Smokers on the forum


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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Rosewood said:
Now, granted, I've only done this once, but back then I was desperate!

Here in Utah we have an amusement park called "Lagoon". It was a favorite place for me to go on my birthday untill about ten years ago. We had gone there to celebrate my turning the "big 30", and on that day it seemed like the percentage of smokers there was way more than usual. Everywhere you went, it seemed you were pasing through a big cloud of someones seconed-hand stench. It finally took someone actually lighting up right next to me while waiting in line for one of the rides that finally pushed me over the edge. I left the ride and went to file a complaint at the administrators office. But when I got there they simply said there was nothing I could do about it (since this was a privately owned facility), and that they weren't going to take any kind of action, either. At that point I silently declared war.

Now, each time you go here, you get a "Bounce back" pass which allows you to come back within the next week and get in for half the price. This time I used mine, but when I came in this time, I was fully loaded - with 2 full cans of "fart spray"! That whole day, when ever anyone "blew" my way, I just calmly went up-wind from them and let them have a dose of mine. (I kept the thin can hidden in my sleeve so everyone simply thought the rotten-egg smell was the real thing.) And when ever anyone had the audacity to give me a crusty look, I simply smiled and said "Right back at ya!"

Way to go get 'em.Good for you.:big_grin: