The Hand Wriiten Pleage To Disney & The Muppets


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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The Letter

Ok here it is, now i have not sent this letter yet this is just for you muppet fans. Who I might add are the toughest critices around. If you think anything needs to be changed please let me know. I also want to thank everyone who has been behind this letter. This is the frist of many i hope.

Dear Walt Disney Company/Muppet Studios

I am Dwayne Fletcher, a 24-year-old guy who has been a Muppet fan for most my entire life. The Muppets have always been in my life, when everything else seemed to fall apart, the Muppets where there to help pick me up. The Muppets have also saved me from doing stupid things in my life before; oddly enough, The Muppets, without even trying helped make me the man I am today.
That said, I would like to ask you, Walt Disney Company, to please bring the Muppets back. I know that since 2005, the Muppets have been under your control, which, when I heard this, I thought that you all would just dive right in and give the Muppets a return that they most certainly deserve. Now I know you could say, “Well, we released all the Muppet movies we had rights to and we also released the newest Muppet made for TV special Muppets Wizard of Oz, not to mention The Muppet Show season one on DVD.” Which did extremely well, I might add. Yes, you did, and everyone else and I in the Muppet fan world thanks you for it, but we want more. We Muppet fans want to see the Muppets more and more on T.V., and even the big screen.
You may think that there are not a lot of Muppet fans above the age of six. That is the reason for this letter and the many ones to follow, that there are many people of all ages that love the Muppets and want to see them shine.
So please, Walt Disney Company, help the Muppets shine once again. We Muppet fans are the best fans out there, and if you put good Muppet things out there, we are willing to pay to get it.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I hope it does not end up on the bottom of some trashcan, but really read. Thanks again for everything you have already done with the Muppets, and I can’t wait to see what is next for the Muppets.

Sincerely Yours
Dwayne L. Fletcher


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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Well, I'm suprised that anyone six and under even knows about the muppets these days. But go for it because you never know until you try.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I think if kids do know about them, it's mainly because their parents (or sometimes schools/summer camps) take the time to introduce it to them. Sort of a grass roots movement thing, heh. It would be nice if the major companies took notice though!


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Well i just used that as a statment that they may think that the muppets are just for kids, when that is not really true at all.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Very nice letter Dwayne, I spotted a few typos here and there, and I'm not sure about the "bottom of a trash can" part, but other than that I think this letter is great. I plan on getting on writing mine asap.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2004
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Dwayne, nice letter, great effort. I wouldn't call yourself a 'guy', though, it's not the right tone for a professional letter and right off the bat they might not take you very seriously. You called yourself a man about 2 sentences later, so they get the idea. Just calling yourself a 24-year-old works just as well.

I think we all should write a bunch of letters and see how it goes!


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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thanks for the input guys i will make some changes on that, and yea the guy thing when i spell checked it it told me to just put 24 year old.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Well yes, it would be good to say The Muppets are made for and desired by both kids and adults. Either way the company would benefit. Because either way, it's the adults paying for the merchandise. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
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Hi Dwayne,

Thanks so much for your efforts. I liked a lot of what you said. I've made some changes (in red) and suggestions (in bold red) below. You don't have to follow them, but I think that they will help make the letter even stronger. You've provided a very good foundation, and I thank you for being open to suggestions from other fans. :smile:


Dear Walt Disney Company/Muppet Studios:

I am Dwayne Fletcher, a 24-year-old who has been a Muppet fan for almost my entire life. The Muppets have always been in my life; when everything else seemed to fall apart, the Muppets were there to help pick me up. The Muppets have also saved me from doing stupid things in my life before (in my opinion the letter is stronger without this line) The Muppets, without even trying helped make me into the man that I am today.

That being said, I would like to ask you, the Walt Disney Company, to please bring the Muppets back into the spotlight. I know that since 2005, the Muppets have been under your control. When I heard this, I thought that you all would just dive right in (this sounds too casual to me - I'd change it to something like "immediately take advantage of the situation") and give the Muppets a return that they most certainly deserve. Now I know you could say, “Well, we released all the Muppet movies we had rights to and we also released the newest Muppet made for TV special Muppets Wizard of Oz, not to mention The Muppet Show season one on DVD," which did extremely well, I might add. Yes, you did, and everyone else and I in the Muppet fan world (sounds awkward, I'd take that line out) We all thank you for it, but we want more. We Muppet fans want to see the Muppets appearing more frequently on T.V., and even the big screen.

You may think that there are not a lot of Muppet fans these days. That is the reason for this letter and the many ones to follow. There are many people of all ages that love the Muppets and want to see them shine.
So please, Walt Disney Company, help the Muppets shine once again. (I deleted the "We" at the beginning of this sentence) Muppet fans are very loyal, and if you produce quality Muppet projects, we are willing to pay for them.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I hope it does not end up on the bottom of some trashcan, but really read. (I would cut out this line entirely) Thanks again for everything you have already done with the Muppets, and I can’t wait to see what is next for them.

Sincerely Yours
Dwayne L. Fletcher


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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wow thanks that really are some good ideas and i think i will use most of them. Now i also want to say, that this letter is not going to be good all alone. As earlyer in this thread. We need hunders of people to write letters such as this one. i know people have lifes to live, but if your a muppet fan this should be real inportaint to you.