Series 1 Arrives: When and Where

Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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I live in Michigan and the local TRU just got 'em Tuesday... and already sold out. What really gets me is I had to work Tuesday and Wednesday, so even if I wanted to I couldn't have gotten them. Well, if I had gotten up early...

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2002
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Originally posted by ResidentLilly
TRU's set prices according to region too, don't they?
you'd probably know better than I would, but as far as I knew, all TRUs in the US had the same prices (even the one in NYC(where you'd think they'd have everything priced higher) had same prices as the local TRU) I'll check into it tomorrow.

don't forget TRU price guarantees(sp?)
(if you can find a printed ad showing a lower price(and they have it in stock) TRU'll match the price)


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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It makes me laugh...

Hey guys,
Is this the same group of people that just couldn't wait for the figures that I'm reading posts from? Is this the same group that made Ken crazy for months about the figures not being out yet? Is this the same group that pretty much ripped Palisades "a new one" when their projected dates didn't match their actual shipping dates? It must not be. Because all I see are posts from people saying. "Yeah, I don't feel like spending the money right now" or "I think I'm only gonna buy Bunsen from the first wave." or "My local Toys R Us got them on Friday but I'm not gonna go get them until Thanksgiving" Gimme a break guys! Get off your butts and go get these figures. They rock! And if we don't support the line then we can't expect the general public to.
Just my two cents,


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2002
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This isn't the group you are looking for. That group is over in the Ask Ken thread...


Staff member
Apr 12, 2002
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Just send your sympathy

I could be wrong, but I do believe that our local Toys R Us just happened to be the VERY LAST Toys R Us to get the Muppet Figures! After weeks of stopping by after work 2 or 3 times a week, they have arrived at last. Although it wasn't easy... let me elaborate:

Expecting another let down, I grudgingly march to the action figure section and began my lonely search. I say lonely as I failed to take my handsome tall husband with me today. Just as I was about to give up and just look at all the Simpson characters, I saw them out of the corner of my eye. There Kermit was, teetering dangerously on the end of a price peg. Behind him were 6 other characters. I anxiously reached to finally hold this infamous package when it suddenly occurred to me that these were beyond my reach. Literally! They had one peg of figures and they had put them all the way up at the top! If I jumped I may have been able to knock Kermit off, but I don't think I could have stomached seeing him crash to the floor.

Seeking out a "courteous" Toys R Us worker was less help I'm afraid. I was most curious about the exclusive Kermit Tux figure. This worker basically pointed in the general direction of the figures, and when I pointed out to him that they were out of my reach, he graciously pushed the figures to the side and said, "Nope, haven't seen Kermit in a tux." If I had wanted to continue the conversation I would have had to follow him to perhaps what he thought was a more important part of the store. Afraid that I might end up near the Barney toys, I chose to let that worker go.

I'm most saddened that these excellent figures will probably never be in the hands of those who would enjoy them as no one would even know they were there. I can only hope that other Toys R Us are finding ways to promote these products in the way they deserve. Oh, and how about putting them down at a level that anyone under 5ft could reach them? Oh wait, that area is reserved for wrestling figures. What was I thinking?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Okay, can someone explain to me why a TOY store has toys so high on the wall an adult cannot reach them? I know you're not the tallest person around, Cindy, but you're far from the shortest. That's just sad.

If it makes you feel any better-- the TRU near me still has no figures.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2002
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Originally posted by bw0000
I gots a question, why do some TRU's have them for 10.99 and others 8.99? Thanks
I mentioned this to my neighbor (who is a TRU manager, and the reason I had all my figs 2 weeks ago)....
The four figures in the cases are $8.99
The Tuxedo Kermit is $10.99


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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It is a sad unfortunate truth Cindy. I had my first in store at TRU find of them last night here in Baltimore. Wow...very un-impressive the way they were merchandised. Hard to get people to notice when they are way up there. But they had 2 peg facings as opposed to 10 Simpson's. Not bad, but they were certainly getting swallowed up by the Simpson's figures. That is a smart location for them to be though.

But you know what? At least they were in there, at last.



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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At the TRU near me, they were right at eye level and occupied four pegs. Problem is, the guy put em on randomly and ended up having all piggys on the outside. Any casual observer would have thought that's the only figure being offered. So, when the guy left, I reorganized them so that each character was represented.

All that and they didn't even have the tuxedo kermit!


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2002
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toys r us

the toys r us by me is also doing a horrible job with the figures.after months of going in and asking about them and hearing from some of their employees that tons of other people were asking for them,i find them hidden in the back with their marked down action figures.