The Moppet Family: The Reunion


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Oops, I kinda forgot about that until well uhhhh can we say about three am this morning?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Dunno. Can we? Let's try... All: 3AM this morning.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Neither is having to wait this long for another chapter... But we gotta do something to pass the time.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Chapter Twelve- Visions

Before, or after, or sometime, or never. Father stepped out of his door and into a fantasy. Now, it was New Year's Eve. Randel walked beside him, but Father didn't see a thing as he walked along the street and into the park at the end of the road. Father stopped at a bench, and sat. Randel seated himself beside him, and touched his arm.

It was dark, midnight, no stars. Nothing. Silence. Then running footsteps.

Father opened his eyes, Randel closed his.

Father was in bed when the thumping of fists against the door woke him.

"It's New Year's, not trick or treat!" He stepped out of bed, onto a toy train, skated across the room, and thudded down the stairs. He unlatched the door. "What? Mac?"

The Scottish uncle of Christy stood in the cold, his face was darker than the night.

In reality, on the bench, Father's mouth moved. "Is Mother with you?…Where's Mother?"

And in the fantasy Mac answered. "She's gone, Bo, she be gone."

"No." Father shook his head. "I can still feel her." He squeezed his eyes tight, and they flashed open. He saw the park, and the grass, and the wooden bench. He saw Randel. Randel tightened his control, and brought distractions.

Vibs. "Hey, there's someone at the door!" Mr Harvey. "Hello Mr Moppet! I was just looking for you! I didn't think I'd find you here. Outside. In the middle of the night. With a strange man. And two small children holding on to you. Around your ankles. In their night attire. There isn't anything wrong at all, is there?" Miss Mingostone, and Jack.

Father frowned. Jack was missing wasn't he? He was inside the fantasy once more. Dan-Dan appeared with his pet foot Fem.

"Jack, this is Mac," Father said.

No. This was all in his head. No one else could see it. Wait, now he was standing in the living room of the Cole's and they were speaking of what was happening. So they saw it too. Wait, that didn't make any sense at all. Father shook his head, and was on his own doorstep once more.

"We should go inside."

He shut the door, and they moved as a group to the kitchen. Randel shifted through Father's memory banks, and brought out the Fairy Godmother offering tea and biscuits.

"Mac," Father said. "Where is Mother?"

"She is…you should sit down."

"I'm fine standing."

"She's gone."

Father collapsed. When he awoke, he was on the bench once more, not in the fantasy. He grabbed Randel, slammed him against the bench. "Where is Nicky? What have you done to her?"

Father grabbed Mac, slammed him against the kitchen wall. "Where is Christy? What have you done to her?"

"I'm tryin' to tell ye! We were at sea, me, her, crewmen. There was fog."

And Father was there, floating down towards the top of the good ship Reunion.

The door of Christy's cabin slammed open. "Mac, we have got to move, Now."

Mac stumbled from his room. "It's the wee hours of the morning."

"Do I need to whip you out of bed?"

And Christy was at the helm, steering towards a cloud rift. Mac walked towards her, and Father stood nearby. "I want you to take the crew,"

Mother said. "Off this ship."

"What? Now?"

"This is wrong," Father said aloud. And he was back in the kitchen with the twins, and the fairy, and the nanny. And he was back, on the ship. Near the gangplank, and Mother was pushing Mac towards the lifeboats. "Mac, go, go. You have to find Father, and tell him."

"Tell him what?" Mac shouted back.

Father walked towards them, without really being there.

Suddenly, there was a screech, and the cloud rift opened up, flashing lights, strobeing green and red and white and pink. Mother was at the helm. She looked back, straight at Father. "Never forget. That I love you. Kiss the kids for me."

Father started running.

On the bench, Randel smiled, wider, harder.

Father reached towards Christy. "I love you too."

Christy's face darkened. "Yes, Ron, I love you. And our son, Vic."


Father fell and was on the bench. He stared at the twists in the wood, and sighed at his memories of that night. Mother was gone, he couldn't even feel her anymore. All he had were the twins, and a false child known as Vic.

Across the park, Randel was striding away, but his sick mind game memories were left inside Father's head

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Thank you for the confusing new chapter. Especially when it should be Chapter 12, shouldn't it?
And this is taking a few twists that noone saw coming... But I applaud the scenes where we last left Christy... Heading into the fog and Mac coming to tell Father she's gone... Or is she?
We'll have to wait for more story to find out, hope it's soon.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Beau and I need counting lessons I think. Our numbering gets a little okay a lot screwy. The chapter is one big illusion of Randall's. So don't believe what you see Randall is trying to get to Father.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Yes... And I'm not sure what'll happen next because of this slimeball's mind games. He's a slippery one, and I look forward to more story.

BTW: The cloud rift where Christy shoved the crew away... Is that part of the illusion too? Or is that the Reunion reaching the clearest bluest point in the southwestern seas?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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The cloud-rift, the coles, everything in that chapter was a big illusion. And is VERY confusing, just keep in mind that confusing is exactly what Randall wanted for Father. just to make him be sure that Motehr was dead. Also there's the fact I had to fit in everything from the thread of Mother's death which didn't fit at all with the story. *laugh/wink* Maybe something less confusing and more...lunar...later.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Gotcha. Hopefully more story gets posted soon. And I'm not sure if Lisa would be happy with how little nagging's needed to get the more story posted that's been posted so far.