active Member
Feb 8, 2006
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Just wondering. What kind of extras would you like to see on the MS Season 3 box set?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I'd love to see the Muppet Morsels come back. But then if they end up only on a few selected episodes after not being found on season 2 at all I don't think they would really interest me much at all.

If Disney cannot put them on every episode of every season it takes away the whole significance of the trivia information about the series for me I'm afraid.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2005
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I would like to see the ads come back. They were so funny. It should have the 30 and 60 second ads for every episode. what made it funny is because it was ad libbed and not rehersed taped after every episode taping. Disney bring these back.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I would like this set to have either Muppet Morsels return or audio commentary. It would be great if Disney could get the rights to the 60 Minutes episode on the show, or even the episode of The Tonight Show that Kermit the Frog hosted (for a feature that's mostly unrelated to the show).

It would be great if some Mupet music videos were included, like She Drives Me Crazy and Wipe Out. Or if The Mupet Show Live could be included as a bonus feature (I know that some fan videotapped the performance and put it on yiou tube. I wonder if Henson recorded the show despite not having any known intentions of releasing it. If not, maybe the special video footage could just be shown).


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2006
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I want to see the 30th anniversary Special.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Ugh, everyone's taken my ideas, lol.

But yeah I definitely agree with the Muppet Morsels (disapointed at their absence this time), the 60 Minutes show, the Tonight Show appearance, and the 30th Anniversary.

I'd also like to see Muppets Go to the Movies. I realize its main purpose was the promote GMC. However, it doesn't look like it will be released with that DVD anytime soon. I'd rather have this special available on a slightly off DVD, than not at all. :smile:

I understand that Disney owns these and not the Henson people, but it would still be nice to have an audio commentary or interviews. Fraggle Rock is doing much better in the bonus features department. (For which I am grateful anyway :wink: ).

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I'd also like to see Muppets Go to the Movies. I realize its main purpose was the promote GMC. However, it doesn't look like it will be released with that DVD anytime soon. I'd rather have this special available on a slightly off DVD, than not at all. :smile:
I think it's more of an hour-long Muppet Show than a promotional special for The Great Mupet Caper. Back when I first saw it I never thought of it as a promotion for the special, even though it has three clips from the movie and one of the movies songs is performed as the opening number. I was confused by Rizzo's line about not seeing the movie, though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I think it's more of an hour-long Muppet Show than a promotional special for The Great Mupet Caper.
Very true, I always saw it as just a very long version of the Muppet Show too, lol. And the first time I saw it, I didn't even realize they were implying the film hadn't come out yet at that time.

I guess it's just that other people have said it shouldn't be on a Muppet Show DVD because of the way it promotes GMC. But yeah, it doesn't make that much of a fuss about GMC, just the occasional mention. They weren't in your face about it, even though they were trying to promote it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Interestingly one of the two guest stars on that special, Dudley Moore had been a guest on a standard episode either before or, I think after, The Muppets go to the Movies was made.
Even though they had a strict policy that no guest star ever appeared twice you could say that this makes Dudley the only exception to that rule, in a sort of way.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Wasn't there a retrospective on Jim Henson that they had for Season 1 that never got used? that should definitly go on at some point.

I'd like to see interviews with the puppeteers/writers/design team similar in vain to what FR has had. Those are invaluable. And I understand that DID get interview footage with Jerry J before he passed away. It would be great to see stuff with Jerry J, Jerry N, Frank, Dave, Steve, Jane, Brian, Micheal Frith, Chris Langham, David Odell, Bonnie Erickson, Rollie Krewson, Polly Smith, etc. Yeah I'd like to see more stuff along those lines.

I don't know about commetaries. I've always thought about it, but who would you have do it? Jerry amd Frank are pretty musch retired and I don't think either of them would do it. Steve was kind of a minor player. Dave was kind of in the middle there. Jim, Jerry J, and Richard...:cry: And I thnk if you had the characters do a commentary it's kind of hoaky. I was never a big fan of the thing on MFS.

The Muppet Morsels were pretty ok, but I believe those were mostly Jerry Juhl's doing and i also found that after a few episodes they began to repeat themselves. How many time can you mention Gonzo's sagging eyelids. Also the numerous typos were distracting.

I imagine "Of Muppets and Men" will go on the 5th season since that was arounf the time it was produced and it shows a number of clips from then.

But interviews would be great. And I like what someone else said about the music videos.
