So is Tina Fey Trying to Ditch Her Glasses?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I heard contact lenses can get in behind your eye.

Yeah, so not doing that.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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I know someone who left her contacts in for too long and they fused to her eyelids and she couldnt open her eyes...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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vomits profusely....

eh... stickin' with glasses.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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This is what happens when you go to sleep around here: the threads explode in the night, lol.

But, I'm pretty sure Drew took his glasses off on Whose Line more than once... I know there was a Scenes from a Hat game where Wayne Brady borrowed them, so he could say, "Drew Carey... is my father..."... I also seem to recall Drew commenting the specs made Wayne look sharp, lol.

But yes, you're right Jamie, again, Drew had corrective surgery, but he kept the specs as a part of his trademark.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2002
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Hmm, does Clark Kent wear the glasses or do the glasses wear Clark Kent?
Yay! For a thread about wearing glasses, someone mentioned the one person that has to be mentioned! Superman is the classic example of this, of course. Clark Kent wears the glasses and for him it is very much part of his identity- because they aid in hiding his identity as Superman. (Though there are other things than just glasses- He also parts his hair a different way and he stands taller with a different stature as Superman- he puts on a deeper and firmer voice as Superman.) Christopher Reeve displayed the disparagement between the two identities so well- when I'm literally cringing for Clark Kent when watching the "Superman" movies because of his clumsiness- that means Reeve is playing the part perfectly. And it's because of that clumsiness, that he has another great item to add to his arsenal for protecting his Superman identity. It's called pride- basically, people look at him as a clumsy geek and just can't picture that this mild-mannered wimp could possibly be the mighty Superman - that really works so well for him. And there's the fact that he doesn't wear a mask- so there is no reason to suspect that Superman has an identity to hide- unlike someone like Batman or Green Lantern or The Flash, etc.
Anyway- I'm surprised no one has mentioned Weird Al Yankovic yet- he is also famous for his iconic bespectacled look in the '80s (along with his white guy afro- lol) He got corrective surgery so that he doesn't need glasses anymore- but I think he still wears sometimes just to bring back that '80s image for fans. But honestly- glasses are just a tool to help people see better- much like contact lenses. Some people can wear them as a style and I suppose there is a certain style to picking which kind of glasses you like best- but ultimately they just need to do the job they're made for- which is to help you see. If you don't need them anymore, then so much the better. It will take a little bit of time to get used to seeing someone without them- but that doesn't do anything to lessen their sense of individuality or identity.:super:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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people look at him as a clumsy geek and just can't picture that this mild-mannered wimp could possibly be the mighty Superman - that really works so well for him.
Yeah I know! That's what really made Christopher Reeves' performance so perfect; he could be this strong, confident, all powerful SuperGuy, but then realistically slip back into making you laugh as the clumsy Clark Kent, lol.

But honestly- glasses are just a tool to help people see better- much like contact lenses. Some people can wear them as a style and I suppose there is a certain style to picking which kind of glasses you like best- but ultimately they just need to do the job they're made for- which is to help you see. If you don't need them anymore, then so much the better. It will take a little bit of time to get used to seeing someone without them- but that doesn't do anything to lessen their sense of individuality or identity.:super:
Yeah I mean, fashion statements are fun, but it's the whole personality that people are (hopefully) really attracted to. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Yeah I mean, fashion statements are fun, but it's the whole personality that people are (hopefully) really attracted to. :wink:
Personality's always been more important to me than looks, because, let's face it: there's plenty of attractive people out there who are some of the biggest douchebags you'll ever met, likewise, just as many people out there who may not be a knockout, but have golden personalities.

Plus, like you once said heralde, in the end, we'll all end up looking like the Crypt Keeper anyway.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I THINK it was you... I seem to remember you saying it a long time ago... maybe not... oh well... it's still a profound quote anyway.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I THINK it was you... I seem to remember you saying it a long time ago... maybe not... oh well... it's still a profound quote anyway.
Well actually I have said something similar to my family before so it could have been me, lol. For the moment I'll take the credit, thanks. lol :wink: